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Performance of zinc coated irrigated rice seeds

The rice cultivation is a major cereal that has a high response to the application of zinc, with culture more sensitive to deficiency of this element. The objective in this study was to evaluate the effects of coatings of different doses of zinc in seeds of rice, on the performance of seeds and the yield components. The work was conducted at the Federal University of Pelotas in the agricultural year of 2006/07. The treatments consisted of applying a mixture of zinc sulphate heptahydrate (22% Zn), with six levels: zero; 0,37; 0,47; 0,57; 0,67 and 0,77 g kg-1 seed. In addition to coating with zinc sulphate, was used for all treatments a mixture of fungicide (3 mL kg-1), polymer CF Clear® (200 mg kg-1) and dye (4 mL kg-1). The experimental design was completely randomized with four replications. Seed quality was evaluated by means of the germination test and tests of force (length of shoot and root, biomass of shoots and roots of seedlings). In a greenhouse were evaluated further the components of yield (number of panicles per plant, number of grains per panicle and grain weight per plant). Based on the results it was obtained the following conclusions: 1 - The coating of rice seeds with zinc, the dosage of 0,77 g kg-1 seed, increases the number of grains per panicle and weight of grains per plant under conditions of a greenhouse. 2 - Seed of rice covered with zinc generating plants with higher growth. 3 - The coating with zinc does not affect the germination.

Oryza sativa L; seed treatment; yield components

Associação Brasileira de Tecnologia de Sementes R. Raja Gabaglia, 1110 , 86060-190 Londrina - PR Brasil, Tel./Fax: (55 43) 3025 5120 - Londrina - PR - Brazil