Figure 1
Madeira River watershed from the Jirau Hydroelectric Power Plant.
Figure 2
Jirau Hydroelectric Power Plant structures.
Figure 3
Computational Mesh – Planar view.
Figure 4
Vertical grid using sigma coordinate system in a reservoir section.
Figure 5
Representation of the dam structures implemented in the Delft3D model. Zoomed image in SPW and RBPH. Scale: 1:10.000.
Figure 6
Interpolated bathymetry data and boundary conditions.
Figure 7
Illustrative example of the “3D gate” structure in a cross section (
Deltares, 2023a).
Figure 8
Schematic representation of log booms positions in red and ADCP section in yellow.
Figure 9
Instantaneous particle release points represented by blue dots; Sections for checking velocities in cross sections on the right bank (RB), left bank (LB), section across log booms (S11), and longitudinal section along the reservoir.
Figure 10
Transect illustrating magnitude of horizontal velocities - High flow - 25th Feb 2019.
Figure 11
Transect illustrating magnitude of vertical velocities - High flow - 25th Feb 2019.
Figure 12
Direction and intensity of horizontal velocities (vertical averages) along the ADCP section - High flow - 25th Feb 2019.
Figure 13
Angle of horizontal velocities - High flow - 25th Feb 2019.
Figure 14
Transect illustrating magnitude of horizontal velocities - 16th Aug 2018.
Figure 15
Magnitude of horizontal surface velocities along the Jirau HPP reservoir.
Figure 16
Magnitude of horizontal velocities in the longitudinal section along the Jirau HPP reservoir.
Figure 17
Magnitude of velocities on the right bank of the Jirau HPP reservoir for each scenario.
Figure 18
Magnitude of velocities at transect on the left bank of the Jirau HPP reservoir for each scenario.
Figure 19
Magnitude of velocities in the section named S11 through the log boom.
Figure 20
Velocities near the log boom for Scenario 1.
Figure 21
Particle trajectory and depth for each scenario in the UHE Jirau reservoir.
Figure 22
Particle trajectory and destination for each scenario in the UHE Jirau reservoir.
Figure 23
Statistical comparison between the proportion of discharges and the proportion of particle destination.
Figure 24
Vertical particle distribution histogram.
Figure 25
Vertical particle distribution in S11 for scenario 1 - no retention structures.
Figure 26
Vertical particle distribution in S11 for scenario 1 - using log booms.
Figure 27
Vertical particle distribution in S11 for scenario 2 - no retention structures.
Figure 28
Vertical particle distribution in S11 for scenario 2 - using log booms.
Figure A1
Transect illustrating magnitude of horizontal velocities - Intermediate flow: 20,072 m3/s - 11th Feb 2017.
Figure A2
Transect illustrating magnitude of vertical velocities - Intermediate flow: 20,072 m3/s - 11th Feb 2017.
Figure A3
Direction and intensity of horizontal velocities (vertical averages) along the section - Intermediate flow: 20,072 m3/s - 11th Feb 2017.
Figure A4
Angle of horizontal velocities - Intermediate flow: 20,072 m3/s - 11th Feb 2017.
Figure A5
Transect illustrating magnitude of horizontal velocities - Low flow: 6,808 m3/s – 16th Aug 2018.
Figure A6
Transect illustrating magnitude of vertical velocities - Low flow: 6,808 m3/s – 16th Aug 2018.
Figure A7
Direction and intensity of horizontal velocities (vertical averages) along the section - Low flow: 6,808 m3/s – 16th Aug 2018.
Figure A8
Angle of horizontal velocities - Low flow: 6,808 m3/s – 16th Aug 2018.
Figure A9
Transect illustrating magnitude of horizontal velocities - Lower flow: 3,599 m3/s – 09th Aug 2016.
Figure A10
Transect illustrating magnitude of vertical velocities - Lower flow: 3,599 m3/s – 09th Aug 2016.
Figure A11
Direction and intensity of horizontal velocities (vertical averages) along the section - Lower flow: 3,599 m3/s – 09th Aug 2016.
Figure A12
Angle of horizontal velocities - Lower flow: 3,599 m3/s – 09th Aug 2016.