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Homeopathic treatment of children with shield ulcers of the cornea in vernal keratoconjunctivitis: case reports and bioethical dimensions

OBJECTIVES: present a homeopathic treatment of corneal ulcers for vernal keratoconjunctivitis and its bioethical implications. METHODS: nine cases were studied, after having been referred following the failure of conventional treatments. Medications were chosen according to the specific characteristics of the patients, including psychiatric disorders. The medication costs were gathered by consulting three homeopathic and three non-homeopathic pharmacies in Belo Horizonte. The estimate for conventional treatment cost was based on the medication prescribed for the patient prior to the commencement of homeopathic care. RESULTS: scarring occurred between fifteen and one-hundred eighty days, with an average medication cost of eight dollars, roughly one-thirteenth of the estimated direct cost of one month of conventional treatment. The similarity of therapeutic approaches should minimize bioethical concerns regarding the medical care of children with vernal keratoconjunctivitis. CONCLUSIONS: homeopathy can contribute to both the medical and bioethical aspects of treatment of this disease..

Conjunctivitis allergic; Homeopathy; Law of similars; Bioethics; Human experimentation

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