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Vocal profile of tourism guide

PURPOSE: to characterize the vocal profile of tourism guides, as well as gender and age. METHODS: 23 guides took part in this study, of both genders, with age between 25 to 64 years, partakers of the Union of Tourism Guides of the State of Pernambuco, who appeared to the quarterly meetings in the period of the collection. It is a descriptive, observational and crossed-nature study. A perceptual-auditive analysis was carried out for the sampling RESULTS: we noted that the majority of the guides demonstrated adequate loudness, normal pitch and modified voice. Moreover, the averages of the maximum times of phonation of the vowels and the affricative and isocronic vocal attack were reduced. The resonance, in the majority of the guides, was balanced, but it had an incidence of laryngeal - pharyngeal resonance. Articulation was precise, with mixed and nasal respiratory mode and type, respectively. As for GRBAS scale, the alterations appeared in light form in G (degree of vocal alteration) in 68%. CONCLUSION: in the studied sample, the majority was of the feminine gender with average age of 46 years, and vocal profile characterized by reduced maximum phonation time, adequate s/z relation, adequate isocronic vocal attack, normal pitch, loudness, modified vocal quality, with presence of roughness, breathiness, tension. The resonance of the majority was balanced and articulation precise, with mixed and nasal respiratory mode and type, respectively. As for GRBAS scale, the alterations appeared in light form in G (degree of vocal alteration) in 68% and S (tension) in 78% of the subjects.

Speech; Language and Hearing Sciences; Health Profile; Voice; Tourism

ABRAMO Associação Brasileira de Motricidade Orofacial Rua Uruguaiana, 516, Cep 13026-001 Campinas SP Brasil, Tel.: +55 19 3254-0342 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil