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Analysis of Laser Triangulation Technique Applied to Experimental Deformation of Farm Machinery Elements1 1 This article was part of the doctoral dissertation of Kelen Cristiane Cardoso


Deformation intensity analysis for mechanical parts are very important data for machine design. For farm machines, these parameters present difficulties for determination due to its particularities. The Machinery industry searches for advanced technologies to determine the mechanical behavior of parts. This article shows the analysis of the reliability in the application of the laser triangulation technique (LTT) to determine the deformation of the mechanical elements of farm machines. A flat cutting disc with standardized dimension was selected as the object of study, as it is commonly used in farm machines, exhibiting a simple geometry made of steel, making the analysis procedure easier both for experimental execution and for data validation. Displacements of 1.0 mm to 10 mm were applied on the specimen. The theoretical behavior of specimen displacement was defined by finite element modelling with same condition of loading and dimension to compare the generated data by the experimental tests. Results indicated a displacement with maximum variation of 2.56% between experimental data and theoretical results and were considered satisfactory. LTT was able to determine deformation curve behavior of machine elements. It was concluded that Laser Triangulation Technique (LTT) was satisfactory to determine the deformation of a specimen.

Design optimization; Farm machinery elements; Laser triangulation technique; Plan cutting disk; Photomechanics

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