Open-access Análise qualitativa da alimentação e o coeficiente intestinal de Metynnis cf. roosevelti Eigenmann (Characidae, Myleinae), da Lagoa Redonda, Nízia Floresta, Rio Grande do Norte, Brasil

Quantitative analysis of feeding and the intestinal coefficient in Metynnis cf. roosevelti Eigenmann (Characidae, Myleinae), from Lagoa Redonda, Nízia Floresta, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil


This species showed feeding activily ali year long. Although zooplancton, protozooplancton and other organisms have been found in the stomaches, this species can be considered, broadly speaking, herbivorous since a great amount of seaweed was found in its diet. Fulness of the stomachs was not associated with sex difference. Full stomachs were found throughout the period. Variations according to the estimated periods were not found.

Metynnis; intestinal coefficient; feeding activity

Metynnis; intestinal coefficient; feeding activity

Análise qualitativa da alimentação e o coeficiente intestinal de Metynnis cf. roosevelti Eigenmann (Characidae, Myleinae), da Lagoa Redonda, Nízia Floresta, Rio Grande do Norte, Brasil

Quantitative analysis of feeding and the intestinal coefficient in Metynnis cf. roosevelti Eigenmann (Characidae, Myleinae), from Lagoa Redonda, Nízia Floresta, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil

Hélio de Castro Bezerra GurgelI; Raimunda Gonçalves de AlmeidaII; Geraldo BarbieriII

IDepartamento de Botânica, Ecologia e Zoologia, Centro de Biociências, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Campus Universitário, 59072-970 Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, Brasil

IIDepartamento de Hidrobiologia, Universidade Federal de São Carlos, Caixa Postal 676, 13565-905 São Carlos, São Paulo, Brasil


This species showed feeding activily ali year long. Although zooplancton, protozooplancton and other organisms have been found in the stomaches, this species can be considered, broadly speaking, herbivorous since a great amount of seaweed was found in its diet. Fulness of the stomachs was not associated with sex difference. Full stomachs were found throughout the period. Variations according to the estimated periods were not found.

Key words:Metynnis, intestinal coefficient, feeding activity

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Full text available only in PDF format.

Recebido em 16.I.1994; aceito em 14.VII.1994.

Referências bibliográficas

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Datas de Publicação

  • Publicação nesta coleção
    22 Jul 2009
  • Data do Fascículo


  • Recebido
    16 Jan 1994
  • Aceito
    14 Jul 1994
Sociedade Brasileira de Zoologia Caixa Postal 19020, 81531-980 Curitiba PR Brasil, Tel./Fax: +55 41 3266-6823, - Curitiba - PR - Brazil
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