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Performance of students with developmental dyslexia in phonological and syllabic tasks

PURPOSE: to characterize and to compare the performance in phonological and syllabic tasks of developmental dyslexia to good readers. METHODS: twenty-six students participated, with age varying between 8 and 12 years, both genders, of 2nd and 4th grades of the municipal elementary education of the city of Marília-SP. They were divided into GI: 13 developmental dyslexic students Center of Studies of the Education and Health - CEES/UNESP, and GII: 13 good readers, paired by gender, age and school level. As procedure we used the Test of Phonological Awareness - Instrument of Sequential Evaluation - CONFIAS. The results were statistically analyzed by Mann-Whitney Test and Wilcoxon Test. RESULTS: the results evidenced significant statistical difference, suggesting better performance of the GII in relation to the GI in the phonemic and syllabic tasks. The GI presented statistical significant difference in the syllabics and phonemic tasks, with better performance in the syllabic tasks. The students of the GII did not have significant statistical difference as for the syllabic tasks, just among phonemic tasks. CONCLUSIONS: dyslexic students had difficulties in tasks of identification of rhymes and production of words with given sound, indicating a deficit in the access of phonological codes and phonological representations.

Learning; Dyslexia; Education

ABRAMO Associação Brasileira de Motricidade Orofacial Rua Uruguaiana, 516, Cep 13026-001 Campinas SP Brasil, Tel.: +55 19 3254-0342 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil