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Child health around the world and in Brazil


The authors examined the recent report by the WHO (World Health Organization), United Nations Children 's Fund (UNICEF), and World Bankintergenerational group for the period between 1990 and 2015, regarding international commitments and goals relating to the reduction of mortality in children aged under five years. This is an historical paper, covering the 25 yearsof the Universal Declaration of the Rights of the Child and Adolescent, the results of international accords signed by heads of state at the New York summit meeting (1990) and the Millennium Goals agreed by 195 countries. The report notes that only 62 countries succeeded in meeting the stipulated objective of reducing mortality by 2/3 (66.7%) while Brazil achieved a reduction of 73% before the deadline of the end of 2015. The authors point to the heterogeneity of results obtained in Brazil and around the world,with wide disparities between different geographical regions and variations ranging from 5% to over 80%.This can be attributed to the huge inequalities in living conditions that still prevail in most countries, including Brazil. Most important, however, is the fact that the successes achieved are without parallel in the nosographic history of humanity.

Key words
Child health; Infant mortality; Goals; United Nations

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