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Prediction of physical and chemical composition carcass of ewe lambs by 9-11th ribs section or 12th rib


The objective of to adjust and evaluate models for prediction the physical and chemical body composition of ewe lambs from measurements of the section 9-11 th rib (section 9-11) or the 12th rib. Thirty-six lambs were confined in individual stalls fed with increasing levels of concentrate (0; 20; 40; 60 and 80%) to reach 37.70 ± 10.23 kg to slaughter. At slaughter, the right half carcass of each animal was dissected to determine the proportion of muscle (PCM), fat (PCF), bone (PCB), crude protein (PCCP) and ether extract (PCEE). Section 9-11 and 12th rib were obtained in the left half carcass for a similar purpose. The models to prediction were adjusted as possible predictor variables PCM, PCF, PCB, and PCCP and PCEE in section 9-11 (PM9-11, PF9-11, PB9-11, PCB9-11 and PCEE9-11, respectively) or 12th rib (PM12, PF12, PO12, PCB12 and PEE12, respectively). Positive correlation was observed between PM9-11 and PCM (r = 0.69; P <0.001). The PF9-11 was correlated with PFC (r = 0.93, P <0.001). PO9-11 was positively correlated with PCB (r = 0.92, P <0.001). The PF12 generated accurate model for predicting the PCF (R2 = 0.92, P <0.001). Prediction equation for estimating of PCB from PB9-11 was more precise and accurate (R2 = 0.86, P <0.001) than PB12 (R2 = 0.55). It is possible generate models predicting of body physical and chemical components of ewes lambs from section 9-11 and 12th rib.

body components; models; sheep

UFBA - Universidade Federal da Bahia Avenida Milton Santos, 500 - Ondina , CEP 40170-110 Salvador-BA Brasil, Tel. 55 71 32836725, Fax. 55 71 32836718 - Salvador - BA - Brazil