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Gastroesophageal reflux and swallowing in newborns and infants: integrative review of literature


The gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) has been found in 25% of babies and it could cause several damages in infant's development. This paper aims to realize an integrative review of literature searching publications that relates swallowing disturbances to the condition of gastroesophageal reflux in newborns and infants. The research was made consulting Bireme's (Virtual Health Library) and PubMed's websites. The catchwords used were gastroesophageal reflux, newborn and infant, both in Portuguese and in English. Descriptors were used in pairs, since their isolated use comprised many texts containing subject matters different from authors' interest. Papers from the last 10 years were selected. From the 1184 Bireme's and 1600 PubMed's articles analyzed through the application of inclusion and exclusion criteria, 23 articles left, being the majority concerned to GERD signs, symptoms and diagnosis. Two articles approached the GERD and swallowing, demonstrating that could have or not relation between the GERD and oropharyngeal dysphagia in newborns and infants, moreover, the lack of research on this subject matter shows the need of new studies focusing on the pathophysiological aspects involved.

Gastroesophageal Reflux; Swallowing Disturbances; Infants


O refluxo gastroesofágico é encontrado em 25% dos bebês e pode acarretar vários prejuízos para o desenvolvimento. O objetivo deste trabalho foi realizar uma revisão integrativa da literatura buscando verificar se há publicações relacionando alterações da deglutição com o quadro de refluxo gastroesofágico em recém-nascidos e lactentes. A pesquisa foi realizada consultando os sites da Bireme e da PubMed. Os unitermos utilizados foram refluxo gastroesofágico, recém-nascido e lactente, em português e os correspondentes em inglês. Os descritores foram utilizados pareados, pois isolados abrangia muitos textos com temáticas diferentes da de interesse. Os trabalhos selecionados foram dos últimos dez anos. Não houve limite de tempo. De 1184 artigos da Bireme e 1600 da PubMed analisados a partir da aplicação dos critérios de inclusão e exclusão, restaram 23 artigos, sendo a maioria voltada aos sinais, sintomas e diagnóstico do RGE. Dois artigos abordaram o RGE e a deglutição, demonstrando que pode haver ou não relação entre RGE e disfagia orofaríngea em recém nascidos e lactentes, sendo que a escassez de pesquisas com essa temática demonstrou a necessidade de novos estudos abordando os aspectos patofisiológicos envolvidos.

Refluxo Gastroesofágico; Transtornos da Deglutição; Lactente


The gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is defined as the involuntary return of the gastric content to esophagus¹1 Rudolph CD, Mazur LJ, Liptak GS, Boyle JT, Colletti RB, Gerson WT et al. Guidelines for evaluation and treatment of gastroesophageal reflux in infants and children: recommendations of the North American Society for Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr. 2001;32(Suppl 2):S1-31.and it happens in approximately 25% of babies, being the second greatest problem regarding the most prevailing affections of the digestive tract²2 Norton RC, Penna FJ. Refluxo gastroesofágico. J. pediatr. 2000;76(Supl 2): S218-24..

The GERD in children is classified as physiological, functional and primary and secondary pathological³3 Boyle JT. Gastroesophageal reflux in the pediatric patient. Gastroenterol Clin North Am. 1989;18(2):315-37. condition. The physiological GERD is characterized by episodic reflux, in the postprandial period, and it can occur at least in three short episodes, at the first two postprandial hours4 Duca AP. Deglutição em crianças com refluxo gastroesofágico: avaliação clínica fonoaudiológica e análise videofluoroscópica [dissertação]. Ribeirão Preto (SP): Universidade de São Paulo; 2004.. The functional GERD occurs with more frequency than the physiological one, however, without causing disease to the child. It is called functional for not having any basic dysfunction (mechanical, inflammatory, infectious or biochemical) that can lead to reflux, and it is a process of gastrointestinal maturity. Reflux still can be occult or silent, being possible that it becomes pathological4 Duca AP. Deglutição em crianças com refluxo gastroesofágico: avaliação clínica fonoaudiológica e análise videofluoroscópica [dissertação]. Ribeirão Preto (SP): Universidade de São Paulo; 2004..

Inasmuch as the GERD comprises extraesophageal areas, it ceases to be a problem restrict to the digestive tract. Among the GERD complications is mentioned the bronchitic asthma and the otorhinolaryngological problems, food problems5 Yellon RF. The spectrum of reflux-associated otolaryngologic problems in infants and children. Am J Med. 1997;103(5A):125S-9S., infantile colic6 Bronshtein M, Blumenfeld I, Blumenfeld Z. Early prenatal diagnosis of cleft lip and its potential impact on the number of babies with cleft lip. Br J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 1996;34(6):486-7. and dental erosion7 O'Sullivan EA, Curzon ME, Roberts GJ, Mila PJ, Stringer MD. Gastroesophageal reflux in children and its relationship to erosion of primary and permanet teeth. Eur J Oral Sci. 1998;106(3):765-9.. The GERD can also be considered the factor responsible for swallowing difficulty, both in newborns and in bigger children8 Field D, Garland M, Williams K. Correlates of specific childhood feeding problems. J Paediatr Child Health. 2003;39(4):299-304..

In spite of feeding, as well as breathing, being a natural function, it is necessary, to it occurs, a very complex process that involves several phases, as swallowing and digestion4 Duca AP. Deglutição em crianças com refluxo gastroesofágico: avaliação clínica fonoaudiológica e análise videofluoroscópica [dissertação]. Ribeirão Preto (SP): Universidade de São Paulo; 2004.. Interruptions or alterations in any of these phases can cause bad nutrition and growth deficit. The nutrition of a baby, especially in the first year of life, is essential to brain growth and development99 Arvedson JC, Rogers BT. Swallowing and feeding in the pediatric patient. In: Perlman AL, Schulze-Delrieu K. Deglutition and its Disorder. Anatomy physiology, clinical diagnosis and management. San Diego: Cengage Learning. 1996. p.419-48..

The most common symptoms that suggest a food problem are sucking and swallowing difficulties, apnea, repetitive cough and/or choking, excessive irritability, behavior changes during feeding, time of nutrition higher than 30 to 40 minutes, food refusal and growth deficit9 Arvedson JC, Rogers BT. Swallowing and feeding in the pediatric patient. In: Perlman AL, Schulze-Delrieu K. Deglutition and its Disorder. Anatomy physiology, clinical diagnosis and management. San Diego: Cengage Learning. 1996. p.419-48..

The occurrence of vomiting, regurgitation, chokings, lack of air, esophagitis, dysphagia, odynophagia, pyrosis and retrosternal pain make the child to relate food to discomfort, pain and antipleasure1010 Quintella T, Silva AA, Botelho MIMR. Distúrbio da Deglutição (E Aspiração) na Infância. In: Furquim AM, Santini CS. Disfagias Orofaríngeas. Carapicuíba: Pró-Fono. 1999. p.61-95.. On the other side, the GERD jeopardizes the integrity of baby's oral motricity, causing hypersensitivity in the oral cavity, anticipation of vomiting reflex and aversion to tactile stimulation, justifying the refusal of some food and textures1111 Meira RRS. Refluxo gastroesofágico: uma demanda da clínica pediátrica e a intervenção fonoaudiológica. In: Marchesan IQ, Zorzi JL, Gomes ICD. Tópicos em Fonoaudiologia. São Paulo:Lovise. 1998. p.479-87..

Thus, the objective of this paper was realize an review of literature to verify if there is publications relating swallowing disturbances to the condition of the GERD in newborns and infants.


This paper is an integrative review, with descriptive and analytic character, being based on the analysis of articles on gastroesophageal reflux in newborns and infants.

The collection of periodicals was realized in the Bireme's website (Virtual Health Library), being consulted the LILACS and MEDLINE's database, and in the PubMed's site.

The catchwords used to the research were: gastroesophageal reflux, newborn and infant, both in English and in Portuguese. The research was carried out with descriptors in pairs, since their isolated use comprised many texts containing subject matters different from authors' interest.

All the scientific articles that approached gastroesophageal reflux, both the physiological reflux and the GERD, in newborns and infants, in the period between 2004 and 2014, were included. All duplicated articles, those that did not approach the proposed subject matter, and those that did not mention babies or were not in the limit of time were excluded.

After all information was grasped and studied, the data were analyzed considering the journal and the year of publication, the research objective, the diagnosis exams and proposed treatments, as well as the relation between the gastroesophageal reflux and swallowing disturbances. At last, the levels of evidence of each study was analyzed, according to Souza, Silva e Carvalho (2010) 1212 Souza MT, Silva MD, Carvalho R. Revisão integrativa: o que é e como fazer. Einstein. 2010;8(1):102-6.. Subsequently this data were discussed and compared with literature.

