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Cognitive, auditory and linguistic development in children exposed to music: production of national and international knowledge

Music is an important environmental factor for developing motor, hearing, language, cognitive and visual skills, among others. Recent studies refer to the relationship between music study and improving the auditory processing, linguistic and metalinguistic abilities and cognitive processes that are inherent skills in human communication. Speech-Language and Hearing Therapy is concerned with the acquisition, development and refinement of skills necessary for human communication. Thus, there seems to be an interrelationship between the areas of Music and Speech-Language and Hearing Therapy. The purpose of this study is to describe and analyze the scientific production relevant to understanding the influence of music in the auditory, linguistic and cognition activities. Despite scarce scientific literature on the theme, the studies suggest a positive relation between musical practice and children's overall development. Auditory processing has been the theme that is more often addressed in the literature, followed by cognition development and language. Music can become a real ally in Speech-Language and Hearing Therapy, demonstrating the importance of music education for children with speech and auditory processing disorders, as well as oral and written language disturbs. Based on what was found in the literature review, new prospects of work to be conducted in Speech-Language and Hearing Therapy are opened, so that the shortcomings may be overcome and new knowledge can be summed to the already built up in order to promote full development of the children.

speech, language and hearing sciences; music; language; auditory perception; cognition; child development

ABRAMO Associação Brasileira de Motricidade Orofacial Rua Uruguaiana, 516, Cep 13026-001 Campinas SP Brasil, Tel.: +55 19 3254-0342 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil