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Insertion of speech and language therapy undergraduate students, from a public university, in communication disorder graduate programs

PURPOSE: to characterize the insertion of undergraduate students from a Speech and Language Therapy Course at São Paulo State University - UNESP in Graduate Programs. METHOD: we used a list and the Curriculum Vitae of these students and their respective mentors. RESULTS: of the 537 graduates, 16.57% attended/were attending Graduate Programs, and of these, 98.88% were working at a Master Program and 37.08% at a Doctoral. Regarding the broad area of knowledge, 50% of master's students were enrolled in Health Science programs, 31.80% in Humanities and 13.64% in Linguistics. For doctoral level, 33, 33% were enrolled in Humanities and 30.30% in Health Sciences as well as in Linguistics. Regarding the knowledge specific area, 30.68% of Master's students were enrolled in Speech Pathology programs, 28.41% in Education, 13.64% in Linguistics and 9.09% in Medicine I. For doctorate level, 33.33% were enrolled in Education programs, 30.30% in Linguistics and 9.09% in Speech Pathology. Additionally, 55.68% dissertations and 51.52% thesis were focused on the language area. UNESP was the university that most attended: 39.77% and 48.48% students in master and doctoral programs, respectively. Among the overall students, 52.27% from master and 45.45% from doctoral levels were linked to programs with concept grade 4. When the information was available, all received scholarship. Test of Reason of Probabilities did not show significance differences between master and doctoral levels. CONCLUSION: findings were higher than previously reported for the same state, showing the highly interdisciplinary nature of the field of Communication Disorders, and the predominance of "Language" as the studied theme.

Speech; Education; Human Resources Formation

ABRAMO Associação Brasileira de Motricidade Orofacial Rua Uruguaiana, 516, Cep 13026-001 Campinas SP Brasil, Tel.: +55 19 3254-0342 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil