The Trichoptera fauna in two first-order streams of Serra dos Pireneus. Goiás State, was studied from June/1993 to July/1994. The Trichoptera larvae abundances were lower in the rainy season in the two streams. The temporal distributions of the functional groups (feeding categories) was similar in both streams. The ordination by Detrended Correspondence Analysis (DCA) detected a higher temporal heterogeneity of the Trichoptera community in one of the sampling stations, probably associated with higher discharge variation. There is a large variation of abundance of some genera between the two studied streams.
Trichoptera; community; stream; feeding categories; detrended correspondence analysis
Trichoptera; community; stream; feeding categories; detrended correspondence analysis
Ecologia de comunidades das larvas de Trichoptera Kirby (Insecta) em dois córregos de primeira ordem da Serra dos Pireneus, Pirenópolis, Goiás, Brasil
Community ecology of Trichoptera Kirby (Insecta) larvae in two first-order streams of Serra dos Pireneus, Pirenópolis, Goiás, Brazil
Leandro Gonçalves OliveiraI; Pitágoras da Conceição BispoII
IDepartamento de Biologia Geral, Instituto de Ciências Biológicas, Universidade Federal de Goiás. Caixa Postal 131, 74001-970 Goiânia, Goiás, Brasil. Bolsista do CNPq
IIMuseu de Zoologia, Universidade de São Paulo. Caixa Postal 42694, 4299-970 São Paulo, São Paulo. Brasil
The Trichoptera fauna in two first-order streams of Serra dos Pireneus. Goiás State, was studied from June/1993 to July/1994. The Trichoptera larvae abundances were lower in the rainy season in the two streams. The temporal distributions of the functional groups (feeding categories) was similar in both streams. The ordination by Detrended Correspondence Analysis (DCA) detected a higher temporal heterogeneity of the Trichoptera community in one of the sampling stations, probably associated with higher discharge variation. There is a large variation of abundance of some genera between the two studied streams.
Key words: Trichoptera, community, stream, feeding categories, detrended correspondence analysis
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AGRADECIMENTOS. A Vera L. Crisci pelas discussões sobre ecologia de insetos aquáticos e pela leitura crítica do manuscrito. A FUNAPE-UFG pelo apoio financeiro durante os trabalhos de campo. Ao CNPq e à FAPESP, pelas bolsas concedidas aos autores, respectivamente.
Recebido em 08.III.2001; aceito em 26.X.2001
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