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Surgical treatment of gastroesophageal reflux disease in systemic sclerosis

OBJECTIVE: The authors describe the experience with the surgical treatment of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) in 10 patients with systemic sclerosis (SSc). METHODS: Criteria for surgery included GERD with severe chronic esophagitis and stricture, treated previously with recommended doses of antisecretory (ranitidine and/or omeprazole) and prokinetic (cisapride) drugs for more than six months, without significant improvement. All patients were female and 8 were Caucasian, with 7 of them presenting limited SSc and 3, diffuse SSc. RESULTS: Surgical treatment was performed through videolaparoscopy in 9 patients and open surgery in 1 patient. Seven patients underwent modified Nissen technique and 3 patients, Lind technique. Significant esophageal strictures needed preoperative dilatations in 6 patients. Postoperative assessment three months after surgery revealed that 70% of the patients had a favourable outcome, with significant improvement in the heartburn and dysphagia; 1 patient needed a reoperation due to a paraesophageal hernia (Roux-en-Y gastrectomy) in the postoperative period. A good outcome was referred by 80% of the patients one year after surgery and by 70% of them two years after surgery, occurring two deaths. CONCLUSIONS: The authors conclude that the surgical treatment of GERD represents an efficient therapeutic option in SSc patients with severe esophagitis and stricture.

systemic sclerosis; gastroesophageal reflux disease; surgery

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