Review of Literature

In the search carried out in the Bireme's website, using catchwords in pairs, 1.184 articles were found. According to the established criteria, 8 studies were selected in LILACS and MEDLINE's database. Yet in the search carried out in the PubMed's website, 1.600 articles were found, from which remained 15 articles after the application of inclusion and exclusion criteria. The steps of this selection are illustrated in Figure 1.

Figure 1:
Information referring to the bibliographic collection and selection of articles

Articles published in the period of 2004 to 2014 were selected, being one article published per year, mostly. The years of 2012 and 2013 presented the biggest number of publications (n=4). It was possible to observe that there was an increase in the number of publications on this subject matter in the last years, as presented in Figure 2.

Figure 2:
Presentation of the number of articles published per year according to the results found through the search in all data-bases e websites consulted

The Figure 3 presents information obtained from the analysis of each selected publication, being possible to observe that the majority of the studies had the objective of establishing the best exam to diagnose the GERD and, also, the objective of relating clinic signs to the exams. The medical journals presented the biggest number of published articles related to the subject matter (n=18), followed by the nutrition journals (n=2), speech therapist (n=1), sleep (n=1) and neonatal care (n=1).

Figure 3:
Information referring to the articles selected for the research, collected in Bireme's database, wich approached the gastroesophageal reflux disease in newborns and infants

According to the review that was realized, several exams were used to diagnose the GERD, however, the Esophageal pH monitoring was the most used (n=13) and demonstrated better sensitivity and greater reliability. The exams are presented in Figure 4.

Figure 4:
Presentation of the number of articles in relation to the diagnostic test used to detect the gastroesophageal reflux disease.

The signs and symptoms most related to the GERD were breathing problems (n=7), followed by regurgitations (n=5) and vomiting (n=4), regarding that the same article can mention t than one sign/symptom, as presents Figure 5.

Figure 5:
Presentation of the number of articles in which was mentioned the signs and symptoms - vomiting, breathing problems, chokings and others -related to the gastroesophageal reflux disease.

The most mentioned types of treatment were the postural one (n=4), drug treatment (n=3) and use of thickening formula (n=3). The treatments are presented in Figure 6.

Figure 6:
Presentation of the number of articles in which were presented treatments

Few articles related the GERD to swallowing (n=2), being one of them published in a journal that covers the area of phonoaudiology and the other the area of nutrition. The findings of these studies are disposed in Figure 7.

Figure 7:
Information referring to the articles that approached the relation between the gastroesophageal reflux disease and swallowing in babies and the findings of these studies.


The intention of this study was to research if the GERD influence on swallowing has become evident in the scientific literature, seeing the physiological GERD is common in the neonatal period and can cause damages to baby's health and development. The GERD is considered one of the main causes of visiting a pediatric gastroenterologist²2 Norton RC, Penna FJ. Refluxo gastroesofágico. J. pediatr. 2000;76(Supl 2): S218-24..

It was possible to observe that the number of publications is increasing over the years, corroborating Mooloy, Di Fiori, Martin (2005)3636 Molloy EJ, Di Fiore JM, Martin RJ. Does Gastroesophageal Reflux Cause Apnea in Preterm Infants? Biol Neonate. 2005;87(4):254-61., that verified an increase in researches on the GERD in the last decades due to its aspects that were not clarified yet.

The majority of the articles found sought to connect signs and symptoms with GERD verification1414 Costa AJD, Silva GAP, Gouveia PAC, Pereira Filho EM. Prevalência de refluxo gastroesofágico patológico em lactentes regurgitadores. J Pediatr. 2004;80(4):291-5. 1616 Miyazawa R, Tomomasa T, Kaneko H, Morikawa A. Effect of formula thickened with locust bean gum on gastric emptying in infants. J Paediatr Child Health. 2006;42(12):808-12. 2222 Lüthold SC, Rochat MK, Bähler P. Disagreement between symptom-reflux association analysis parameters in pediatric gastroesophageal reflux disease investigation. World J Gastroenterol. 2010;16(19):2401-6. 2424 Silva-Munhoz LF, Buhler KEB. Achados fluoroscópicos da deglutição: comparação entre recém-nascidos pré-termo e recém-nascidos de termo. J Soc Bras Fonoaudiol. 2011;23(3):206-13. 2727 Ammari M, Djeddi D, Léké A, Delanaud S, Stéphan-Blanchard E, Bach V, et al. Relationship between sleep and acid gastro-oesophageal reflux in neonates. J Sleep Res. 2012;21(1):80-6.and to identify the most sensitive exams to the GERD diagnosis. Another objective, that was also approached, was to study the effect of the postural treatment on the GERD, what proved to be efficient in both medical researches found1313 Mezzacappa MAMS, Goulart LM, Brunlli MMC. Influência dos decúbitos dorsal e ventral na monitorização do pH esofágico em recém-nascidos de muito baixo peso. Arq Gastroenterol. 2004;41(1):42-8. 1717 Woodley FW, Fernandez S, Mousa H. Diurnal variation in the chemical clearance of acid gastroesophageal reflux in infants. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2007;5(1):37-43., confirming the literature's findings3737 Tobin JM, McCloud P, Cameron DJ. Posture and gastro-oesophageal reflux: a case for left lateral positioning. Arch Dis Child. 1997;76(3):254-8..

The bibliographic collection demonstrated that great majority of publications found (n=18) correspond to medical field. There was a diversity of topics in the medical research found, from food thickening1616 Miyazawa R, Tomomasa T, Kaneko H, Morikawa A. Effect of formula thickened with locust bean gum on gastric emptying in infants. J Paediatr Child Health. 2006;42(12):808-12., corporal posture1313 Mezzacappa MAMS, Goulart LM, Brunlli MMC. Influência dos decúbitos dorsal e ventral na monitorização do pH esofágico em recém-nascidos de muito baixo peso. Arq Gastroenterol. 2004;41(1):42-8. 2929 Elser HE. Positioning after feedings: what is the evidence to reduce feeding intolerances? Adv Neonatal Care. 2012;12(3):172-5., diagnosis1414 Costa AJD, Silva GAP, Gouveia PAC, Pereira Filho EM. Prevalência de refluxo gastroesofágico patológico em lactentes regurgitadores. J Pediatr. 2004;80(4):291-5. 3131 Orenstein SR. Infant GERD: symptoms, reflux episodes & reflux disease, acid & non-acid refllux--implications for treatment with PPIs. Curr Gastroenterol Rep. 2013;15(11):353., treatments2626 Koivusalo AI, Pakarinen MP, Wikström A, Rintala RJ. Assessment and treatment of gastroesophageal reflux in healthy infants with apneic episodes: a retrospective analysis of 87 consecutive patients. Clin Pediatr. 2011;50(12):1096-102. 3232 Davidson G, Wenzl TG, Thomson M, Omari T, Barker P, Lundborg P et al. Efficacy and safety of once-daily esomeprazole for the treatment of gastroesophageal reflux disease in neonatal patients. J Pediatr. 2013;163(3):692-8. 3535 Indrio F, Di Mauro A, Riezzo G, Civardi E, Intini C, Corvaglia L et al. Prophylactic use of a probiotic in the prevention of colic, regurgitation, and functional constipation: a randomized clinical trial. JAMA Pediatr. 2014;168(3):228-33. to exams1515 Goldani HAS, Silveira TR, Rocha R, Celia L, Molle LD, Barros SGS. Predomínio de manifestações respiratórias na indicação de pHmetria esofágica prolongada em crianças. Arq Gastroenterol. 2005;42(3):173-7. 1919 Sakate M, Silveira GL, Muzio BP, Teigao Junior H, Ozaki JGO, Spadim MD et al. Refluxo gastroesofágico: estudo comparativo da receptividade e sensibilidade entre seriografia e ultrassonografia. Radiol Bras. 2009;42(4):245-8. 2020 Di Fiore JM, Arko M, Churbock K, Hibbs AM, Martin RJ. Technical limitations in detection of gastroesophageal reflux in neonates. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr. 2009;49(2):177-82. 2222 Lüthold SC, Rochat MK, Bähler P. Disagreement between symptom-reflux association analysis parameters in pediatric gastroesophageal reflux disease investigation. World J Gastroenterol. 2010;16(19):2401-6. 22 Norton RC, Penna FJ. Refluxo gastroesofágico. J. pediatr. 2000;76(Supl 2): S218-24., among others.

