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Germination and storage of seeds of Albizia hasslerii (Chod.) Burkart.

The objective of this work was to to evaluate the influence of the temperatures and the pre-germinatives treatments in germination of seeds of Albizia hasslerii. Two experiments had been carried out. In the first experiment the seeds had received the following pre-germinative treatments: immersion in H2SO4 per 10 minutes, H2SO4 per 20 minutes, GA3 150 mg. L-1 for 24 hours and the control, without treatment. For the second experiment, the seeds had been divided in two lots, one of them was sown immediately after the harvest and the other was packed in Kraft paper and stored during 90, 180 and 270 days in conditions of cold chamber and ambient temperature. The seeds had received the following pre-germinative treatments: immersion in sulfuric acid for 20 minutes, in natural water for 24 hours, and the witness. The incubation occurred in temperatures of 18ºC, 25ºC and 30ºC, 20-30ºC and in greenhouse, without control of temperature. It was evaluated germination percentage, germination speed index, the length of root and aerial part, and dry mass of seedlings. The experiments had been carried out in randomized complete design, being the first one in factorial arrangement of 6 x 5 and the second in factorial arrangement of 3 x 5 x 4, both with 4 repetitions of 20 seeds. The sulfuric acid treatment for 20 minutes presented the highest values for all the evaluated characteristics. The seeds stored for 90 days in cold chamber had presented germination superior than 50% without any pre-germinative treatment and in any temperature of incubation. Seedlings proceeding from seeds stored in cold chamber had been more vigorous.

Albizia hasslerii (Chod.) Burkart.); Cold chamber; Viability; native tree

Associação Brasileira de Tecnologia de Sementes R. Raja Gabaglia, 1110 , 86060-190 Londrina - PR Brasil, Tel./Fax: (55 43) 3025 5120 - Londrina - PR - Brazil