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Dry matter production, forage mass composition and leaf blade/stem + sheath ratio of black-oat and triticale under cut and grazing

The winter forage species Black-oat (Avena strigosa Schreb.) cv. EMBRAPA 29 and triticale (X triticosecale Wittmack.) cv. IAC 3, were studied on three planting dates, April (4/21/2004), May (5/20/2004), and June (6/21/2004) in order to evaluate the technical viability of forage produced under harvest and grazing, in the Northern Region of Rio de Janeiro State. DM production was greater for the harvest system when planted in May, where Black-oat produced 2,317.48 kg DM/ha and triticale 2,128.30 kg DM/ha, compared to 1,169.42 e 678.31 kg MS/ha for black oat and triticale under grazing, respectively. Climatic conditions by the onset of the first cut/grazing anticipated the physiological cycle of these crops, reducing the production potential by decreasing the germination-blooming period and increasing the percentage of stem and inflorescences in the forage mass. The forage mass was composed by 34% of leaf blade, 31.08% stem, 24.56% of inflorescences, and 10.35% of dead material. Black oat showed greater stem + sheath proportion. Black oat species planted in June showed higher leaf blade/stem + sheath ratio, due to the initial stage when plants were submitted to the first evaluation. Despite the higher contribution of inflorescences, triticale species presented a higher leaf blade/stem + sheath ratio, however with no significant difference among treatments. The best planting time for triticale is April, while that for the Black-oat, May/June, both under the cutting system.

black oat; DM production; leaf blade/stem + sheath ratio; triticale; winter forage

Sociedade Brasileira de Zootecnia Universidade Federal de Viçosa / Departamento de Zootecnia, 36570-900 Viçosa MG Brazil, Tel.: +55 31 3612-4602, +55 31 3612-4612 - Viçosa - MG - Brazil