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Modelling the impact of sow replacement rate on farm performance


This study aimed to develop and assess a deterministic mathematical model for predicting the impacts of varying sow replacement rates on the performance of farms producing weaned piglets. Initially, the influence of replacement rate on herd structure was examined using two equations, which accounted for the percentage of sows replaced (55, 45, and 35%), retention rates between parities (13, 9, and 5%), and number of last parities in the herd (6, 7, and 8). The model then estimated sow development throughout the reproductive cycle, starting with an initial weight of 140 kg at first mating and adjusting for weight gains during gestation and losses during lactation, influenced by the varying number of live-born piglets across parities. Energy requirements were calculated using the factorial method, which included maintenance, protein and fat gains, and milk production. The generated data formed various scenarios to derive productive values. These scenarios were analyzed using analysis of variance with the general linear model procedure, treating each scenario as a separate treatment. Early parities (up to P3) contributed 42% in SC-35, 51% in SC-45, and 60% in SC-55. Significant differences were noted in variables such as average parity, birth weight, feed intake during gestation, and average piglet weight gain. The developed model, incorporating replacement gilt modules, gestation, and lactation, can effectively predict herd structure by parity and assess the impact of annual sow replacement rates on the productivity of farms rearing weaned piglets.

herd composition; mathematical model; pigs; variable parity

1. Introduction

Replacement rate is defined as ratio of sows introduced into a herd to replace those culled or lost to mortality. Sow replacement is predominantly voluntary, driven by reproductive issues (such as repeated estrus without conception or abortions) and non-reproductive factors (such as weaning numbers, age, etc.). This strategy is pivotal in maintaining an optimal balance of sows in their most productive parities and substituting underperforming females (Malopolska et al., 2018Malopolska, M. M.; Tuz, R.; Lambert, B. D.; Nowicki, J. and Schwarz, T. 2018. The replacement gilt: Current strategies for improvement of the breeding herd. Journal of Swine Health Production 26:208-214.).

Over recent decades, enhancements in sow productivity have led to increased replacement rates on pig farms. The chosen replacement rate significantly affects herd structure, which, in turn, influences production metrics. Typically, lower replacement rates increase the maximum parity of the herd (Lucia Jr., 2007), whereas higher rates elevate the number of younger sows (Barrales et al., 2017Barrales, H. S.; Cappuccio, J. A.; Machuca, M. A. and Williams, S. I. 2017. Evaluación del descarte en cerdas: causas, registros reproductivos e inspección en planta de faena. Analecta Veterinaria 37:33-44.

Various simulation models exist to assess the effect of replacement rates on the reproductive efficiency of a farm. These models vary in complexity and objectives, with some being straightforward to implement and calibrate (Houška, 2009Houška, L. 2009. The relationship between culling rate, herd structure and production efficiency in a pig nucleus herd. Czech Journal of Animal Science 54:365-375.
) and others presenting more challenges for on-farm calibration (Hindsborg and Kristensen, 2019Hindsborg, J. and Kristensen, A. R. 2019. From data to decision - Implementation of a sow replacement model. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 165:104970.
). Nonetheless, there appears to be a lack of mathematical models that delve into the impact of replacement rates on production performance, particularly from an energy partitioning perspective. Such an approach offers a detailed quantitative analysis, especially concerning the nutritional dynamics of the system, which significantly influences economic and environmental factors (van Milgen et al., 2008van Milgen, J.; Valancogne, A.; Dubois, S.; Dourmad, J. Y.; Sève, B. and Noblet, J. 2008. InraPorc: a model and decision support tool for the nutrition of growing pigs. Animal Feed Science and Technology 143:387-405.

Hence, this study aimed to devise and assess a deterministic mathematical model to predict how varying sow replacement rates affect the productivity of farms dedicated to rearing weaned piglets.

2. Material and Methods

2.1. General description

The deterministic model utilizes a structured approach, comprising four modules—herd structure, replacement gilt, gestation, and lactation— to accurately depict a farm producing weaned piglets. The construction of the animal profile within each module involved the application of numerous equations (Table 1) and parameters (Table 2).

Table 1
Equations used to describe energy requirements of gestation and lactation sows as well herd dynamics
Table 2
Input parameters used for gestation and lactation module

Energy metabolism can be characterized by understanding energy inputs and outputs. The mathematical model adopts the traditional concept of energy requirements to distribute the ingested energy (Noblet et al., 1990Noblet, J.; Dourmad, J. Y. and Etienne, M. 1990. Energy utilization in pregnant and lactating sows: Modeling of energy requirements. Journal of Animal Science 68:562-572.
). It is posited that animals regulate their feed intake to fulfill their energy needs for both maintenance and production, as delineated in equation 2. Maintenance requirements, expressed as Mcal/kg0.d1, are calculated using equation 2, which postulates a metabolic energy (ME) intake of 100 kcal/kg0.d1 across all animal categories in the model. Conversely, energy requirements for production are tailored to specific animal categories.

2.2. Modules description

2.2.1. Herd structure

Reproductive parameters and characteristics defining each animal category must be specified to accurately compute a herd structure. This module supplies vital information, including numbers and proportion of animals, along with their age and weight ranges, and body composition, segregated by category.

2.2.2. Replacement gilt

A replacement rate module focuses on females from their arrival at the farm to the onset of their first gestation. Within this framework, the model calculates the daily energy and protein maintenance requirements. These calculations are based on a predetermined daily empty body weight gain (655 g.d1) and the specific body composition of the replacement gilts.

2.2.3. Gestation

The model calculates energy and protein requirements during gestation by accounting for the energy utilized in developing reproductive tissues, conceptus growth, and the sow’s body weight gain. Throughout gestation, development of maternal tissues occurs with specific allometric changes, necessitating the inclusion of time as a variable in the calculations (Hansen et al., 2014Hansen, A. V.; Strathe, A. B.; Theil, P. K. and Kebreab, E. 2014. Energy and nutrient deposition and excretion in the reproducing sow: Model development and evaluation. Journal of Animal Science 92:2458-2472.
). The model uses equation 4 to estimate the increase in fluids and equation 5 for reproductive membranes and placenta growth during gestation. These calculated values are then integrated into the sow’s weight to determine daily maintenance requirements. The model assumes an energy utilization efficiency of 0.5 for placental growth (Hansen et al., 2014Hansen, A. V.; Strathe, A. B.; Theil, P. K. and Kebreab, E. 2014. Energy and nutrient deposition and excretion in the reproducing sow: Model development and evaluation. Journal of Animal Science 92:2458-2472.
) and employs equation 6 to estimate daily energy expenditure based on the number of conceptuses.

Conceptus growth follows the patterns described by Hansen et al. (2014)Hansen, A. V.; Strathe, A. B.; Theil, P. K. and Kebreab, E. 2014. Energy and nutrient deposition and excretion in the reproducing sow: Model development and evaluation. Journal of Animal Science 92:2458-2472.
, utilizing data from McPherson et al. (2004)McPherson, R. L.; Ji, F.; Wu, G.; Blanton Jr., J. R. and Kim, S. W. 2004. Growth and compositional changes of fetal tissues in pigs. Journal of Animal Science 82:2534-2540.
. This growth is modeled as linear for the first 45 days of gestation (equation 7) and then transitions to a curvilinear pattern until farrowing (equation 8). The model adjusts daily sow growth during gestation based on parameters provided by van der Peet-Schwering and Bikker (2019)van der Peet-Schwering, C. M. C. and Bikker, P. 2019. Energy and amino acid requirement of gestating and lactating sows. Wageningen Livestock Research, Wageningen.
(Parameter 1).

2.2.4. Lactation

During the lactation phase, which commences post-farrowing, a sow’s maintenance and milk production requirements are prioritized (Dourmad et al., 2008Dourmad, J. Y.; Étienne, M.; Valancogne, A.; Dubois, S.; van Milgen, J. and Noblet, J. 2008. InraPorc: A model and decision support tool for the nutrition of sows. Animal Feed Science Technology 143:372-386.
). If a sow experiences negative energy balance, it will mobilize its body energy reserves, primarily from adipose tissue. The energy needs of lactating sows (equations 9 and 10) are calculated based on milk production, which correlates with litter size and piglet weight gain (NRC, 2012NRC - National Research Council. 2012. Nutrient requirements of swine. 11th rev ed. National Academies Press, Washington, DC.).

Piglet birth weight is estimated using an equation from Thomas et al. (2018)Thomas, L. L.; Goodband, R. D.; Tokach, M. D.; Dritz, S. S.; Woodworth, J. C. and DeRouchey, J. M. 2018. Partitioning components of maternal growth to determine efficiency of feed use in gestating sows. Journal of Animal Science 96:4313-4326.
(equation 11), with intercepts of 1.78 for primiparous and 1.90 for multiparous sows. The model accounts for average daily piglet gain and mortality rates during lactation, drawing on birth weight categories and sow parities (Zotti et al., 2017Zotti, E.; Resmini, F. A.; Schutz, L. G.; Volz, N.; Milani, R. P.; Bridi, A. M.; Alfieri, A. A. and Silva, C. A. 2017. Impact of piglet birthweight and sow parity on mortality rates, growth performance, and carcass traits in pigs. Revista Brasileira de Zootecnia 46:856-862.
). Sow weight loss during lactation is determined by the difference between consumed energy and the energy expended for maintenance and milk production (Dourmad et al., 2008Dourmad, J. Y.; Étienne, M.; Valancogne, A.; Dubois, S.; van Milgen, J. and Noblet, J. 2008. InraPorc: A model and decision support tool for the nutrition of sows. Animal Feed Science Technology 143:372-386.

The energy required for milk production is derived from the average weight gain of the litter (Parameters 3 and 4). Due to the high-energy demands of milk production and potentially insufficient intake, sows may experience a negative energy balance during lactation. The model posits that primiparous and multiparous sows fulfill 75 and 83%, respectively, of their nutritional energy needs through feed (Dourmad et al., 2008Dourmad, J. Y.; Étienne, M.; Valancogne, A.; Dubois, S.; van Milgen, J. and Noblet, J. 2008. InraPorc: A model and decision support tool for the nutrition of sows. Animal Feed Science Technology 143:372-386.
). The calculation includes average daily feed intake and body energy mobilization. Each 129 g of fat is considered to have an energy value of 9.3 kcal, with an efficiency rate of 0.80. The weight loss attributed to mammary gland involution for each parity is sourced from van der Peet-Schwering and Bikker (2019)van der Peet-Schwering, C. M. C. and Bikker, P. 2019. Energy and amino acid requirement of gestating and lactating sows. Wageningen Livestock Research, Wageningen.
(Parameter 6), standardizing values for sows at parities 6, 7, and 8.

2.3. Scenario description

To assess the impact of annual sow replacement rates on the productivity of farms producing weaned piglets, a simulation study was conducted using various scenarios. The herd structure comprised 250 sows and adhered to specific values for replacement rates, retention between parities, and the last parity in the herd: SC-35 (35% replacement; 5% retention; last parity 8), SC-45 (45% replacement; 9% retention; last parity 7), and SC-55 (55% replacement; 13% retention; last parity 6). Consistent across all scenarios were the gestation period (115 days), weaning-to-estrus interval (7.8 days), sow parities per year (2.4), and age at weaning (25 days). Equation 12 was employed to determine the non-productive days, adding the days gilts were fed until their first insemination.

