The objective was to evaluate the effect of protein and (or) carbohydrate supplementation on the rumen degradation of neutral detergent fiber (NDF) from high-quality tropical forage. The experiment simulated the supplementation of finishing cattle under grazing during the rainy season (70:30 forage to concentrate ratio, as dry matter basis). Samples of elephant grass (Pennisetum purpureum Schum.) cut after 21 days regrowth were used as basal forage. The concentrate used was formulated to contain 30% crude protein, using starch as the energetic source and casein as the protein source. The treatments were established by omission of the protein and/or energy source and replacement of starch by pectin. Thus, six treatments were evaluated: 1. Forage, 2. Forage plus Starch, 3. Forage plus Pectin, 4.Forage plus Casein, 5. Forage plus Casein plus Starch and 6. Forage plus Casein plus Pectin. The treatments were evaluated under rumen environment, simulated by in vitro incubation, where the experimental diets were submitted to different incubation periods: 0, 3, 6, 9, 12, 24, 36, 48, 72, and 96 hours. The incubation procedure was repeated five times so that five evaluations within each incubation time were made for each treatment. The incubation residues were evaluated according to their NDF contents and interpreted using a non-linear logistic model. It was observed that the exclusive supplementation with starch or pectin depressed 9.9 and 8.4% the degradation rate of potentially degradable NDF. A similar effect was observed with exclusive supplementation with protein, where a decrease of 19.1% on the degradation rate of potentially degradable NDF was observed. As carbohydrates and protein were supplemented together, a decrease in negative effect on NDF degradation was observed.
elephant grass; mathematical models; rumen degradation; supplements