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Simulation of the effects of dietary factors on the profile of rumen protozoa population

The objective was to develop statistical models that can estimate the variations of the rumen protozoa population through changes in diet, using as parameters: neutral detergent fiber and crude protein, dry matter intake and pH, and to verify whether the variables weight and race influence on the population of protozoa in the rumen. Were built using Excel spreadsheets and recorded data on the aforementioned parameters and the profile of the rumen microbiota. These variables were used and tested to obtain the equations for predicting the profile of the microbiota. The models obtained were checked by residual analysis and selection of variables was performed considering the significance level of 5%, using the software MINITAB Release 15 (2010). The regression equations obtained from the analyzed data may imply that: there was an increase in the number of total protozoa proportional to the elevation of pH, the variables race, weight and additives exerted a significant effect on the protozoa population totals, as increased if dry matter intake decreased the number Protozoa; increasing the neutral detergent fiber content in the diet promoted an increase in the number of protozoa, the higher the crude protein, the lower the total number of protozoa. The models allow to estimate the number of parasites in the light of these variables: pH, dry matter intake, neutral detergent fiber and crude protein contents of diet and the presence or absence of additives.

meta-analysis; rumen ciliates; rumen microbial

UFBA - Universidade Federal da Bahia Avenida Milton Santos, 500 - Ondina , CEP 40170-110 Salvador-BA Brasil, Tel. 55 71 32836725, Fax. 55 71 32836718 - Salvador - BA - Brazil