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Systemic study of the landscape in the tourism enterprise "Ilha de Porto Belo" in Santa Catarina, Brazil, from a sustainability perspective

Estudio sistémico del paisaje en el emprendimiento turístico "Isla de Porto Belo" en Santa Catarina, Brasil, desde el punto de vista de su sostenibilidad


This study aims to analyze the natural environmental of the island of Porto Belo, in Santa Catarina, and its relationship with the tourism complex in the island. We expect to make a methodological and empirical contribution to research on tourism sustainability, as the findings suggest a relationship between the ecosystem and the processes related to the attractions of the destination. This is a descriptive study, using both qualitative and quantitative methodology, based on a systemic approach. The technical procedures were divided into three stages: literature, documentary, and field survey; mapping and crossing; summary and results. The Geographic Information System (GIS) was the instrument used in the identification, sizing and systemic analysis of landscape units of the island. The originality of this study lies in ranking the natural and social environment systems from the mapping of the stability of landscape units, as well as in the identification of spaces and infrastructures that can be requalified in order to improve the services on the island. This result and the discussion of its contribution to the sustainable management of leisure and recreation activities on the island are original contributions to the state-of-the art to tourism research Brazil.

Tourism; Sustainability; Geographic Information Systems (GIS); Landscape Units; Ilha de Porto Belo-SC.

Associação Nacional de Pesquisa e Pós-Graduação em Turismo Rua Silveira Martins, 115 - cj. 71, Centro, Cep: 01019-000, Tel: 11 3105-5370 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil