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Pregnancy rates in milking Nelore cows submitted to progesterone treatment associated to temporary calf removal or eCG administration

This study aimed to evaluate the effects of temporary calf removal (TCR) or eCG administration on pregnancy rates of milking Nelore cows treated with a intravaginal progesterone releasing device (IPRD). In the first experiment 83 Nelore and 102 Nelore vs. Red Angus crossbred cows were randomly allocated to 3 groups. Animals in Group 1 (CON) received estradiol benzoate (EB; 2.5 mg, i.m., Estrogin®) and an IPRD (1g progesterone, DIB®) in a random stage of the estrous cycle (D0). At D9 the IPRD was removed and the animals were treated with d-cloprostenol (150µg, i.m., Prolise®). The animals were artificially inseminated (AI) 12 h after estrus detection. Group 2 (FTAI) was similar to CON, except that another dose of EB (1mg) was administered at D10, and 30-36 hours later artificial insemination (FTAI) was performed at a fixed time. In Group 3 (FTAI/TCR) the calves were removed from D9 to the FTAI. Pregnancy rates for Nelore and crossbred cows were, respectively, 7.69 and 41% (CON); 23.52 and 59.57 (FTAI); 69.44 and 55.81 (FTAI/TCR). In the second experiment, 255 lactating Nelore cows were allocated to 3 groups. At D0, animals in Group 4 (FTAI) received EB (2 mg) and one IPRD (1.9g progesterone, CIDR-B®), which was removed at D8 when the cows received 25 mg of dinoprost (i.m., Lutalyse®). At D9 EB (1 mg) was administered and 30-36 hours later all animas were FTAI. In Group 5 (FTAI/TCR) the calves were removed from D9 to FTAI. The Group 6 (eCG) was similar to IATF except for the administration of eCC in D9 (400 IU, i.m., Novormon®). Pregnancy rates were: 50.57% (FTAI), 53.57% (FTAI/TCR) and 54.76% (eCG). These results indicated that TCR associated with IPRD increase pregnancy rates, whereas the addition of eCG to IPRD do not improve pregnancy rates in Nelore cows which are cycling and in lactation with good body condition.

artificial insemination; bovine; calf removal; eCG; progesterone

Sociedade Brasileira de Zootecnia Universidade Federal de Viçosa / Departamento de Zootecnia, 36570-900 Viçosa MG Brazil, Tel.: +55 31 3612-4602, +55 31 3612-4612 - Viçosa - MG - Brazil