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Infrared thermography and feeding behavior of lambs fed increasing levels of safflower grains

Termografia infravermelha e comportamento alimentar de ovinos alimentados com níveis crescentes de grãos de cártamo


The objective was to evaluate the feeding behavior, physiological responses, and rumen heat emission of lambs fed with safflower grains. Eighteen lambs were randomly distributed in a completely randomized design. Safflower grain was added to the diets in the proportions of 0.0; 7.5 and 15%. The safflower grain did not change the patterns of eating, leisure, or rumination; however, it improved the efficiency of NDF ingestion, by 26%. The head temperature decreased by 1.5 ° C to include 7.5% safflower; and the rectal temperature decreased quadratically with the addition of safflower (39.5 and. 39.08 ° C). There was a linear trend of decreasing head temperature as the inclusion of safflower increased. The temperature of the eyeball decreased by 1.1 ° C when 7.5% of safflower DM was added to the diet and increased by 0.6 ° C when a 15% safflower was added. The ruminal temperature increased linearly for the addition of safflower (1.8 ° C). Safflower improves the efficiency of the use of NDF and the inclusion of 15% safflower can be used without effects on ingestive behavior. The head, eye, and left flank areas can be used; however, the left flank appears to be the best region for this type of study. Infrared thermography can be useful as a non-invasive assessment of lambs' diets.

ruminal heat emission; ruminal temperature; oilseeds; PUFA; animal behavior

UFBA - Universidade Federal da Bahia Avenida Milton Santos, 500 - Ondina , CEP 40170-110 Salvador-BA Brasil, Tel. 55 71 32836725, Fax. 55 71 32836718 - Salvador - BA - Brazil