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Zootechnical performance of juvenile Pomacea haustrum (Revee, 1856) under different diets and salinities1 1 This research was part of the master’s thesis of Lucas Cipriano Rodrigues, and was funded by the Conselho Nacional de Estudos Científicos e Desenvolvimento Tecnológico (CNPq)


The development of aquaculture through the cultivation of what are considered unconventional species is an option with the potential to solve the problem of food scarcity. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the zootechnical performance of juvenile Pomacea haustrum fed different commercial diets, and subjected to different levels of salinity. After seven P. haustrum spawn had hatched in the laboratory, the juveniles were randomly selected and transferred to the rearing containers. Two different commercial diets were offered: rabbit feed with a high proportion of ingredients rich in crude vegetable protein (VP), and dog food containing balanced levels of ingredients rich in crude vegetable and animal protein (MP). The selected juveniles were randomly stocked at different salinities (0, 2 and 4 parts per thousand - ppt). The experiment lasted 65 days. Twenty-one hours after the start of the experiment, 100% of the individuals reared at a salinity of 4 ppt had died. There was a significant difference (p ≤ 0.05) between the results for zootechnical performance (average final weight, weight gain, average final growth, specific growth rate, protein efficiency and apparent feed conversion) for animals reared in fresh water or at a salinity of 2 ppt, regardless of the type of diet. The origin of the protein in the diet had no significant effect on the zootechnical performance of the individuals; however, the salinity of the water impaired development of the animals in direct proportion to its concentration.

Cultivation; Feed; Development

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