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Factors affecting residents' support for religious tourism development: the case of Santa Cruz (RN), Brazil

Factores que Influyen en el Apoyo de los Residentes para el Desarrollo del Turismo Religioso: el caso de Santa Cruz (RN), Brasil


This study is about the primary stakeholder management - the resident community, aiming to analyze the factors that can influence the residents' support for the development of religious tourism in Santa Cruz, State of Rio Grande do Norte (RN), Brazil, and the existing interrelationships between factors. In order to achieve this objective, it was necessary to use descriptive research, followed by a quantitative approach with application of questionnaires to 422 residents of Santa Cruz city, RN. The study is based on a model of relationship between variables proposed by Nunkoo and Ramkissoon (2012), it was also used the technique of Structural Equation Modeling - SEM, aiming to explain the relationships between the constructs studied. Findings suggest that the more the residents perceive the benefits generated by tourism, and the more they trust in government actors, responsible for tourism development, the more likely the support of the development of religious tourism will be. We conclude that the structural model that best represents the reality of Santa Cruz, RN is composed of the constructs: benefits and costs of tourism development in the local, as well as trust in government actors.

Stakeholders management; Resident Support for Tourism; Religious Tourism

Associação Nacional de Pesquisa e Pós-Graduação em Turismo Rua Silveira Martins, 115 - cj. 71, Centro, Cep: 01019-000, Tel: 11 3105-5370 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil