Spatial distribution of birds was studied in 10 ha forest fragment at Londrina State University, southem Brazil (23º15'S, 51º10'W). Five habitats were categorized in the forest fragment: four related to the edges and one related to the forest interior. A line transect, crossing ali these habitats, was used to identify the bird species one day each two weeks from September 1996 to September 1997 totaling 57 days of samplings. The forest was divided into three leveis: understory (bellow 3 m), mid-levels (3-7 m) and canopy (above 7 m). Occurrence frequencies in each habitat and each forest levei were calculated for each of the 62 species identified during the field work. The number of species in each levei was similar (43 species in the understory, 42 at mid-levels and 40 in the canopy). Edges had higher number of species (51, 46, 33 and 30 species) and most of them with more than 50% of occurrence frequency. By contrast, forest had the lowest number of bird species (29 species), 80% of them with less than 50% of occurrence frequency, what suggest that the edge effect is strong on this forest fragment.
Spatial distribution; birds; forest fragment; northem Paraná State; south of Brazil
Spatial distribution; birds; forest fragment; northem Paraná State; south of Brazil
Distribuição espacial de aves em um fragmento florestal do campus da Universidade Estadual de Londrina, Norte do Paraná, Brasil
Spatial distribution of birds in a forest fragment at Londrina State University campus, Northern Paraná State, Brazil
Márcio Rodrigo GimenesI; Luiz dos AnjosII
ICurso de Pós-Graduação em Ecologia de Ecossistemas Aquáticos Continentais, Universidade Estadual de Maringá. Avenida Colombo 3690, Bloco G-90, 87020-900 Maringá, Paraná, Brasil
IIDepartamento de Biologia Animal e Vegetal, Universidade Estadual de Londrina. Caixa Postal 6001, 86051-970 Londrina, Paraná, Brasil. Bolsista do CNPq
Spatial distribution of birds was studied in 10 ha forest fragment at Londrina State University, southem Brazil (23º15'S, 51º10'W). Five habitats were categorized in the forest fragment: four related to the edges and one related to the forest interior. A line transect, crossing ali these habitats, was used to identify the bird species one day each two weeks from September 1996 to September 1997 totaling 57 days of samplings. The forest was divided into three leveis: understory (bellow 3 m), mid-levels (3-7 m) and canopy (above 7 m). Occurrence frequencies in each habitat and each forest levei were calculated for each of the 62 species identified during the field work. The number of species in each levei was similar (43 species in the understory, 42 at mid-levels and 40 in the canopy). Edges had higher number of species (51, 46, 33 and 30 species) and most of them with more than 50% of occurrence frequency. By contrast, forest had the lowest number of bird species (29 species), 80% of them with less than 50% of occurrence frequency, what suggest that the edge effect is strong on this forest fragment.
Key words: Spatial distribution, birds, forest fragment, northem Paraná State, south of Brazil.
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AGRADECIMENTOS. José Marcelo Torezan e Mario Orsi fizeram valiosas sugestões à versão preliminar deste manuscrito. LdA recebe Bolsa Produtividade em Pesquisa do CNPq (processo 350054/95-9) para estudos sobre aves em fragmentos florestais no norte do Paraná. MRG recebeu Bolsa de Iniciação Cientifica da Universidade Estadual de Londrina.
Recebido em 06.V.1999; aceito em 22 II.2000.
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