Open-access Pregnancy rate of bovine embryo recipients treated with a GnRH analogue at the time of embryo transfer

The aim of the study was to evaluate the pregnancy rate of bovine embryo recipients categorized according to quality of the corpus luteum (CL), treated or not with a GnRH analogue (Fertirelina) at the time of embryo transfer. Only viable embryos were selected for embryo transfer (1 - excellent, 2 - good, 3 - fair) and transferred. Therefore, 272 heifers were divided into six groups: CL1-S/GnRH (recipients with CL area < 1,5cm² and not treated with GnRH, n = 26); CL1-C/GnRH (recipients with CL area < 1,5cm² and treated with GnRH, n = 29); CL2-S/GnRH (recipients with CL area between 1,5 and 2,0cm² and not treated with GnRH, n = 46); CL2-C/GnRH (recipients with CL area between 1,5 and 2,0cm² and treated with GnRH, n = 45); CL3-S/GnRH (recipients witch CL area > 2cm² and not treated with GnRH, n = 63); and CL3-C/GnRH (recipients witch CL area > 2cm² and treated with GnRH, n = 63). Pregnancy rates of embryo recipients in relation to CL quality and the application or otherwise of GnRH were 43.31% and 41.38, 56.52 and 46.67%, 46.03 and 42.86% for CL1-S/GnRH and CL1-C/GnRH, CL2-S/GnRH and CL2-C/GnRH and CL3-S/GnRH and CL3-C/GnRH, respectively. Therefore, administration of GnRH analogue (Fertirelina) did not increase the pregnancy rate in bovine embryo recipients, independent of the quality of CL, demonstrating that this strategy is not effective in increasing fertility rates.

corpus luteum; embryo transfer; fertirelina

UFBA - Universidade Federal da Bahia Avenida Milton Santos, 500 - Ondina , CEP 40170-110 Salvador-BA Brasil, Tel. 55 71 32836725, Fax. 55 71 32836718 - Salvador - BA - Brazil
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