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Finger Kazoo: spectrographic acoustic modifications and vocal self-assessmentFinger Kazoo: modificações vocais acústicas espectrográficas e autoavaliação vocal


to correlate the spectrographic vocal modifications and self-evaluation after finger kazoo.


visual spectrographic analysis of the vowel /a:/ of 46 adult women, without vocal complaints or laryngeal alterations and self-evaluation before (Moment 1 – M1), after finger kazoo (M2) and after five minutes of silence (M3). Kappa, Chi-square and Spearman tests. The parameter for improving the voice was the statistical significance of the results after the finger kazoo.


improvement of darkening tracing of the formant (F) and high frequencies, of tracing regularity and definition of the harmonics. Best voice self-reported as increasing of intensity of the tracing darkening of F3, improvement of tracing definition and number of harmonic and replacement of harmonics with noise in medium frequencies.


after the finger kazoo, there was an increase of darkening, regularity and definition of the spectrographic tracing and best voice self-reported.

Voice; Phonation; Rehabilitation; Speech Acoustics

Voz; Fonação; Reabilitação; Acústica da Fala

ABRAMO Associação Brasileira de Motricidade Orofacial Rua Uruguaiana, 516, Cep 13026-001 Campinas SP Brasil, Tel.: +55 19 3254-0342 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil