Logomarca do periódico: Revista Brasileira de Zootecnia

Open-access Revista Brasileira de Zootecnia

Publicação de: Sociedade Brasileira de Zootecnia
Área: Ciências Agrárias Versão impressa ISSN: 1516-3598
Versão on-line ISSN: 1806-9290


Revista Brasileira de Zootecnia, Volume: 41, Número: 6, Publicado: 2012

Revista Brasileira de Zootecnia, Volume: 41, Número: 6, Publicado: 2012

Document list
Performance and economic indicators of a large scale fish farming in Mato Grosso, Brazil Barros, Adriana Fernandes de Martins, Maria Inez Espagnoli Geraldo

Resumo em Inglês:

Performance and economic indicators of a large scale fish farm that produces round fish, located in Mato Grosso State, Brazil, were evaluated. The 130.8 ha-water surface area was distributed in 30 ponds. Average total production costs and the following economic indicators were calculated: gross income (GI), gross margin (GM), gross margin index (GMI), profitability index (PI) and profit (P) for the farm as a whole and for ten ponds individually. Production performance indicators were also obtained, such as: production cycle (PC), apparent feed conversion (FC), average biomass storage (ABS), survival index (SI) and final average weight (FAW). The average costs to produce an average 2.971 kg.ha-1 per year were: R$ 2.43, R$ 0.72 and R$ 3.15 as average variable, fixed and total costs, respectively. Gross margin and profit per year per hectare of water surface were R$ 2,316.91 and R$ 180.98, respectively. The individual evaluation of the ponds showed that the best pond performance was obtained for PI 38%, FC 1.7, ABS 0.980 kg.m-2, TS 56%, FAW 1.873 kg with PC of 12.3 months. The worst PI was obtained for the pond that displayed losses of 138%, FC 2.6, ABS 0.110 kg.m-2, SI 16% and FAW 1.811 kg. However, large scale production of round-fish in farms is economically feasible. The studied farm displays favorable conditions to improve performance and economic indicators, but it is necessary to reproduce the breeding techniques and performance indicators achieved in few ponds to the entire farm.
Evaluation of Nile tilapia strains cultivated in cages under different feeding programmes Freato, Thiago Archangelo Freitas, Rilke Tadeu Fonseca de Pimenta, Maria Emília de Sousa Gomes Oliveira, Giovanni Resende de Reis Neto, Rafael Vilhena Mattos, Bruno Olivetti de

Resumo em Inglês:

The objective of this study was to evaluate the performance of three Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus strains cultivated in cages and subjected to different feeding programmes. Initially, 31,200 Nile tilapia juveniles with an average weight of 61.15 g were distributed in 48 cages. Two genetically improved strains were used together with one from the Fish Culture Section of Universidade Federal de Lavras (UFLA). The fish were subjected to four feeding programmes, consisting of different levels of crude protein (CP) in diets provided at different stages of cultivation. There was no interaction effect of the strain and feeding programme for most variables. The UFLA strain presented the highest weight gain, but with greatest lack of uniformity at the end of cultivation. The feeding programme with diets containing 36%, 32% and 28% CP, consecutively, promoted the highest weight gain and highest final biomass. The UFLA strain has great growth potential, justifying the development of a breeding programme for this strain. Crude protein levels below 36% for tilapias between 60 and 170 g and below 32% for tilapias between 170 and 700 g worsen fish performance.
Morphometrical development of tambaqui (Colossoma macropomum, Cuvier, 1818) under different photoperiods Mendonça, Pedro Pierro Vidal Junior, Manuel Vazquez Polese, Marcelo Fanttini Santos, Monique Virães Barbosa dos Rezende, Fabrício Pereira Andrade, Dalcio Ricardo de

Resumo em Inglês:

The experiment was performed with 160 tambaqui (Colossoma macropomum) with average weight 11.01±2.08 g and total length 7.8±0.18 cm. Fishes were kept in sixteen aquariums with 56 L of water at 29.1±0.4 ºC of temperature, initial stocking density 1.97 g/L and constant aeration. The objective of this study was to assess the influence of photoperiod on fish performance. Treatments consisted of four photoperiods: T1 = 6 hours; T2 = 12 hours; T3 = 18 hours and T4 = 24 hours, with four replicates each. Fishes were fed twice a day with commercial extruded feed (28% of crude protein). The experiment was developed in closed circulation system, with volume of water renewal for each experimental unit equivalent to 40 times daily. Fish biometry was performed at the beginning of the experiment and at every 16 days, in order to follow the effects of treatments on juvenile development. Final weight, total length, standard length, height, feed intake, weight gain, feed conversion, survival, specific growth rate, protein efficiency rate and protein retention efficiency were assessed. Statistical analysis of variables was performed with application of the software SAEG version 9.1, for analysis of variance, regression analysis and Pearson correlation. Positive influence of photoperiod was observed for the studied variables in this study. The studied variables enhanced as the photoperiod increased, mainly between 15 and 22 hours. The photoperiod has significant influence upon growth traits of tambaqui (Colossoma macropomum).
Saline water for juvenile giant trahira during feed training Salaro, Ana Lúcia Campelo, Daniel Abreu Vasconcelos Pontes, Marcelo Duarte Tavares, Mateus Moraes Zuanon, Jener Alexandre Sampaio Luz, Ronald Kennedy

Resumo em Inglês:

The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of different water salinities on juvenile Hoplias lacerdae during feed training. Salinity levels of 0, 3, 6 and 9 g salt L-1 were used. Juveniles (3.33±0.1 cm and 0.6±0.09 g) were stocked at a density of six fish L-1 in aquaria (10 L volume) with supplementary aeration. Weight gain, length gain, and rates of survival, mortality, and cannibalism were evaluated after 20 days. Total mortality was observed in 0 g of salt L-1. The best survival rates of 98.7 and 97.5% were recorded in 3 and 6 g of salt L-1, respectively. The greatest weight gain was recorded in fish grown in 3 g of salt L-1 followed by fish grown in 6 g of salt L-1. Length gain was similar in the 3 and 6 g salt L-1 groups. No weight or length gain was recorded in 9 g of salt L-1. According to regression equations, the optimum water salinity was 5.15, 4.03 and 4.55 g of salt L-1 for survival rate, weight, and length gain, respectively. Salinity between 4.03 and 5.15 g of salt L-1 during feed training of juvenile giant trahira improves productive performance.
Mathematical modeling for digestible protein in animal feeds for tilapia Vidal, Luiz Vítor Oliveira Furuya, Wilson Massamitu Martins, Elias Nunes Xavier, Tadeu Orlandi Michelato, Mariana Graciano, Themis Sakaguti

Resumo em Inglês:

The objective of this study was to formulate mathematical models to estimate digestible protein in some animal feeds for tilapia. Literature results of the proximate composition of crude protein, ether extract, and mineral matter, as well as digestible protein obtained in biological assays, were used. The data were subjected to multiple linear stepwise backward regression. Path analysis was performed to measure the direct and indirect effects of each independent variable on the dependent one. To validate the model, the experience used data from independent studies and values obtained from a digestibility trial with juvenile Nile tilapia testing five meat and bone meals, using the Guelph feces collecting system and chromium oxide (III) as an indicator. The obtained model used to estimate digestible protein values (DP) of animal origin is: DP(g kg-1) = -204.15+1.203xCP;R² = 0.953. The path coefficients showed a high direct positive effect (0.900) of crude protein on the digestible protein content. The mineral matter content has an indirect negative effect on protein digestibility (-0.710), reducing the crude protein content and quality.
Forage Crops
Use of a conditioning unit at the haymaking of Tifton 85 overseeded with Avena sativa or Lolium multiflorum Castagnara, Deise Dalazen Neres, Marcela Abbado Oliveira, Paulo Sérgio Rabello de Jobim, Cloves Cabreira Três, Tamara Taís Mesquita, Eduardo Eustáquio Zambom, Maximilliane Alavarze

Resumo em Inglês:

White oat and ryegrass were overseeded on Tifton 85 pastures for evaluation of dry matter yield (DMY), leaf:stem ratio (L:S), dehydration curves and nutritional value of forages. Dry matter intake and L:S ratio were analyzed using a completely randomized blocks design with five forage growth conditions (single Tifton 85 and intercropped with white oat or ryegrass, and white oat or ryegrass intercropped with Tifton 85), whereas for drying curves, ten dehydration times were tested (0, 4, 8, 24, 28, 32, 48, 52, 56 and 71 hours after harvest) by a 5 × 10 split-plot arrangement (growth conditions of forages as main plot and dehydration times as sub-plots). The nutritive value data were analyzed in a 3 × 3 split-plot trial with single Tifton 85, Tifton 85 - Oat and Tifton 85-Ryegrass as main plots and the three sampling times (before harvesting, at baling and 100 days after storage) as sub-plots. Oat and ryegrass showed higher L:S ratio, while the intercrops of Tifton 85 - Oat and Tifton 85 - Ryegrass presented lower DMY, but higher crude protein concentration and in vitro DM digestibility than single Tifton. Neutral and acid detergent fiber concentrations were higher for single Tifton 85. Ryegrass and white oat, overseeded on Tifton 85 pasture, improved the nutritional value of the hay produced; however, in a 100-day storage period, there was a reduction in in vitro dry matter digestibility and crude protein concentrations.
Forage Crops
Quality of the forage apparently consumed by beef calves in natural grassland under fertilization and oversown with cool season forage species Elejalde, Denise Adelaide Gomes Nabinger, Carlos Pascual, Mónica Graciela Cadenazzi Ferreira, Eduardo Tonet Missio, Regis Luis Kunrath, Taise Robinson Devincenzi, Thais Cardoso, Raquel Rolim

Resumo em Inglês:

The objective of this study was to evaluate the chemical composition of the forage apparently consumed by steers in a natural grassland on region of Campanha, in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, subjected or not to different inputs: NP - natural pasture without inputs; FNP - fertilized natural pasture and INP - improved natural grassland with fertilization and over-seeded with cultivated winter species. Three Angus steers testers and a variable number of regulator animals per experimental unit were utilized in order to maintain 13 kg of DM/100 kg of live weight (LW) as forage allowance. One time at each season, hand plucking samples were performed along the daily grazing time simulating forage harvested by the animals. The collected samples after drying and grind were submitted to chemical analysis to determine the forage quality. Except in winter and spring, the values of neutral detergent fiber were higher than the critical value of 550 g/kg of DM, which could limit forage intake, demonstrating that the values of forage on offer provided (15.6; 13.7; 13.5; 15.8 kg of DM/100 kg of LW/day in summer, autumn, winter and spring, respectively) were not restrictive to intake. The oversowing of winter cultivated species or fertilization positively alter the degradable fiber content. The seasons had marked influence on the chemical composition of forage apparently consumed; positively increasing some fractions of forage chemical composition in the seasons in which native or cultivated winter species increased their participation. The forage chemical composition is the determining factor in animal performance in natural pasture.
Forage Crops
Accuracy, precision and robustness of different methods to obtain samples from silages in fermentation studies Gomes, Rodrigo da Costa Meyer, Paula Marques Castro, Ari Luiz de Saran Netto, Arlindo Rodrigues, Paulo Henrique Mazza

Resumo em Inglês:

The objective of this study was to evaluate accuracy, precision and robustness of two methods to obtain silage samples, in comparison with extraction of liquor by manual screw-press. Wet brewery residue alone or combined with soybean hulls and citrus pulp were ensiled in laboratory silos. Liquor was extracted by a manual screw-press and a 2-mL aliquot was fixed with 0.4 mL formic acid. Two 10-g silage samples from each silo were diluted in 20 mL deionized water or 17% formic acid solution (alternative methods). Aliquots obtained by the three methods were used to determine the silage contents of fermentation end-products. The accuracy of the alternative methods was evaluated by comparing mean bias of estimates obtained by manual screw-press and by alternative methods, whereas precision was assessed by the root mean square prediction error and the residual error. Robustness was determined by studying the interaction between bias and chemical components, pH, in vitro dry matter digestibility (IVDMD) and buffer capacity. The 17% formic acid method was more accurate for estimating acetic, butyric and lactic acids, although it resulted in low overestimates of propionic acid and underestimates of ethanol. The deionized water method overestimated acetic and propionic acids and slightly underestimated ethanol. The 17% formic acid method was more precise than deionized water for estimating all organic acids and ethanol. The robustness of each method with respect to variation in the silage chemical composition, IVDMD and pH is dependent on the fermentation end-product at evaluation. The robustness of the alternative methods seems to be critical at the determination of lactic acid and ethanol contents.
Forage Crops
Effects of biofertilizer rates on the structural, morphogenetic and productive characteristics of Piatã grass Orrico Junior, Marco Antonio Previdelli Centurion, Stanley Ribeiro Orrico, Ana Carolina Amorim Sunada, Natália da Silva

Resumo em Inglês:

The objective of this study was to investigate the influence of different levels of biofertilizers from cattle and swine manure on the structural, morphogenetic and productive characteristics of Brachiaria brizantha cv. Piatã. The experiment was arranged in a completely randomized factorial design with split plots. The plots were defined by eight treatments: two biofertilizers (cattle and swine), four levels (0, 100, 200 and 300 kg N.ha-1) and subplots by four different cutting periods. The cutting for plant uniformity was performed at 45 days after sowing at 15 cm above the soil surface. The biofertilizeres were applied in a single level, after the cutting of plants, in rates of 0, 0.23 and 0.19, 0.45 and 0.38, 0.68 and 0.57 liters pot-1 for the biofertilizers from cattle and swine manure, respectively. These rates were also equivalent to levels of 0, 100, 200 and 300 kg N.ha-1. There was no significant difference between the types of biofertilizers as there was no interaction between them and the different levels, hence both biofertilizers could be applied without any loss of nutrient intake by the plants used in this experiment. There was a significant difference between the production of green and dry matter, the leaf appearance rate, phyllochron, leaf and pseudostem elongation rates, number of green leaves, final leaf length, number and weight of tillers, according to the increase of nitrogen rates, following linear prediction model. Effect of the cutting periods was also observed, once the plants harvested during the summer presented greater performance of structural and morphogenetic characteristics.
Grupos funcionais de gramíneas forrageiras tropicais Rodrigues, Carlindo Santos Nascimento Júnior, Domicio do Detmann, Edenio Silva, Sila Carneiro da Sousa, Braulio Maia de Lana Silveira, Márcia Cristina Teixeira da

Resumo em Português:

Foram avaliadas as características morfogênicas e estruturais de gramíneas forrageiras com o objetivo de agrupá-las, de acordo com seu padrão de desenvolvimento, em seus respectivos grupos funcionais. As gramíneas foram plantadas em parcelas de 1,0 m² com 24 plantas, em delineamento de blocos completos casualizados com três repetições. Os dados foram submetidos à análise de fatores, reduzindo as variáveis em quatro fatores: desenvolvimento de massa, mortalidade de perfilhos, estádio de desenvolvimento e longevidade foliar. Os dados foram submetidos à análise de agrupamento por otimização de Tocher adotando-se a distância euclidiana média como medida básica de dissimilaridade. As gramíneas foram agrupadas da seguinte forma: Verão - grupo I (Xaraés, Massai, Mombaça e Marandu); grupo II (Gordura e Aruana); e grupo III (Jaraguá). Outono - grupo I (Mombaça, Massai, Xaraés, Marandu e Gordura); grupo II - (Jaraguá); e grupo III (Aruana). Possivelmente a maior participação do fator mortalidade de perfilhos na formação dos grupos no período de outono influenciou na reorganização dos grupos. Os padrões de desenvolvimento de massa dos diferentes grupos de gramíneas diferiram entre si quanto à forma de utilização dos recursos disponíveis. Houve mudança nos escores de todos os fatores com a mudança do período do verão para o outono. O agrupamento funcional comprova que gramíneas de gêneros e/ou espécies diferentes podem ser enquadradas em um mesmo grupo.

Resumo em Inglês:

Morphogenetic and structural characteristics of forage grasses were evaluated in order to group them according to their pattern of development in their respective functional groups. Grasses were planted in plots of 1.0 m² with 24 plants in a completely randomized block design with three replications. Data were submitted to factor analysis, reducing the variables to four factors: mass development, tiller mortality, developmental stage and leaf longevity. The data were submitted to cluster analysis by Tocher's optimization by adopting the mean Euclidean distance as a basic measure of dissimilarity. Grasses were grouped as follows: Summer - the group I (Xaraés, Massai, Mombaca and Marandu); group II (Molassa and Aruana); and group III (Jaraguagrass). Fall - group I (Mombaca, Massai, Xaraés, Marandu and Molassa); group II - (Jaraguagrass); and group III (Aruana). Possibly, the greater role of the tiller mortality factor in the formation of groups in the fall influenced the reorganization of the groups. The patterns of mass development of the different groups of grasses differ from each other as for the means of utilizing the resources available. There was a change in the scores of all factors with the change of the period from summer to Fall. The functional clustering of grasses demonstrates that gender and/or different species can be placed in the same group.
Forage Crops
Effects of microbial inoculants and amino acid production by-product on fermentation and chemical composition of sugarcane silages Rodrigues, Paulo Henrique Mazza Gomes, Rodrigo da Costa Meyer, Paula Marques Borgatti, Laura Maria Oliveira Franco, Fernando Masello Junqueira Godoy, Gilson Luiz Alves de

Resumo em Inglês:

The objective of this study was to evaluate the chemical composition, fermentation patterns and aerobic stability of sugarcane silages with addition of amino acid production (monosodium glutamate) by-product (APB) and microbial inoculants. Mature sugarcane was chopped and ensiled in laboratory silos (n = 4/treatment) without additives (control) and with APB (10 g/kg), Pioneer 1174® (PIO, 1.0 mg/kg, Lactobacillus plantarum + Streptoccoccus faecium, Pioneer), Lalsil Cana (2.0 mg/kg, Lactobacillus buchineri, Lallemand) or Mercosil Maís 11C33® (1.0 mg/kg, Lactobacillus buchineri + Lactobacillus plantarum + Streptoccoccus faecium, Timac Agro). Fresh silage and silage liquor samples were obtained to assess pH, chemical composition and organic acid concentrations. Silage temperature was recorded throughout seven days to evaluate aerobic stability. The addition of APB decreased lactic acid levels, increased pH and N-NH3 and did not alter ethanol, acetic and butyric acids concentrations or dry matter (DM) losses. Microbial inoculants enhanced acetic acid levels, although only Pioneer 1174® and Mercosil Maís 11C33® lowered ethanol, butyric acid and DM losses. The addition of APB increased CP content and did not modify DM, soluble carbohydrates contents or in vitro dry matter digestibility. Additives did not alter silage maximum temperature or temperature increasing rate; however, Pioneer 1174® and Mercosil Maís 11C33® increased the time elapsed to reach maximum temperature. Monosodium glutamate production by-product does not alter fermentation patterns or aerobic stability of sugarcane silages, whereas homofermentative bacteria can provide silages of good quality.
Forage Crops
Fermentation characteristics and nutritional value of elephant grass ensiled with old man saltbush Santos, Otanael Oliveira dos Araújo, Gherman Garcia Leal de Mistura, Claudio Pereira, Luiz Gustavo Ribeiro Voltolini, Tadeu Vinhas Santos, Mércia Virginia Ferreira dos Araújo, Josivânia Rodrigues de

Resumo em Inglês:

The effects of the addition of saltbush on the fermentation characteristics and nutritional value of silages of elephant grass (Pennistum purpureum Schum.) were studied through a completely randomized design with six old man saltbush (Atriplex nummularia Lind) levels (0, 20, 40, 60, 80 and 100 %) in substitution of the grass natural matter, with six replicates. Elephant grass presented 18.9% dry matter (DM) and silages were produced in experimental PVC silos, which were open at 70 days after ensilage. The increasing old man saltbush levels had increasing linear effect on the DM content of silages. There was quadratic effect for the contents of lactic and acetic acids and in vitro DM digestibility. Contents of butyric acid were negligible. Values pH of and N-NH3 contents had increasing linear effect. Linear effect of the increasing levels of old man saltbush was verified on the CP contents. Neutral detergent fiber, total carbohydrates and ether extract were not affected, whilst acid detergent fiber content showed decreasing linear effect. The addition of old man saltbush in the ensilage of elephant grass favored the fermentation process, promoting good lactic acid contents and reducing acetic acid, pH, dry matter loss and ammoniacal nitrogen, in addition to improving the nutritional quality of the elephant grass silages.
Breeding, Genetic and Reproduction
Estimates of genetic parameters for visual scores and their correlation with production and reproductive traits in Brahman cattle Bertipaglia, Tássia Souza Carreño, Luis Orlando Duitama Machado, Carlos Henrique Cavallini Andrighetto, Cristiana Fonseca, Ricardo da

Resumo em Inglês:

