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Study of phytotoxic potential of extracts of Bauhinia ungulata L. on cell division and enzyme activity in lettuce seedlings


Theaim of this studywas to evaluate thephytotoxic actionofextractand fractionsobtainedfrom the leaves ofBauhiniaungulata L. inbioassaylaboratory, assessing their interferenceon cell division andactivity of the enzymesalpha-amylase, catalase, peroxidase andpolyphenoloxidaseofLactucasativa(lettuce). The lettuce seedswere exposedto concentrationsof 250,500and 1000μg.mL-1of theextracts and fractions of Bauhinia ungulataunder controlled environmental conditions. After three days ofrootradicleprotrusion, the plants` rootswere cutand subjected tospecific preparationfor visualization andcounting of the number ofcells in eachmitotic stage. On the seventh daythe sampleswere subjected toenzymatic activityusingspecific techniquefor eachenzyme anda spectrophotometer measure. In the analysisof the mitotic indexit was observedthatthere was reduction in the number of cells in mitosis in the roots of the plants tested and thattheethyl acetate fractionsignificantly affected thecell division. The effecton the enzymesthat showed changesinthe antioxidant defensesystemof Lactucasativaindicate thatthe crude extractand the fractionsaltered theproductionofα-amylase, peroxides, catalaseand polyphenol enzymesin at least oneof the testedconcentrations, representingan indicationstress,which interferesin the celldivision.Theobtained results point out the presence ofcompoundswithinhibitoryorstimulatory activityon plant leaves of B. ungulata,revealingphytotoxic potentialtolettuce seedlings.

Bauhinia ungulata; catalase; peroxidase

Sociedade Brasileira de Plantas Medicinais Sociedade Brasileira de Plantas Medicinais, Revista Brasileira de Plantas Medicinais, Universidade Estadual de Maringá, Departamento de Farmácia, Bloco T22, Avenida Colombo, 5790, 87020-900 - Maringá - PR, Tel: +55-44-3011-4627 - Botucatu - SP - Brazil