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Nitrogen fertilization and annual seasons in the yield irrigated grasses in the Brazil under cut

It was aimed to evaluate the dry matter yield and dry matter percentage of six irrigated grasses under different nitrogen levels and annual seasons. The experiment was conducted in a split split plot design, tends six grasses (Xaraes, Mombaça, Tanzania, Pioneiro, Marandu and Estrela) in the plots, four nitrogen levels (100; 300; 500 and700kg ha-1 ano-1) in the split plots and annual seasons (autumn/winter and spring/summer) in the split split plots, in a completely randomized block, with four repetitions. The appraised grasses presented values different from dry matter yield and dry matter percentage. In the case of the grasses of the Urochroa brizantha species, Xaraes presented larger dry matter yield that Marandu grass. The factor temperature was the responsible for the differences among annual seasons. The nitrogen fertilization depended on the annual season and grasses to check effect in the dry matter yield. The Pioneiro grass presents smaller dry matter percentage and together with Xaraes they possess larger dry matter yield. The spring/summer season provides larger dry matter yield and dry matter percentage in the grasses. The nitrogen fertilization increases dry matter percentage lineally. That same factor increases the Pioneiro's yield lineally; even so it doesn't affect the Marandu and Estrela grasses.

Cynodon nlemfuensis; Panicum maximum; Pennisetum purpureum; Urochroa brizantha; yield

UFBA - Universidade Federal da Bahia Avenida Milton Santos, 500 - Ondina , CEP 40170-110 Salvador-BA Brasil, Tel. 55 71 32836725, Fax. 55 71 32836718 - Salvador - BA - Brazil