The objective of this study was to evaluate the association of visual scores of body structure, precocity and muscularity with production (body weight at 18 months and average daily gain) and reproductive (scrotal circumference) traits in Brahman cattle in order to determine the possible use of these scores as selection criteria to improve carcass quality. Covariance components were estimated by the restricted maximum likelihood method using an animal model that included contemporary group as fixed effect. A total of 1,116 observations of body structure, precocity and muscularity were used. Heritability was 0.39, 043 and 0.40 for body structure, precocity and muscularity, respectively. The genetic correlations were 0.79 between body structure and precocity, 0.87 between body structure and muscularity, and 0.91 between precocity and muscularity. The genetic correlations between visual scores and body weight at 18 months were positive (0.77, 0.57 and 0.59 for body structure, precocity and muscularity, respectively). Similar genetic correlations were observed between average daily gain and visual scores (0.60, 0.57 and 0.48, respectively), whereas the genetic correlations between scrotal circumference and these scores were low (0.13, 0.02, and 0.13). The results indicate that visual scores can be used as selection criteria in Brahman breeding programs. Favorable correlated responses should be seen in average daily gain and body weight at 18 months. However, no correlated response is expected for scrotal circumference.
Breeding, Genetic and Reproduction
Effects of GnRH administration on ovulation and fertility in ewes subjected to estrous synchronization Cavalcanti, Amanda dos Santos Brandão, Felipe Zandonadi Nogueira, Luiz Altamiro Garcia Fonseca, Jeferson Ferreira da

Resumo em Inglês:

The objective of this study was to verify the effects of GnRH on ovulation and pregnancy of ewes subjected to a short-term synchronization of estrus. Santa Inês and crossbred Santa Inês/Dorper ewes received 60 mg MAP sponges during 6 days plus 300 IU eCG and 30 µg d-cloprostenol 24 h prior to sponge withdrawal (SW). Ewes were assigned to receive 0.9% NaCl solution (Tcontrol; n = 32) or 25 µg GnRH (licerelin, T GnRH; n = 34) 24 hours after SW. Each group was assigned to intrauterine insemination by laparoscopy (n = 25) or to natural mating (n = 41). Artificial insemination was performed with a single dose of fresh semen. For controlled mating, females were exposed to males 12, 24, 36 and 48 hours after SW. Ten females per treatment were subjected to transrectal ultrasound examination at 12-hour intervals (SW to 60 hours after). Estrous response (100.0% vs 95.2%), interval from SW to estrus (32.9±7.4 vs 29.8±6.9 hours), estrous length (37.4±9.0 vs 31.5±10.4 hours), pregnancy rates (57.0% vs 41.0%), ovulation rate (100.0% vs 90.0%), number of ovulations/ewe (1.1±0.3 vs 1.2±0.4), maximum follicular diameter (6.4±0.7 vs 6.1±0.6 mm), interval from SW to ovulation (59.1±3.5 vs 58.4±3.5 hours) did not differ between Tcontrol and T GnRH, respectively. Administration of GnRH 24 hours after SW does not improve ovulation or pregnancy rate in estrous synchronization in ewes.
Breeding, Genetic and Reproduction
Genetic parameters and genetic and phenotypic trends of performance traits of equines from the Brazilian Army Dornelles, Mariana de Almeida Araújo, Ronyere Olegário de Everling, Dionéia Magda Weber, Tomás Lopes, Jader Silva Pacheco, Paulo Santana Breda, Fernanda Cristina Rorato, Paulo Roberto Nogara

Resumo em Inglês:

The objective of this research was to compare the magnitude of genetic parameters (coefficients of heritability and genetic correlation) as estimated by the Restricted Maximum Likelihood (REML) method and Bayesian Inference, and to estimate the genetic and phenotypic trends to the traits height at the withers (HW24) and weight at 24 months of age (W24). The average heritability estimated by Bayesian Inference to HW24 was 0.47, and it was lower than that obtained by REML bi-trait analysis (0.52); however, the value estimated to W24 (0.39) was higher than that obtained by REML bi-trait analysis (0.38). The genetic correlation estimate between W24 and HW24 traits obtained by the REML method (0.66) was lower than that obtained by the Bayesian Inference Method (0.72). From the regression of the average additive genetic merit in the year of birth of the animals, it was found that the averaged genetic values of the animals for HW24 showed a genetic trend near zero (-0.0008cm/year), and the averaged genetic values for W24 showed a negative trend of -0.38 kg/year. The values to the direct heritability estimated for HW24 and W24 suggest that the direct selection for these traits can provide genetic gain in this population. The genetic correlation between the traits, high and positive, suggests that the selection for HW24 should promote increase in W24 at this age. The genetic trends obtained for the traits studied, near zero, indicate that the selection performed produced a slight reduction of the weight of the animals at 24 months of age; however, it did not promote increase in height at the wither at this same age, in this population.
Breeding, Genetic and Reproduction
Selection for higher body weight in Nelore cattle is effective in achieving an increase of longissimus muscle area without reducing subcutaneous fat thickness Pinheiro, Tiago Roque Mercadante, Maria Eugênia Zerlotti Albuquerque, Lucia Galvão de Bonilha, Sarah Figueiredo Martins Monteiro, Fábio Morato

Resumo em Inglês:

The objectives of this study were to estimate heritabilities and genetic and phenotypic correlations between carcass traits measured by ultrasound and other economically important traits generally used as selection criteria in beef cattle and to estimate the genetic changes in the carcass traits as a result of selection for post-yearling weight. Carcass traits measured by ultrasound at two ages (12 and 18 months) and the correlation of these traits with weight, hip height and body condition score of males (yearling) and females (post-yearling) were analyzed. Multi-trait analysis was performed using the restricted maximum likelihood method under an animal model. To demonstrate the effect of selection for growth, phenotypic and expected breeding value means of the carcass traits and weights according to selection line (Nellore control line, selection line and traditional line) were estimated using records from animals born in the last 3 years (2006 to 2008). The heritability estimates were high for longissimus muscle area (LMA) at 12 and 18 months of age (0.47 and 0.40, respectively). For fat thickness measures, heritabilities ranged from 0.37 to 0.29. Genetic correlations of the same trait between the two ages were high for LMA (0.95). The Nellore breed shows medium to high genetic variability in carcass traits measured by ultrasound at 12 and 18 months of age, and a greater response is expected if selection for backfat thickness is performed at about 12 months of age. Selection for higher body weight will lead to an increase of LMA at the two ages without reducing subcutaneous fat thickness.
Non Ruminants
Available phosphorus levels for 95 to 120 kg barrows genetically selected for lean gain Arouca, Cláudio Luís Corrêa Silva, Francisco Carlos de Oliveira Fontes, Dalton de Oliveira Donzele, Juarez Lopes Oliveira, Rita Flávia Miranda de Haese, Douglas Kill, João Luís Paula, Eriane de

Resumo em Inglês:

With the objective of evaluating available phosphorus (aP) levels in diets for barrows selected for lean meat deposition, eighty commercial hybrid pigs with initial weight of 94.05±1.05 kg were used in this experiment. Pigs were allotted in a completely randomized block design, with five treatments (0.092, 0.156, 0.220, 0,284, and 0.348% of aP), eight replicates and two pigs per experimental unit. The average daily weight gain of pigs increased and the feed conversion improved quadratically with increasing aP in the diets up to the estimated levels of 0.21 and 0.20%, respectively. There was no effect of the dietary aP on average daily feed intake. However, aP intake, bone strength and concentration of phosphorus in the bones increased linearly with increasing aP in the diets. The levels of aP did not affect carcass traits; however, the alkaline phosphatase activity was improved and the values of serum inorganic phosphorus increased quadratically up to the estimated levels of 0.26 and 0.27% of aP, respectively. The available phosphorus levels of 0.21, 0.27, and 0.35%, corresponding to daily aP intakes of 6.34, 8.13, and 10.44 g result, respectively, in greatest performance, blood and bone parameters of 95 to 120 kg barrows selected for lean gain.
Non Ruminants
Cassava root scrapings for 22 to 42-day-old broilers in high-temperature environments Ferreira, Antônio Hosmylton Carvalho Lopes, João Batista Abreu, Márvio Lobão Teixeira de Merval, Ramon Rêgo Ribeiro, Mabell Nery Silva, Francisco Eduardo Soares Ramos, Lidiana de Siqueira Nunes Andrade, Francisco Teixeira

Resumo em Inglês:

The objective of this study was to analyze the effect of whole cassava root scrapings at different levels in diets for broilers in the period of 22 to 42 days of age in high-temperature environments on performance, as well as to evaluate the metabolizability of dry matter (DM), crude protein (CP) and gross energy (GE) and nitrogen balance. A total of 400 male Ross broilers were used for evaluation of performance and 80 birds of the same strain were used in the metabolism experiment. The design was of randomized block with five treatments and four replications. The experimental unit was represented by twenty birds on the performance evaluation and four birds were housed in metabolic cages for the metabolism evaluation. The treatments consisted of diets containing inclusion levels of cassava root scrapings (0, 50, 100, 150 and 200 g/kg), formulated to meet the nutritional requirements accordingly to each phase of the birds. Whole cassava root scrapings can be included in diets for 22 to 42 day-old broiler chickens, at a level between 118.75 and 200 k/kg, in environments of high temperatures, with positive interference on weight gain and feed conversion, without affecting the coefficient of metabolizability of dry matter, crude protein, gross energy and nitrogen balance, or carcass characteristics, such as yields of main cuts and metabolically active organs of the birds.
Non Ruminants
Nutritional plans for boars Kiefer, Charles Donzele, Juarez Lopes Oliveira, Rita Flavia Miranda de Suguisawa, Liliane Suguisawa, Jorge Murilo Marques, Ana Carolina Wider

Resumo em Inglês:

The objective of the present study was to evaluate nutritional plans for boars. Four hundred animals of 67 to 135 days of age and initial weight of 27.75±1.61 kg were distributed in a randomized block design with seven nutritional plans for boars (9.0-8.0; 9.0-9.0; 10.0-9.0; 10.0-10.0; 11.0-10.0; 11.0-11.0 and 12.0-11.0 g/kg of digestible lysine from 67 to 107 days and from 108 to 135 days, respectively) with four repetitions and a control plan for barrows (11.0-10.0 g/kg of digestible lysine) with eight repetitions and ten animals each. Uncastrated male swine presented better feed conversion; however they showed a lower marbling degree in relation to barrows, regardless of the nutritional plan. The nutritional plan that corresponds to the sequence of 11.0-10.0 g/kg of digestible lysine from the 67 to the 107 days and from the 108 to the 135 days, respectively, meets the nutritional needs of boars.
Parâmetros químicos, bioquímicos e mecânicos de fêmures de frangos de corte submetidos a diferentes balanços eletrolíticos Müller, Elisa Sialino Barbosa, Anderson de Almeida Moraes, George Henrique Kling de Vieites, Flávio Medeiros Araújo, Gilson Mendes

Resumo em Português:

Objetivou-se avaliar as características ósseas de frangos de corte tratados com diferentes níveis de balanço eletrolítico (BE) na ração. Foram criados 936 pintos de corte Cobb de 1 dia de idade distribuídos em delineamento de blocos ao acaso, com seis tratamentos (BE: -50, 0, 50, 100, 150 e 200 mEq/kg), seis repetições e 26 aves por unidade experimental. A ração basal para as duas fases - inicial, 1 a 21 dias, e de crescimento, 22 a 42 dias de idade - foi constituída de milho e farelo de soja, com balanço eletrolítico de 200 mEq/kg. Para obtenção dos outros niveis de BE, a ração basal foi suplementada com cloreto de amônio. Foram avaliados os teores de minerais e proteínas ósseas e os parâmetros geométricos dos fêmures aos 7, 14, 21 e 42 dias de idade. Aos 7 dias de idade, as aves alimentadas com a ração com BE de 200 mEq/kg apresentaram o maior teor de magnésio no osso. Os teores de cálcio e fósforo obtidos com BE de 150 mEq/kg não diferiram dos obtidos com BE de 200 mEq/kg. A maior relação cálcio:fósforo foi observada nos ossos das aves alimentadas com as rações com BE de 0 e 50 mEq/kg e o menor teor de cinzas, naquelas cujo BE da ração foi de 200 mEq/kg. O balanço eletrolítico de 200 mEq/kg de ração promoveu o menor teor de cálcio aos 42 dias de idade, mas, na avaliação da relação cálcio:fósforo, não diferiu do balanço de150 mEq/kg. Os teores de proteínas colagenosas não diferiram aos 21 dias entre os BE de 150 e 200 mEq/kg de ração. Na avaliação dos parâmetros biomecânicos aos 7 dias, o maior valor de força máxima na flexão foi obtido com o BE de 200 mEq/kg de ração, demonstrando que na idade de 7 dias, os animais foram mais sensíveis às variações de BE da ração. Aos 14, 21 e 42 dias, podem ser usadas variações mais amplas, de 150 a 200 mEq/kg, nos níveis do balanço eletrolítico, pois não prejudicam as propriedades ósseas de frangos de corte.

Resumo em Inglês:

The objective of this study was to evaluate bone characteristics of broilers treated with different levels EB in the diet. A total of 935 Cobb chicks of 1 day of age were distributed in a randomized blocks design with six treatments (EB: -50, 0, 50, 100, 150 and 200 mEq/kg), six replicates and 26 birds per experimental unit. The basal diet for the two phases - starter, from 1 to 21 days and growth, from 22 to 42 days of age - was composed of corn and soybean meal, with electrolytic balance of 200 mEq/kg. For the obtainment of the other EB levels, the basal diet was supplemented with ammonium chloride. Mineral and bone protein contents and geometric parameters of femurs at 7, 14, 21 and 42 days were evaluated. At 7 days of age, birds fed the diet with EB of 200 mEq/kg presented the highest magnesium content in the bone. The contents of calcium and phosphorus obtained with EB of 150 mEq/kg did not differ from that achieved with EB of 200 mEq/kg. The greatest calcium:phosphorus ratio was observed in bones of birds fed the diets containing EB of 0 and 50 mEq/kg and the lowest content of ash was in those consuming the diet whose EB was 200 mEq/kg. The electrolytic balance of 200 mEq/kg feed promoted the lowest content of calcium at 42 days of age, but at the evaluation of the calcium:phosphorus ratio, it did not differ from the balance of 150 mEq/kg. The content of collagenous proteins did not differ at 21 days between EB of 150 and 200 mEq/kg feed. At the evaluation of the biomechanical parameters at 7 days, the highest value of maximum bending strength was obtained with the electrolytic balance of 200 mEq/kg feed, demonstraiting that at 7 days of age the birds were more sensitive to variations of EB of the diet. At 14, 21 and 42 days, wider variations, from 150 to 200 mEq/kg can be used in the EB levels, for they do not harm the bone properties of broilers.
Non Ruminants
Effect of feed restriction on performance of growing rabbits Oliveira, Maria Cristina de Silva, Rossane Pereira da Araújo, Liomar Sousa Silva, Valdevino Rodrigues da Bento, Elis Aparecido Silva, Diones Montes da

Resumo em Inglês:

This experiment assessed the effect of feed restriction in rabbits on performance and economic viability of the activity. Sixty New Zealand White rabbits, weaned at 33 days and slaughtered at 81 days of age, were used. The design was of randomized blocks with four treatments and five replications. The treatments were, as follows: 1 - free feeding, 2 - feed restriction from 35 to 40 days of age (50 g/d/rabbit), 3 - feed restriction from 54 to 61 days of age (90 g/d/rabbit) and 4 - feed restriction from 33 to 40 days (50 g/d/rabbit) and from 54 to 61 days of age (90 g/d/rabbit). There was no difference in the performance and carcass parameters, indicating that there was compensatory growth in the rabbits that suffered feed restriction. The best gross margin was obtained with feed restriction from 54 to 61 days age. Feed restriction in growing rabbits can be adopted at different ages because it does not interfere negatively in the performance and carcass parameters. In two periods and from 51 to 61 days, feed restriction was more economically viable for the sale of live and slaughtered rabbits, respectively.
Relationship between temperament with performance and meat quality of feedlot steers with predominantly Charolais or Nellore breed Silveira, Isabella Dias Barbosa Fischer, Vivian Farinatti, Luis Henrique Ebling Restle, João Alves Filho, Dari Celestino Menezes, Luís Fernando Glasenapp de

Resumo em Inglês:

The relation between temperament with performance and meat quality was determined in 79 Charolais × Nellore steers kept in feedlot. Temperament was evaluated according to exit velocity, scale composite score and flight distance four times in the finishing phase, along with body weight, intake and feed conversion measures. Cattle were classified as calm, intermediate and excited according to exit velocity measures at the beginning of the trial. Excited cattle presented larger values for composite score and flight distance. Irrespective of genotype, excited cattle presented lower average daily gain, dry matter intake and worse feed conversion. Temperament categories did not affect most of beef quality traits, except for calm Bos indicus steers, which presented greater pH measured 1 hour post mortem compared with more reactive steers. However, moderate but negative correlations were detected between exit velocity, flight distance and composite score and beef quality as well as Warner-Bratzler shear value, luminosity, pH measured 24 hours post mortem, although they were not consistent between genotypes raised under the same conditions.
Organic and inorganic sources of zinc, copper and selenium in diets for dairy cows: intake, blood metabolic profile, milk yield and composition Cortinhas, Cristina Simões Freitas Júnior, José Esler de Naves, Julianne de Rezende Porcionato, Marco Aurélio de Felicio Silva, Luís Felipe Prada e Rennó, Francisco Palma Santos, Marcos Veiga dos

Resumo em Inglês:

The present study was carried out with the objective of evaluating the effects of feeding dairy cows with organic or inorganic sources of zinc (Zn), copper (Cu) and selenium (Se) on blood concentrations of these minerals, blood metabolic profiles, nutrient intake and milk yield and composition. Nineteen Holstein cows were selected and randomly assigned to two groups for receiving organic (n = 9) or inorganic (n = 10) sources of Zn, Cu and Se from 60 days before the expected date of calving to 80 days of lactation. Samples of feed, orts and milk were collected for analysis. Body condition score (BCS) was determined and blood samples were collected for analysis of Zn, Cu and Se concentrations, as well as for metabolic profile. Supplying organic or inorganic sources of Zn, Cu, and Se did not affect dry matter and nutrient intake, blood metabolic profile, milk yield and composition, plasma concentration of these minerals, and BCS or change the BCS in cows from 60 days before the expected date of calving to 80 days of lactation. An effect of time was observed on all feed intake variables, plasma concentrations of Zn and Se, milk yield, milk protein content, BCS and change in BCS.
Type of corn and grinding degree in a concentrate supplied to suckling calves Ferreira, Cibele Santos Silva, Fabiano Ferreira da Veloso, Cristina Mattos Bonomo, Paulo Oliveira, Julinessa Silva Silva, Vinícius Lopes da Schio, Alex Resende Ítavo, Luís Carlos Vínhas

Resumo em Inglês:

The objective was to assess the effects of a concentrate consisting of two types of corn: flint and dent, with three different grinding degrees (1, 3 and 5 mm), as a function of intake, performance and digestibility of three crossbred dairy suckling heifers. A randomized block design involving 54 crossbred heifers in a 2 × 3 factorial arrangement was used to assess intake and performance patterns. In order to assess digestibility, the experimental design was completely randomized, consisting of 24 crossbred heifers. Weighting and measurements of height at withers and thoracic perimeter were performed. There was no significant interaction between grinding degree and corn type for any of the studied variables. The daily intake of concentrate dry matter was higher for flint corn (243 g/day) as compared with dent corn (160 g/day). The grinding degree caused difference in the dry matter, crude protein and ether extract intake, with higher intake when 3 and 5 mm sieves were used in the process. There was no difference regarding average daily gain and increased withers, croup and thoracic perimeter. Likewise, feed conversion did not differ. Regarding dry matter digestibility, there was an effect resulting from the hardness of corn (78.9% for dent, and 84.3% and for flint corn). As for the grinding degree, the highest value of dry matter digestibility was found when using 5 mm sieves (84.2%), whereas the percentage values found for 1 mm and 3 mm mesh sieves were 79.1% and 78.1%, respectively. It is recommended that heifer calves in the early stage of growth be fed flint corn ground through 3 or 5 mm mesh sieves.
Intake and performance of confined crossbred heifers fed different lipid sources Fiorentini, Giovani Santana, Márcia Cristina Araújo Sampaio, Alexandre Amstalden Moraes Reis, Ricardo Andrade Ribeiro, Andressa Ferreira Berchielli, Telma Teresinha

Resumo em Inglês:

The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of different lipid sources on nutrient intake, performance, development and carcass characteristics of heifers raised in confinement. Twenty-one crossbreed heifers (Nellore × Santa Gertrudis × Braunvieh) received 600 g/kg forage composed of corn silage and 400 g/kg concentrate with a 58.0 g/kg fat content in the total diet. The following lipid sources were used: soybeans, protected fat (Megalac-E®) and soybean oil. The experimental design was completely randomized, with three treatments and seven replicates, and the means were compared by the Tukey test at 5%. The protected fat diet resulted in a greater intake of dry matter (8.80 kg/d) when compared with the other diets. The animals that were fed the protected fat diet had a higher average daily weight gain and slaughter weight. Feed conversion and protein efficiency rate were not influenced by lipid sources. Carcass yield was not influenced by the different diets.
Intake and performance of feedlot cattle fed diets based on high and low Brix sugar cane with or without calcium oxide and corn silage Magalhães, Felipe Antunes Valadares Filho, Sebastião de Campos Menezes, Gustavo Chamon de Castro Gionbelli, Mateus Pies Zanetti, Diego Machado, Marcelo Grossi Pina, Douglas dos Santos Komura, Koiti

Resumo em Inglês:

The objective of this study was to evaluate low and high Brix diets, treated or not with 5 g of calcium oxide per kg of natural matter, and corn silage on intake, digestibility and performance of beef cattle. Forty cattle with initial body weight (BW) of 350 kg were used: five composed the control group, 30 were distributed into random blocks (control) and the other five were distributed in a 5 × 5 incomplete Latin square, with the objective of determining digestibility. The 30 animals evaluated for performance were slaughtered and empty body weight (EPW), carcass dressing and meat cuts were determined. The diet with corn silage (CS) presented the best intake of the other ingredients and the best weight gain, except for neutral detergent fiber intake in g/kg of BW. Only carcass dressing, in relation to BW and EBW, was not affected by the treatments, and the others were greater for animals fed diets with sugar cane silage. Animals fed diets with high brix sugar cane silage and treated high brix sugar cane silage presented lower intake of indigestible neutral detergent fiber and neutral detergent fiber corrected for ash and protein (g/kg of BW) in relation to diets with low and high brix sugar cane silage, respectively. Animals fed diets with corn silage presented higher digestibility, except for crude protein and non-fibrous carbohydrates. Animals subjected to diets with corn silage presented low excretion of nitrogen compounds and higher microbial crude protein synthesis. Animals fed sugar cane silage present greater intake, performance and digestibility. The use of lime during 15 or 20º Brix sugar cane ensilage does not alter intake, digestibility or performance of beef cattle.
Residual feed intake and its effect on carcass and meat characteristics of feedlot Zebu cattle Ribeiro, Julimar do Sacramento Gonçalves, Tarcisio de Moraes Ladeira, Márcio Machado Campos, Fabrício Rodrigues Tullio, Rymer Ramiz Machado Neto, Otávio Rodrigues Oliveira, Dalton Mendes de Bassi, Marcelo Silva

Resumo em Inglês:

The objective of this study was to evaluate the residual feed intake (RFI) and its relation with performance, carcass and meat characteristics of Zebu animals. A total of 40 Zebu steers with initial age of 18 months and initial live weight of 350 kg were confined in feedlot for 112 days. The average daily gain (ADG) and dry matter intake (DMI) were obtained every 14 days. Residual feed intake was determined by the difference between observed and predicted DMI, based on the metabolic weight and the ADG. Animals were classified into the RFI groups: high (>0.5 standard deviation of the mean - least efficient), medium (±0.5 standard deviation of the mean) and low (<0.5 standard deviation of the mean - most efficient). Daily cost with feeding and per kilogram of weight gain was determined. Characteristics of carcass (weight, yield, subcutaneous fat) meat (pH, shear force and color) were assessed. Animals with low RFI presented lower DMI. The variation in DMI between the low and the high RFI groups promoted difference in the daily cost with feeding and per kilogram of weight gain, with animals of low RFI presenting costs 5 and 9% lower, respectively. Carcass and meat characteristics differed over the RFI groups. The knowledge of the RFI of the animals enables a more efficient system, with reduction in the costs with feeding, without promoting alterations on the performance and carcass characteristics of the meat from Zebu animals.
Energy and protein nutritional requirements for Nellore bulls Silva, Luiz Fernando Costa e Valadares Filho, Sebastião de Campos Zanetti, Diego Rotta, Polyana Pizzi Marcondes, Marcos Inácio Prados, Laura Franco Paulino, Mário Fonseca Azevedo, Henrique de Oliveira

Resumo em Inglês:

The objective of this study was to determine the nutritional requirements of energy and protein and estimate the efficiencies of metabolizable energy utilization for fat and protein deposition, as well as for maintenance (k m) and growth (k g). An experiment of comparative slaughter was carried out with thirty-seven 14-month-old (±1 month) Nellore bulls with 259±24.9 kg. Animals were divided as follows: five to reference, four to maintenance level and twenty-eight bulls feeding ad libitum. Bulls were also grouped in 4 different feedlot periods (42, 84, 126 and 168 days) for slaughter. The diet was composed of corn silage and concentrate, at a 55:45 ratio. After the slaughter, the left half carcasses were totally dissected for determination of body composition. The energy requirements for maintenance were obtained by exponentially relating the heat production and the metabolizable energy intake, while the energy requirements for gain (NEg) were obtained according to empty body weight (EBW) and EBW gain (EBG). The net protein requirements for gain (NPg) were estimated according to EBG and retained energy (RE). The net (NEm) and metabolizable (MEm) energy requirements for maintenance were 76.5 and 113.84 kcal/EBW0.75/day, respectively. The k m was 0.67. The equations for NEg and NPg were: NEg (Mcal/day) = 0.0555 × EBW0.75 × EBG1.095 and NPg (g/day) = 263.37 × EBG - 23.21 × RE. The k g was 0.33. The efficiencies to deposition of energy as protein and fat were 0.18 and 0.71, respectively. The model obtained for the percentage of retained energy as protein (%REp) was %REp = 2.4221 × (RE/EBG)-1.6472. The net and metabolizable energy requirements for maintenance of Nellore bulls were 76.5 and 113.84 kcal/EBW0.75/day. The energy and protein requirements for gain could be obtained by the respective equations: NEg (Mcal/day) = 0.0555 × EBW0.75 × EBG1.095 and NPg (g/day) = 263.37 × EBG - 23.21 × RE.
Soybean hulls replacing ground corn in diets for early lactation Saanen goats: intake, digestibility, milk production and quality Zambom, Maximiliane Alavarse Alcalde, Claudete Regina Kazama, Daniele Cristina da Silva Martins, Elias Nunes Hashimoto, Juliano Hideo Matsushita, Makoto Ramos, Carlos Eduardo Crispim Oliveira Grande, Paula Adriana

Resumo em Inglês:

The objective of this study was to evaluate productive performance and milk quality of Saanen goats fed diets with soybean hulls replacing ground corn (0, 50 and 100% replacement) in early lactation (from birth to 50 days of lactation). Fourteen goats (72.30±9.14 kg of BW) were used in a completely randomized design. Animals were confined in individual stalls, with daily control of feed intake and milk production. On the 30th day of lactation, fecal sampling started in order to determine nutrients digestibility. Every month, milk samples were collected for analyses of fat, protein, lactose and total solid percentage, somatic cell count, N-urea, acidity, density and also milk fatty acid profile. No differences were observed between diets for body weight, daily weight gain and intake (kg/day) of dry matter, organic matter, crude protein or indigestible neutral detergent fiber. However, for neutral detergent fiber intake, the diet with complete substitution presented the best results. Cocerning digestibility coefficients of dry matter and nutrients (organic matter, crude protein and neutral detergent fiber) the diet with 100% replacement also presented the best results. For milk production, milk production efficiency and milk composition, no difference was observed between diets. For milk fatty acid profile, there were differences between diets for some fatty acids. Soybean hulls can be used replacing ground corn in diets for Saanen goats in the early lactation, because it improves the digestibility of the diet and nutrients, does not change productive performance or the milk physical-chemical quality and increases the content of n-3 fatty acids in milk.
Sistemas de Produção Animal e Agronegócio
Biodigestão anaeróbia dos dejetos da bovinocultura de corte: influência do período, do genótipo e da dieta Orrico Junior, Marco Antonio Previdelli Orrico, Ana Carolina Amorim Lucas Junior, Jorge de Sampaio, Alexandre Amstalden Moraes Fernandes, Alexandre Rodrigo Mendes Oliveira, Emanuel Almeida de

Resumo em Português:

Objetivou-se com este estudo identificar possíveis alterações na composição e no processo de biodigestão anaeróbia dos dejetos produzidos por bovinos Canchim e Nelore em diferentes períodos do confinamento e alimentados com diferentes proporções de volumoso e concentrado. O experimento foi conduzido em delineamento inteiramente casualizado em esquema fatorial com parcela subdividida no tempo. As parcelas foram compostas por quatro tratamentos: dejetos provenientes de duas dietas (40% de volumoso e 60% de concentrado e 60% de volumoso e 40% de concentrado) e dois genótipos (Canchim e Nelore) e as subparcelas pelos três períodos de colheita dos resíduos (início, meio e final). A eficiência do processo de biodigestão foi avaliada pelas reduções de sólidos totais (ST), sólidos voláteis (SV), número mais provável (NMP) de coliformes totais e termotolerantes, demanda química e bioquímica de oxigênio, além da produção e dos potenciais de produção de biogás e metano. Não houve efeito do genótipo nem do período sobre a composição dos dejetos, no entanto o aumento da proporção de volumoso na dieta levou a menor eficiência do processo, pois foi observado aumento de 26,31% no volume de metano produzido na dieta com 60% de concentrado com relação à dieta com 40%, de concentrado. Também foram observadas importantes reduções no NMP de coliformes totais e termotolerantes ao final do processo, independentemente do tratamento testado.

Resumo em Inglês:

The objective of this study was to identify possible alterations in the composition and anaerobic biodigestion process of manure from Canchim and Nellore cattle in different periods in feedlot fed with different forage to concentrate ratios. The experiment was carried out in complete randomized design in factorial arrangement with time as sub-divided plot. Plots were established by four treatments: manure from two diets (40% forage and 60% concentrate and 60% forage and 40% concentrate) and two genotypes (Canchim and Nellore) and sub-plots by three periods of manure collection (initial, intermediate and final). The efficiency of the composting process was evaluated by reductions of total solids, volatile solids, the most probable number (MPN) of total and thermotolerant coliforms, chemical and biochemical demand of oxygen, besides the production and potentials of biogas and methane production. There was no effect of genotype or period on manure composting; however, the increase in the forage proportion in the diet promoted the lower efficiency of the process, in which an increase of 26.31% was found for the volume of methane that was produced with diet with 60% concentrate in relation to the diet with 40% concentrate. Significant reductions in MPN of total and thermotolerant coliforms were also observed at the end of the process, regardless of the treatment tested.
Short Communication - Technical Note
Yield and quality of silage of maize hybrids Araújo, Karoline Guedes Villela, Severino Delmar Junqueira Leonel, Fernando de Paula Costa, Patrícia Monteiro Fernandes, Leonardo de Oliveira Tamy, Wagner Pessanha Andrade, Vinícius Raimundi

Resumo em Inglês:

The objective of this research was to identify the potential of maize hybrids for the production of silage. Hybrids 1671B, 2B433, 20A78, SHS4070, BX1280 and DKB390 were tested in a randomized block design with three replications. The hybrids yields were evaluated (average plant height, height of ear insertion, number of broken and lodged plants/ha, leaf:stem and ear:plant ratio and production of of DM, CP and TDN/ha). There was no difference between hybrids for the variables studied, except for the height of ear insertion. With respect to chemical characteristics, N-NH3/NT organic acids, and pH, there was also no difference between cultivars and hybrid silages are rated as of very good quality.
Short Communication - Technical Note
Capacity of ensilage of Jatropha curcas L. cake to degrade forbol esters Oliveira, André Soares de Schwambach, Thiago Ivan Sinhorin, Adilson Paulo Oliveira, Márcia Rodrigues Carvalho Alessi, Karine Claudia Oliveira Filho, Francisco Antônio de Pina, Douglas dos Santos

Resumo em Inglês:

The objective of this study was to evaluate the capacity of the ensilage of Jatropha curcas L. expeller cake to reduce the phorbol esters and its effect on fermentative losses, by adding soluble carbohydrates or microbial inoculants. The design was completely randomized with four replications in a 3 × 2 factorial arrangement, with three sources of soluble carbohydrates (SC, control, 50 g sucrose/kg or 50 g crude glycerin/kg as fed) and two doses of microbial inoculants (MI, 0 or 5 × 10(5) ufc Lactobacillus plantarum + 3.33 × 10(5) ufc Propionibacterium per g as fed). Twenty-four mini-silos (982 cm³) of polyvinyl chloride were created and opened after 60 days of fermentation at room temperature. The pre-hydrated Jatropha curcas L. cake (282 g of water/kg) contained 0.424 mg of phorbol esters/g of dry matter. Ensiling reduced the phorbol esters in 47.4%, on average, regardless of the SC or MI. There was no interaction effect between SC and MI on effluent, gases or total dry matter losses. However, both losses were increased when SC were added, and it was higher with glycerin that than sucrose. The addition of MI reduced all fermentation losses. The process of ensiling, although partially to reduce the phorbol esters of pre-hydrated Jatropha curcas L. cake, is not indicated as a biodestoxification procedure.
Short Communication - Technical Note
Feeding level and frequency for freshwater angelfish Ribeiro, Felipe de Azevedo Silva Vasquez, Leonardo Avendaño Fernandes, João Batista Kochenborger Sakomura, Nilva Kazue

Resumo em Inglês:

The objective of this study was to determine the optimal feeding level and feeding frequency for the culture of freshwater angelfish (Pterophyllum scalare). A randomized block design in a factorial scheme (3 × 2) with three feeding levels (30, 60 and 90 g/kg of body weight (BW)/day) and two feeding frequencies (1x and 2x/day) was set up in duplicate, representing 24 experimental units. Data were analyzed using two-way ANOVA and the Tukey test for comparison between means. After 84 days, results indicated that both factors influenced fish performance. No interaction between these factors was, however, observed. Increased feeding level and feeding frequency resulted in increased feed intake. The feed conversion ratio was negatively affected by feeding level, but not affected by feeding frequency. Final weights were higher when fish were fed twice daily, at levels of 60 or 90 g/kg BW/day. Specific growth rate was higher when fish received 60 or 90 g/kg BW/day, regardless of the feeding frequency. Survival was not affected by any treatment, with mean survival rates higher than 90%. It is recommended that juveniles be fed at a level of 60 g/kg BW/day with a minimum of two meals per day, to attain optimal survival, growth and feed efficiency.
Sociedade Brasileira de Zootecnia Universidade Federal de Viçosa / Departamento de Zootecnia, 36570-900 Viçosa MG Brazil, Tel.: +55 31 3612-4602, +55 31 3612-4612 - Viçosa - MG - Brazil
E-mail: rbz@sbz.org.br
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