2.4. Statistical analysis

A simulation study was conducted to assess production variables on pig farms with varying sow replacement rates (35, 45, and 55%). Litter size was treated as a random variable to introduce stochasticity into the model, with mean and standard deviation values for each parity sourced from Sell-Kubiak et al. (2019) Sell-Kubiak, E. ; Knoll, E. F. and Mulder, H. A. 2019. Selecting for changes in average "parity curve" pattern of litter size in Large White pigs. Journal of Animal Breeding Genetics 136:134-148.
(Parameter 2). The study included ten farms for each replacement rate, each housing 250 sows, totaling 2,500 data points for each variable and replacement rate.

The collected data underwent an analysis of variance using the general linear model procedure, with a set significance threshold of 5%. The variables analyzed included parity, annual number of piglets born, birth weight, gestational feed intake, annual number of weaned piglets, average piglet weight gain during lactation, piglet weaning weight, and lactation feed intake. Differences between means were evaluated using Tukey’s test, with significance determined at P<0.05.

3. Results

The number of gilts introduced annually was 22 and 36% higher in the SC-45 and SC-55 scenarios, respectively, compared to SC-35 (Figure 1). The proportion of sows in early farrowing (up to P3) was 42% for SC-35, 51% for SC-45, and 60% for SC-55. The duration required to completely replace sows in pig farms (from the onset of gilt gestation until the sows’ departure) spanned 2.9 years for SC-35, 2.2 years for SC-45, and 1.8 years for SC-55.

Figure 1
Distribution of sow parity on farms adopting different replacement rates.

The average initial body weight (BW) of gestation sows and the average initial BW at farrowing escalated from P1 to P8 (Table 3). Total body weight mobilization during lactation was 5.7% for P1 and 2.9% for P5. The yearly weaned litter weight for P1 sows was 86.3% and 82.3% relative to P2 and P3, respectively.

Table 3
Input and output values of productive variables according to parity orders

The scenario significantly affected the average parity of the farm (P<0.001) (Table 4), indicating that higher replacement rates corresponded to lower average parities. The scenarios also affected the average birth weight of piglets (P<0.015), with SC-35 having heavier piglets compared with SC-55, and SC-45 showing intermediate and comparable weights to the others. The average daily feed intake of sows during gestation showed a decrease (P<0.001) from SC-35 to SC-55. Regarding the average daily gain of piglets, there was a significant difference (P<0.001) between SC-35 and the other scenarios.

Table 4
Values obtained with effects of different scenarios on productive performance of the farm after simulation

4. Discussion

The mathematical model was developed to estimate the impact of varying swine sow replacement rates on selected productivity indicators. This deterministic model employs a simplified system representation, allowing for an approximation of the effects of different replacement rates on pig systems, despite its limitations.

The outcomes of each evaluated scenario are inherently constrained by the underlying assumptions of the simulations. For instance, the maximum parities for females varied across scenarios, leading to distinct sow removal rates between parities. Such variations establish a unique herd structure, significantly influencing productivity.

Black (1995)Black, J. L. 1995. The testing and evaluation of models. In: Modelling growth in the pig. Moughan, P. J.; Verstegen, M. W. A. and Visser-Reyneveld, M. I., eds. Wageningen Pers, Wageningen. identified two methods for evaluating a model: first, assess the logical coherence of its mathematical structure by examining its equations; second, confirm that the outputs of the model align with empirical evidence, which can be validated against existing literature.

In evaluating the outputs of the model for each parity (Table 3), we found that the results generally correspond with the findings reported in scientific literature, including NRC (2012)NRC - National Research Council. 2012. Nutrient requirements of swine. 11th rev ed. National Academies Press, Washington, DC., Rostagno et al. (2017)Rostagno, H. S.; Albino, L. F. T.; Hannas, M. I.; Donzele, J. L.; Sakomura, N. K.; Perazzo, F. G.; Saraiva, A.; Abreu, M. L. T.; Rodrigues, P. B.; Oliveira, R. F.; Barreto, S. L. T. and Brito, C. O. 2017. Tabelas brasileiras para aves e suínos. 4.ed. Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa, MG. p.415-435., van der Peet-Schwering and Bikker (2019)van der Peet-Schwering, C. M. C. and Bikker, P. 2019. Energy and amino acid requirement of gestating and lactating sows. Wageningen Livestock Research, Wageningen.
, and Pierozan et al. (2020)Pierozan, C. R.; Callegari, M. A.; Dias, C. P.; Souza, K. L.; Gasa, J. and Silva, C. A. 2020. Herd-level factors associated with piglet weight at weaning, kilograms of piglets weaned per sow per year and sow feed conversion. Animal 14:6:1283-1292.
, particularly regarding the gestation and lactation phases of sows. This correlation is anticipated, given that the theoretical framework of the model closely mirrors the methodologies employed in the referenced studies.

The average parity varied with the scenario (Table 4), showing that a higher replacement rate resulted in a lower average parity. The maximum number of farrowings for sows differed across scenarios, influencing the outcomes. Even when scenarios shared the same maximum parity, an increased herd turnover rate was expected to decrease the average parity due to a higher proportion of females in early parity stages.

The observation that piglets in SC-35 had a greater live birth weight compared with other scenarios is likely due to fewer primiparous sows in the herd, as first-time sows typically have piglets with lower birth weights (Thomas et al., 2018Thomas, L. L.; Goodband, R. D.; Tokach, M. D.; Dritz, S. S.; Woodworth, J. C. and DeRouchey, J. M. 2018. Partitioning components of maternal growth to determine efficiency of feed use in gestating sows. Journal of Animal Science 96:4313-4326.
). Additionally, in SC-55, a 13% replacement rate between farrowing allowed sows to remain until P6, a point at which litter size decreases and piglet birth weight tends to increase (Feldpausch et al., 2019Feldpausch, J. A.; Jourquim, J.; Bergstrom, J. R.; Bargen, J. L.; Bokenkroger, C. D.; Davis, D. L.; Gonzalez, J. M.; Nelssen, J. L.; Puls, C. L.; Trout, W. E. and Ritter, M. J. 2019. Birth weight threshold for identifying piglets at risk for preweaning mortality. Translational Animal Science 3:633-640.

The quantity of feed in the replacement gilt module correlated directly with the number of gilts, making SC-55 have a higher feed requirement due to more animals. During gestation, feed intake is significantly affected by the sow’s body weight, accounting for approximately 65 to 75% of the total energy demand (NRC, 2012NRC - National Research Council. 2012. Nutrient requirements of swine. 11th rev ed. National Academies Press, Washington, DC.; Rostagno et al., 2017Rostagno, H. S.; Albino, L. F. T.; Hannas, M. I.; Donzele, J. L.; Sakomura, N. K.; Perazzo, F. G.; Saraiva, A.; Abreu, M. L. T.; Rodrigues, P. B.; Oliveira, R. F.; Barreto, S. L. T. and Brito, C. O. 2017. Tabelas brasileiras para aves e suínos. 4.ed. Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa, MG. p.415-435.). Thus, scenarios with lower replacement rates typically have older, heavier sows (Table 3), affecting feed intake (Barrales et al., 2017Barrales, H. S.; Cappuccio, J. A.; Machuca, M. A. and Williams, S. I. 2017. Evaluación del descarte en cerdas: causas, registros reproductivos e inspección en planta de faena. Analecta Veterinaria 37:33-44.
; van der Peet-Schwering and Bikker, 2019van der Peet-Schwering, C. M. C. and Bikker, P. 2019. Energy and amino acid requirement of gestating and lactating sows. Wageningen Livestock Research, Wageningen.
). Thomas et al. (2018)Thomas, L. L.; Goodband, R. D.; Tokach, M. D.; Dritz, S. S.; Woodworth, J. C. and DeRouchey, J. M. 2018. Partitioning components of maternal growth to determine efficiency of feed use in gestating sows. Journal of Animal Science 96:4313-4326.
found that higher-parity sows weigh more and consume more feed. Consequently, younger herds such as in SC-55, are likely to have lower feed intake during gestation (Table 3).