The most used diagnostic test and considered effective by the studies found1313 Mezzacappa MAMS, Goulart LM, Brunlli MMC. Influência dos decúbitos dorsal e ventral na monitorização do pH esofágico em recém-nascidos de muito baixo peso. Arq Gastroenterol. 2004;41(1):42-8. 1515 Goldani HAS, Silveira TR, Rocha R, Celia L, Molle LD, Barros SGS. Predomínio de manifestações respiratórias na indicação de pHmetria esofágica prolongada em crianças. Arq Gastroenterol. 2005;42(3):173-7. 1717 Woodley FW, Fernandez S, Mousa H. Diurnal variation in the chemical clearance of acid gastroesophageal reflux in infants. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2007;5(1):37-43. 2020 Di Fiore JM, Arko M, Churbock K, Hibbs AM, Martin RJ. Technical limitations in detection of gastroesophageal reflux in neonates. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr. 2009;49(2):177-82. 2222 Lüthold SC, Rochat MK, Bähler P. Disagreement between symptom-reflux association analysis parameters in pediatric gastroesophageal reflux disease investigation. World J Gastroenterol. 2010;16(19):2401-6. 2626 Koivusalo AI, Pakarinen MP, Wikström A, Rintala RJ. Assessment and treatment of gastroesophageal reflux in healthy infants with apneic episodes: a retrospective analysis of 87 consecutive patients. Clin Pediatr. 2011;50(12):1096-102. 2727 Ammari M, Djeddi D, Léké A, Delanaud S, Stéphan-Blanchard E, Bach V, et al. Relationship between sleep and acid gastro-oesophageal reflux in neonates. J Sleep Res. 2012;21(1):80-6. 2929 Elser HE. Positioning after feedings: what is the evidence to reduce feeding intolerances? Adv Neonatal Care. 2012;12(3):172-5. 3333 Machado R, Woodley FW, Skaggs B, Di Lorenzo C, Splaingard M, Mousa H. Gastroesophageal reflux causing sleep interruptions in infants. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr. 2013;56(4):431-5. was the Esophageal pH monitoring, confirming Moraes-Filho that consider the pH monitoring a gold standard test due to its sensitivity to detect problems and, still, to its capacity of propitiating a connection with the symptoms found in patients3838 Moraes-Filho JPP. Doença do refluxo gastroesofáfico. In: Dani R, Castro LP. Gastroenterologia Clínica. 3ª ed. Rio de Janeiro: Guanabara Koogan. 1993. p. 372-84.

The most mentioned signs/symptoms in the research were the breathing ones1414 Costa AJD, Silva GAP, Gouveia PAC, Pereira Filho EM. Prevalência de refluxo gastroesofágico patológico em lactentes regurgitadores. J Pediatr. 2004;80(4):291-5. 1515 Goldani HAS, Silveira TR, Rocha R, Celia L, Molle LD, Barros SGS. Predomínio de manifestações respiratórias na indicação de pHmetria esofágica prolongada em crianças. Arq Gastroenterol. 2005;42(3):173-7. 2020 Di Fiore JM, Arko M, Churbock K, Hibbs AM, Martin RJ. Technical limitations in detection of gastroesophageal reflux in neonates. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr. 2009;49(2):177-82. 2121 Bhatia J, Parish A. GERD or not GERD: the fussy infant. J Perinatol. 2009;29(Suppl 2):S7-11. 3131 Orenstein SR. Infant GERD: symptoms, reflux episodes & reflux disease, acid & non-acid refllux--implications for treatment with PPIs. Curr Gastroenterol Rep. 2013;15(11):353. 3333 Machado R, Woodley FW, Skaggs B, Di Lorenzo C, Splaingard M, Mousa H. Gastroesophageal reflux causing sleep interruptions in infants. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr. 2013;56(4):431-5., including oxygen saturation drop, pneumonia, the crying baby syndrome, cyanosis, among others, followed by regurgitation1616 Miyazawa R, Tomomasa T, Kaneko H, Morikawa A. Effect of formula thickened with locust bean gum on gastric emptying in infants. J Paediatr Child Health. 2006;42(12):808-12. 1818 Horvath A, Dziechciarz P, Szajewska H. The effect of thickened-feed interventions on gastroesophageal reflux in infants: systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized, controlled trials. Pediatrics. 2008;122(6):e1268-77. 3131 Orenstein SR. Infant GERD: symptoms, reflux episodes & reflux disease, acid & non-acid refllux--implications for treatment with PPIs. Curr Gastroenterol Rep. 2013;15(11):353. 3232 Davidson G, Wenzl TG, Thomson M, Omari T, Barker P, Lundborg P et al. Efficacy and safety of once-daily esomeprazole for the treatment of gastroesophageal reflux disease in neonatal patients. J Pediatr. 2013;163(3):692-8. 3535 Indrio F, Di Mauro A, Riezzo G, Civardi E, Intini C, Corvaglia L et al. Prophylactic use of a probiotic in the prevention of colic, regurgitation, and functional constipation: a randomized clinical trial. JAMA Pediatr. 2014;168(3):228-33.and vomiting1818 Horvath A, Dziechciarz P, Szajewska H. The effect of thickened-feed interventions on gastroesophageal reflux in infants: systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized, controlled trials. Pediatrics. 2008;122(6):e1268-77. 2121 Bhatia J, Parish A. GERD or not GERD: the fussy infant. J Perinatol. 2009;29(Suppl 2):S7-11. 3232 Davidson G, Wenzl TG, Thomson M, Omari T, Barker P, Lundborg P et al. Efficacy and safety of once-daily esomeprazole for the treatment of gastroesophageal reflux disease in neonatal patients. J Pediatr. 2013;163(3):692-8. 3333 Machado R, Woodley FW, Skaggs B, Di Lorenzo C, Splaingard M, Mousa H. Gastroesophageal reflux causing sleep interruptions in infants. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr. 2013;56(4):431-5., confirming another research22 Norton RC, Penna FJ. Refluxo gastroesofágico. J. pediatr. 2000;76(Supl 2): S218-24.that cited these ones as being the main clinic signs and symptoms.

In the research developed by Silva-Munhoz and Buhler2424 Silva-Munhoz LF, Buhler KEB. Achados fluoroscópicos da deglutição: comparação entre recém-nascidos pré-termo e recém-nascidos de termo. J Soc Bras Fonoaudiol. 2011;23(3):206-13., the authors related sign/symptom comparing preterm newborns with term newborns, where they ascertained that the preterm newborns presented higher desaturation, while the term newborns showed vomiting as the main symptom. Another topic found in this collection2121 Bhatia J, Parish A. GERD or not GERD: the fussy infant. J Perinatol. 2009;29(Suppl 2):S7-11. 3232 Davidson G, Wenzl TG, Thomson M, Omari T, Barker P, Lundborg P et al. Efficacy and safety of once-daily esomeprazole for the treatment of gastroesophageal reflux disease in neonatal patients. J Pediatr. 2013;163(3) the baby's nutritional state, that in most cases is altered, jeopardizing its growth, what corroborates literature22 Norton RC, Penna FJ. Refluxo gastroesofágico. J. pediatr. 2000;76(Supl 2): S218-24..

Drent and Pinto (2007)3939 Drent LV, Pinto EALC. Problemas de alimentação em crianças com doença do refluxo gastroesofágico. Pró-Fono R Atual Cient. 2007;19(1):59-66., relating the GERD to food problems, concluded that the GERD presence results in alimentary disturbances of behavioral and myofunctional orofacial magnitude, causing malnutrition and growth deficit. Meira (1998)1111 Meira RRS. Refluxo gastroesofágico: uma demanda da clínica pediátrica e a intervenção fonoaudiológica. In: Marchesan IQ, Zorzi JL, Gomes ICD. Tópicos em Fonoaudiologia. São Paulo:Lovise. 1998. p.479-87.still mentions that the GERD can increase the intraoral sensitivity, making child to develop aversion to some stimuli and textures, justifying the food refusal.

