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The use of portfolio in Speech and Language Pathology undergraduate education from the perspective of comprehensive training

PURPOSE: to study the portfolio as a reflective tool for assessment and learning in a Speech and Language Pathology Course (SLP) and to investigate what the students expect and know about SPL field. METHODS: a retrospective study that is both qualitative and quantitative and approved by the Ethics in Research Commission. There were 24 participants who were first year students of a university level (SLP) and who were enrolled in a SLP History course. Data were collected using portfolios and reports written by the participants. More than one answer per category of analysis was acceptable. Statistical analysis was done with the Fischer's Exact Test and Chi-Square. RESULTS: as for the initial views of the SLP field, the portfolios show that 53% of the subjects (n=15) reported that they knew about the profession from earlier contact, while 40% reported little knowledge of the profession before registration. Due to the written reports, 71% of the subjects (n=24) indicated that the portfolios promote reflections and 50% indicate the contribution of the portfolio as a mean of acquisition of knowledge. CONCLUSION: the findings demonstrate the portfolio as an important tool in an ongoing reflective evaluation. There were changes about the initial impressions the undergraduates brought with them, as to their expectations and knowledge on SLP. This instrument contributes for defining the choice of profession, in some cases, and encourages the perception about the role of other disciplines, common doubts among students at this graduation period.

Education; Higher; Speech-Language Pathology; Evaluation

ABRAMO Associação Brasileira de Motricidade Orofacial Rua Uruguaiana, 516, Cep 13026-001 Campinas SP Brasil, Tel.: +55 19 3254-0342 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil