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Antarctic and Subantarctic bivalves collected during the Scientific, Brazilian Expeditions to Antarctica I-IX (1982-1991)

The bivalves collected in the Western Antarctic and Subantarctic waters by scientists of the Instituto Oceanográfico - USP during the Scientific Brazilian Expeditions to Antarctical-IX are characterised through its conchiliological features, illustrated and their occurrence plotted in maps. A species of bivalve collected by scuba divers of the IO-USP on the Napier Rock, Admiralty Bay, King George Island during the Expeditions XV and XVI is also considered in this work. The material identified is representative of 25 species distributed among three families and four genera of Protobranchia, three farnilies and five genera of Pteriornorpha, five families and six genera of Heterodonta, and four families and four genera of Anomalo desmata. The main scope of this work is to provide searchers dealing with macrobenthic fauna with an ease identification guide to the bivalved molluscs of the sampled region.

Bivalvia; Mollusca; Antarctic; Subantarctic; taxonomy

Sociedade Brasileira de Zoologia Caixa Postal 19020, 81531-980 Curitiba PR Brasil, Tel./Fax: +55 41 3266-6823, - Curitiba - PR - Brazil