The variation in piglets’ average daily gain across scenarios (Table 4) is attributable to differences in sow parities. Optimal piglet production occurs between the 3rd and 5th farrowings (Houška, 2009Houška, L. 2009. The relationship between culling rate, herd structure and production efficiency in a pig nucleus herd. Czech Journal of Animal Science 54:365-375.
; Sell-Kubiak et al., 2019 Sell-Kubiak, E. ; Knoll, E. F. and Mulder, H. A. 2019. Selecting for changes in average "parity curve" pattern of litter size in Large White pigs. Journal of Animal Breeding Genetics 136:134-148.
). A larger number of piglets typically results in lower individual weights (Feldpausch et al., 2019Feldpausch, J. A.; Jourquim, J.; Bergstrom, J. R.; Bargen, J. L.; Bokenkroger, C. D.; Davis, D. L.; Gonzalez, J. M.; Nelssen, J. L.; Puls, C. L.; Trout, W. E. and Ritter, M. J. 2019. Birth weight threshold for identifying piglets at risk for preweaning mortality. Translational Animal Science 3:633-640.
), which can adversely affect their performance during lactation (Zotti et al., 2017Zotti, E.; Resmini, F. A.; Schutz, L. G.; Volz, N.; Milani, R. P.; Bridi, A. M.; Alfieri, A. A. and Silva, C. A. 2017. Impact of piglet birthweight and sow parity on mortality rates, growth performance, and carcass traits in pigs. Revista Brasileira de Zootecnia 46:856-862.
). The SC-35 benefits in this context, with 20% of its herd surpassing parity 6. Interestingly, despite variations in piglet growth rates, the final litter weight at weaning was consistent across scenarios.

5. Conclusions

The deterministic mathematical model formulated in this research serves to simulate the impact of replacement rates on pig farm performance metrics. The absence of notable differences in production performance likely stems from the assumptions employed in defining the various scenarios examined.


This study was carried out with the support of the Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - Brasil (CAPES) - Finance Code 001 and CAPES-PrInt/UFSM.


  • Barrales, H. S.; Cappuccio, J. A.; Machuca, M. A. and Williams, S. I. 2017. Evaluación del descarte en cerdas: causas, registros reproductivos e inspección en planta de faena. Analecta Veterinaria 37:33-44.
  • Bergsma, R.; Kanis, E.; Verstegen, M. W. A.; van der Peet-Schwering, C. M. C. and Knol, E. F. 2009. Lactation efficiency as a result of body composition dynamics and feed intake in sows. Livestock Science 125:208-222.
  • Black, J. L. 1995. The testing and evaluation of models. In: Modelling growth in the pig. Moughan, P. J.; Verstegen, M. W. A. and Visser-Reyneveld, M. I., eds. Wageningen Pers, Wageningen.
  • Dourmad, J. Y.; Étienne, M.; Valancogne, A.; Dubois, S.; van Milgen, J. and Noblet, J. 2008. InraPorc: A model and decision support tool for the nutrition of sows. Animal Feed Science Technology 143:372-386.
  • Feldpausch, J. A.; Jourquim, J.; Bergstrom, J. R.; Bargen, J. L.; Bokenkroger, C. D.; Davis, D. L.; Gonzalez, J. M.; Nelssen, J. L.; Puls, C. L.; Trout, W. E. and Ritter, M. J. 2019. Birth weight threshold for identifying piglets at risk for preweaning mortality. Translational Animal Science 3:633-640.
  • Hansen, A. V.; Strathe, A. B.; Theil, P. K. and Kebreab, E. 2014. Energy and nutrient deposition and excretion in the reproducing sow: Model development and evaluation. Journal of Animal Science 92:2458-2472.
  • Hindsborg, J. and Kristensen, A. R. 2019. From data to decision - Implementation of a sow replacement model. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 165:104970.
  • Houška, L. 2009. The relationship between culling rate, herd structure and production efficiency in a pig nucleus herd. Czech Journal of Animal Science 54:365-375.
  • Lucia Jr., T. 2007. Políticas e novos conceitos de reposição e descarte de fêmeas suínas. Acta Scientiae Veterinariae 35:S1-S8.
  • Malopolska, M. M.; Tuz, R.; Lambert, B. D.; Nowicki, J. and Schwarz, T. 2018. The replacement gilt: Current strategies for improvement of the breeding herd. Journal of Swine Health Production 26:208-214.
  • McPherson, R. L.; Ji, F.; Wu, G.; Blanton Jr., J. R. and Kim, S. W. 2004. Growth and compositional changes of fetal tissues in pigs. Journal of Animal Science 82:2534-2540.
  • NRC - National Research Council. 2012. Nutrient requirements of swine. 11th rev ed. National Academies Press, Washington, DC.
  • Noblet, J.; Dourmad, J. Y. and Etienne, M. 1990. Energy utilization in pregnant and lactating sows: Modeling of energy requirements. Journal of Animal Science 68:562-572.
  • Pierozan, C. R.; Callegari, M. A.; Dias, C. P.; Souza, K. L.; Gasa, J. and Silva, C. A. 2020. Herd-level factors associated with piglet weight at weaning, kilograms of piglets weaned per sow per year and sow feed conversion. Animal 14:6:1283-1292.
  • Rostagno, H. S.; Albino, L. F. T.; Hannas, M. I.; Donzele, J. L.; Sakomura, N. K.; Perazzo, F. G.; Saraiva, A.; Abreu, M. L. T.; Rodrigues, P. B.; Oliveira, R. F.; Barreto, S. L. T. and Brito, C. O. 2017. Tabelas brasileiras para aves e suínos. 4.ed. Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa, MG. p.415-435.
  • Sell-Kubiak, E. ; Knoll, E. F. and Mulder, H. A. 2019. Selecting for changes in average "parity curve" pattern of litter size in Large White pigs. Journal of Animal Breeding Genetics 136:134-148.
  • Thomas, L. L.; Goodband, R. D.; Tokach, M. D.; Dritz, S. S.; Woodworth, J. C. and DeRouchey, J. M. 2018. Partitioning components of maternal growth to determine efficiency of feed use in gestating sows. Journal of Animal Science 96:4313-4326.
  • van der Peet-Schwering, C. M. C. and Bikker, P. 2019. Energy and amino acid requirement of gestating and lactating sows. Wageningen Livestock Research, Wageningen.
  • van Milgen, J.; Valancogne, A.; Dubois, S.; Dourmad, J. Y.; Sève, B. and Noblet, J. 2008. InraPorc: a model and decision support tool for the nutrition of growing pigs. Animal Feed Science and Technology 143:387-405.
  • Zotti, E.; Resmini, F. A.; Schutz, L. G.; Volz, N.; Milani, R. P.; Bridi, A. M.; Alfieri, A. A. and Silva, C. A. 2017. Impact of piglet birthweight and sow parity on mortality rates, growth performance, and carcass traits in pigs. Revista Brasileira de Zootecnia 46:856-862.

Edited by


Marcos Inácio Marcondes
Valdir Ribeiro Junior

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    27 Sept 2024
  • Date of issue


  • Received
    28 Mar 2023
  • Accepted
    16 May 2024
Sociedade Brasileira de Zootecnia Universidade Federal de Viçosa / Departamento de Zootecnia, 36570-900 Viçosa MG Brazil, Tel.: +55 31 3612-4602, +55 31 3612-4612 - Viçosa - MG - Brazil