An experiment was carried out at UNESP, Jaboticabal Campus to evaluate the effect of a microbial inoculant on aerobic stability of wilted grass silage (Pennisetum purpureum, Schum). The grass was cut with 96 days of growing, remaining under sun action 5 hours to wilt. Silages were made in plastic silos, 0.2m³ capacity, that received (CI) or not (SI) inoculant at the ensilage time. For the study of aerobic deterioration, each silo was subdivided in three levels and the silages were exposed in a system, used to evaluate CO2 production, for 2 (T2), 4(T4), 6(T6) and 8(T8) days. Surface silage had higher pH value, lower NH3-N content, and higher yeast count than middle and bottom silages. The significant interaction between inoculation and aeration stage, shown that at earlier stages (T0, T2 and T4) there was no difference between treated and control silages in pH, N-NH3 and mold count, but at later stages (T6 and T8), inoculated stages had lower pH value, mold count and tended to a lower CO2 production, showing a lower deterioration speed after 6 days of aerobic exposure.
aerobic stability; elephantgrass; inoculation; silage