The objectives of this work were to verify the efficiency of the hydroponic system in the detection of genetically modified (GM) soybean seeds and to establish a detection protocol in the hydroponic system. Seed samples of the two genotype were used, one genetically modified and the respective non-genetically modified (non-GM) parent. Five assays were performed to establish the detection protocol, in assays I and II the seed pre-germination was performed and later the seedlings were placed in recipients containing nutrient solution and then transferred to herbicide solution, (the concentrations used were 0; 0,12; 0,24; 0,36; 0,48% of the equivalent glyphosate acid), and finally, the seedlings were returned to the nutrient solution. In assays III, IV and V the seeds were placed directly in recipients containing herbicide solution and then the seeds were transferred to nutrient solution. The evaluated parameters were percentage of normal seedlings, seedling, root and hypocotyls length and number of secondary roots. The recommended protocol consisted of the seeds permanence in contact with herbicide solution to 0.12% of the equivalent glyphosate acid for four hours, followed by the transfer of the seeds to nutrient solution until completing five days, using as evaluation parameter the seedling length and the presence of secondary roots. The hydroponics system allows the separation of GM soybean seeds resistant to glyphosate, in five days, after treatment with glyphosate solution.
Glycine max; transgenic; hydroponics