The studies showed that the therapeutic approach focusing in corporal posture changes1313 Mezzacappa MAMS, Goulart LM, Brunlli MMC. Influência dos decúbitos dorsal e ventral na monitorização do pH esofágico em recém-nascidos de muito baixo peso. Arq Gastroenterol. 2004;41(1):42-8. 2929 Elser HE. Positioning after feedings: what is the evidence to reduce feeding intolerances? Adv Neonatal Care. 2012;12(3):172-5.and formulae to modify food consistency1616 Miyazawa R, Tomomasa T, Kaneko H, Morikawa A. Effect of formula thickened with locust bean gum on gastric emptying in infants. J Paediatr Child Health. 2006;42(12):808-12. 1818 Horvath A, Dziechciarz P, Szajewska H. The effect of thickened-feed interventions on gastroesophageal reflux in infants: systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized, controlled trials. Pediatrics. 2008;122(6):e1268-77.generates positive results. Another authors approached, yet, medicinal treatment2626 Koivusalo AI, Pakarinen MP, Wikström A, Rintala RJ. Assessment and treatment of gastroesophageal reflux in healthy infants with apneic episodes: a retrospective analysis of 87 consecutive patients. Clin Pediatr. 2011;50(12):1096-102. 3131 Orenstein SR. Infant GERD: symptoms, reflux episodes & reflux disease, acid & non-acid refllux--implications for treatment with PPIs. Curr Gastroenterol Rep. 2013;15(11):353. 3232 Davidson G, Wenzl TG, Thomson M, Omari T, Barker P, Lundborg P et al. Efficacy and safety of once-daily esomeprazole for the treatment of gastroesophageal reflux disease in neonatal patients. J Pediatr. 2013;163(3):692-8., being necessary to adopt surgical conducts only in extreme cases.

The jeopardized oral and pharyngeal phases of swallowing and feeding difficulties in GERD children was considered only by two studies1414 Costa AJD, Silva GAP, Gouveia PAC, Pereira Filho EM. Prevalência de refluxo gastroesofágico patológico em lactentes regurgitadores. J Pediatr. 2004;80(4):291-5. 2424 Silva-Munhoz LF, Buhler KEB. Achados fluoroscópicos da deglutição: comparação entre recém-nascidos pré-termo e recém-nascidos de termo. J Soc Bras Fonoaudiol. 2011;23(3):206-13., being one of them published in a journal that covers the area of phonoaudiology and the other, the area of nutrition. However, in an article2424 Silva-Munhoz LF, Buhler KEB. Achados fluoroscópicos da deglutição: comparação entre recém-nascidos pré-termo e recém-nascidos de termo. J Soc Bras Fonoaudiol. 2011;23(3):206-13. this relation was not observed in term babies, only in preterm babies relating swallowing difficulty to immaturity. Additionally, a study4040 Neufeld CB, Toporovski MS, Magni AM, Martins VJ, Toledo C. Contribuição ao estudo do refluxo gastroesofágico em crianças: correlação entre cortejo de sinais e sintomas clínicos e a prova de pHmetria esofágica de 24 horas. Rev Paul Pediatr. 2003;21(3):143-52.that found association between such aspects evidenced the high incidence of this relation in babies that presented the GERD. Few researches of medical field dealt with the possibility of oropharyngeal dysphagia in this population, being scarce the references found that approach the oral phase of swallowing or even relate food problems to the GERD, evidencing the need of new researches.

The data found in the present research demonstrated that the GERD treatment must be multi-professional, being the participation of a phonoaudiologist of fundamental importance in the supervision of the sucking and swallowing conditions, enabling to obtain best results by reducing the risk of sequelae that can affect the child's global development.


The review of literature realized by this paper demonstrated that can have relation between the GERD and swallowing disturbances in newborns and infants, being that the scarcity of studies on this subject matter demonstrated the need of more researches approaching the pathophysiological aspects involved.


  • 1
    Rudolph CD, Mazur LJ, Liptak GS, Boyle JT, Colletti RB, Gerson WT et al. Guidelines for evaluation and treatment of gastroesophageal reflux in infants and children: recommendations of the North American Society for Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr. 2001;32(Suppl 2):S1-31.
  • 2
    Norton RC, Penna FJ. Refluxo gastroesofágico. J. pediatr. 2000;76(Supl 2): S218-24.
  • 3
    Boyle JT. Gastroesophageal reflux in the pediatric patient. Gastroenterol Clin North Am. 1989;18(2):315-37.
  • 4
    Duca AP. Deglutição em crianças com refluxo gastroesofágico: avaliação clínica fonoaudiológica e análise videofluoroscópica [dissertação]. Ribeirão Preto (SP): Universidade de São Paulo; 2004.
  • 5
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Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    Oct 2015


  • Received
    24 Mar 2015
  • Accepted
    26 June 2015
ABRAMO Associação Brasileira de Motricidade Orofacial Rua Uruguaiana, 516, Cep 13026-001 Campinas SP Brasil, Tel.: +55 19 3254-0342 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil