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Survey of the entomological fauna in Paraná state: I. Introductory part: On climatic and floristic conditions in eight collecting sites. Faunistic data from August/1986 to July/1987

Eight localities were selected as representative sites to survey the entomofauna of Paraná State, Brazil: 1) Antonina (Sapitanduva); 2) Sao José dos Pinhais (Serra do Mar); 3) Colombo (Embrapa); 4) Ponta Grossa (Vila Velha); 5) Telêmaco Borba (Reserva Biológica Klabin); 6) Jundiaí do Sul (Fazenda Monte Verde); 7) Guarapuava (Santa Clara) and 8) Fênix (Reserva de Vila Rica). Floristic and meteorological conditions in these sites were registered and compared. One Malaise and one light trap were installed in each site. The insects were collected during two years, from August 1986 to July 1988. Only the material obtained during the first year has been sorted at insect order level and analyzed. The quantitative faunistic data were transformed in percentages and monthly densities for the analysis. Comparisons among collecting sites were established based on the faunistic and climatic data. The following methods were used to analyze the data: Clustering Analysis, Principal Coordinate Analysis and the Linear Correlation Coefficient.

Insect survey; Paraná State; Numerical Analysis

Sociedade Brasileira de Zoologia Caixa Postal 19020, 81531-980 Curitiba PR Brasil, Tel./Fax: +55 41 3266-6823, - Curitiba - PR - Brazil