Open-access Phonological and lexical profile: relationship with environmental factors


PURPOSE:   to assess the relationship between phonological profile and vocabulary of children aged between four and five years and 11 months, from public and private schools in Belo Horizonte and to analyze the influence of the family and educational institution on child development.

METHODS:   96 children, aged between four and five years and 11 months, from two public and one private institution were evaluated. The the parents or guardians signed the Free and Cleared Term of Consent. The participants of the educational institution that were absent, those with inadequate conditions of evaluation or with neurogenic or cognitive problems, and those whose parents or guardians responded less than 70% of the Inventory of Resources of the Family Environment were excluded. This questionnaire, the phonology and the vocabulary tests of the Test of Children's Language were used as tools.

RESULTS:   participants of all ages showed better performance in the phonology test. Male children showed worse results in the vocabulary test. In relation to family environment, the majority of participants presented appropriate phonology and vocabulary. Children from the private institution showed lower performance on both tests. In all institutions, among the participants with appropriate vocabulary, the majority also presented appropriate phonology. Children with inappropriate phonology had 1,15 times more chance to present lexical problems.

CONCLUSION:   the relationship between phonology and vocabulary of children aged between four and five years and 11 months showed the influence of family environment on child development. The majority of children that presented a good vocabulary also showed appropriate phonology. There was no evidence that the school and the parental educational level are determinant factors for the child's development.

Keywords: Speech, Language and Hearing Science; Vocabulary; Language; Parent-Child Relations; Child Day Care Centers; Child Development

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