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Canonical correlations in phenological, morphological, production and tassel traits of maize

Correlações canônicas em caracteres fenológicos, morfológicos, produtivos e de pendão de milho


The objective of this study was to check whether there is linear dependence between phenological, morphological and production traits and tassel traits in maize genotypes. Seven experiments were conducted with 16 maize genotypes, in a randomized block design, with three replicates. Four groups of traits were evaluated: phenological (two), morphological (three), production (four) and tassel (11). Joint analysis of variance and F test at 5% significance level were performed. The matrix of phenotypic correlation coefficients between the traits was estimated and multicollinearity was diagnosed in each group of traits. Associations between the groups of traits were checked by canonical correlation analysis. There is linear dependence between phenological, morphological and production traits and tassel traits in maize genotypes. Phenological (number of days from sowing to 50% of male flowering and number of days from sowing to 50% of female flowering), morphological (plant height and spike height) and production (number of spikes and grain yield) traits are positively associated with tassel traits (tassel branch number and tassel dry matter). Tassel branch number and tassel dry matter can be used for indirect selection of maize plants.

Zea mays L.; Genotypes; Agronomic performance; Multivariate analysis; Indirect selection

Universidade Federal Rural do Semi-Árido Avenida Francisco Mota, número 572, Bairro Presidente Costa e Silva, Cep: 5962-5900, Telefone: 55 (84) 3317-8297 - Mossoró - RN - Brazil