It was aimed to evaluate the productive and reproductive traits of 1/2 Holstein x ¼ Nellore, ¼ Gir (Nelogir) females. They were evaluated the effects of order and season of calving, of Gir and Holstein sires grandfathers and fathers of the1/2 Holstein x Nelogir matrices, respectively. Total milk production, with average lactation length of 288 days, was 3,426.9kg of milk. The order of calving influenced the daily average production which was higher in the second calving and lactation length was superior in the first calving. The beginning of rain period (November to January) showed lower lactation length and production a day of calving interval. Total milk production did not vary according to Gir sire, Nelogir’s father, and was higher in the matrices daughters of Holstein sires with positive PTA for milk. In the first calving the production peak was of 13.03kg at 45 days of lactation, and from the second calving the production was descending one. In tropical conditions, productive and reproductive traits support the initiative of farm animals 1/2 Holstein x Nelogir from matrices composed Nelogir and that the choice of Holstein bull to produce F1 HNG should be based on the genetic value milk production (milk PTA).
crossbred dairy; productive efficiency; PTA milk