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The ritual of ideological interpellation in LGBT Tourism and the impossibility of the desire that moves* * This study was originally presented and awarded 1st place GT Master Highlight in the 15th ANPTUR Conference - Brazilian National Association for Research and Graduate Studies in Tourism.

El ritual de la interpelación ideológica en el Turismo LGBT y la imposibilidad del deseo que se desplaza


In Tourism, the existing academic literature on LGBT tourism segment have validated market practices and presented, exclusively, as justification for this type of segmentation, the definition of an economic profile of these subjects. In this paper, we aim to problematize the LGBT Tourism segment based on the analysis of the mechanisms of interpellation of the LGBT subject as an LGBT tourist. It questions the way tourism products are promoted to LGBT people, often alluding to sex. However, it does not shy away from recognizing the search for sexual pleasure through tourist movements, but only proposes to expose the mechanisms of control of the desire of LGBT subjects through their interpellation as LGBT tourists. To do this, it takes the promotional brochure of the campaign "¡Trae tus Colores!" as the materiality from which four discursive sequences are taken to compose the analysis corpus. This campaign, supported by the Brazilian Tourism Institute (EMBRATUR), promoted Brazil as an LGBT tourist destination in December 2014 in the cities of Madrid and Valencia, Spain. The analysis of the promotional brochure is based on the theoretical and methodological assumptions of the French Discourse Analysis theorized by Michel Pêcheux, who articulates concepts from three theoretical fields: Psychoanalysis, Historical Materialism, and Linguistics. Therefore, the author brings together the concepts of subject and ideology to discuss the mechanisms by which ideology interpellates these subjects, allowing some meanings to their unconscious desire and disallowing others. This process, responsible for identifying the subject and censoring desire, produces psychic and physical displacements, interpreted here as the search for the realization of desire through travel. Assuming, therefore, that the impossibility of taking a position, as well as inscribing the desire, is what promotes the displacement of the subject, the research returns to the field of Tourism.

Tourism; Discourse Analysis; LGBT; Ideology; Desire

Associação Nacional de Pesquisa e Pós-Graduação em Turismo Rua Silveira Martins, 115 - cj. 71, Centro, Cep: 01019-000, Tel: 11 3105-5370 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil