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Carcass traits of goat kids from different genotypes finished in feedlot

The objective of this study was to evaluate the quantitative and qualitative carcass traits in goat kids finished in feedlot. Thirty goat kids were used non-castrated, with 10 Anglo Nubian Undefined Breed (UB), 10 Boer UB and 10 Undefined Breed, with average 19.05 kg BW at the beginning of the experiment, divided into a completely randomized design. The diet used was unique and complete, containing 15.5% crude protein and 2.58Mcal kg-1 DM. The Anglo Nubian UB goat kids showed higher carcass dressing, fat thickness and GR site in comparison to Boer UB. However, the Boer UB obtained higher muscularity index compared with Anglo Nubian UB and UB. The UB goat kids showed lower percentage of fat and higher muscle:fat relation when compared with Boer UB. No differences between genotypes for the weight and yields, except for the weight and yields of neck. The Boer UB goat kids showed better conformation and carcass fatness compared to Anglo Nubian UB and UB. There was significant correlation between conformation and carcass fatness. Correlation was observed between marbling, fat thickness and pelvic-renal fat. The fat thickness and GR site showed significant correlation, indicating that these evaluations represent the back fat in the carcass of kids goat. The genotype influenced the fat thickness, carcass dressing, conformation and carcass fatness.

Anglo Nubian; Boer; carcass fatness; fat thickness; muscularity

UFBA - Universidade Federal da Bahia Avenida Milton Santos, 500 - Ondina , CEP 40170-110 Salvador-BA Brasil, Tel. 55 71 32836725, Fax. 55 71 32836718 - Salvador - BA - Brazil