Open-access Seed quality and initial seedling growth of malagueta pepper and their relationship to the position of fruit collection

The objective of this study was to evaluate the relationship between the collection position of fruits from the malagueta pepper plant and seed quality and initial seedling development. The seeds were obtained from fruits collected at different positions in the canopy (C) and branches (R): 1 - apical, 2 - median, and 3 - basal. The following evaluations were made: water content, seed weight (PMS), number of seeds per kilogram, seed size (1ength , width and thickness), germination and vigor, according to the germination speed index (IVG), the average time of germination (TMG), root and seedling length, and the fresh and dry weights of seedlings 28 days after sowing. Seeds from fruits collected from the basal and median positions of the canopy, and base of branches (C2R3 and C3R3) had a higher PMS, associated with a greater seed length and width. These treatments also showed a higher germination percentage, germination speed index and lower mean germination time. Besides the higher vigor, seeds from fruits collected in the basal region (C3R3) show greater plant development for root length and fresh and dry weight of the seedlings.

Capsicum frutescens; germination; physiological quality

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