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Vocal sympton and its probable cause: data colleting in a population

PURPOSE: to analyze the occurrence of vocal symptoms and the relationship among their presence, as well as their probable cause, according to a population sample. Moreover, it is to analyze the probable correlations between the cited causes and symptoms. METHODS: 190 frequenters (18 to 45-year-old) of a Mall in São Paulo took part in the study. A questionnaire was used containing six closed questions of the yes / no type not referring to the aspects of health (including smoking), perception and probable cause of vocal symptoms. Data analysis was carried through by using chi-square test. RESULTS: the most referred four related symptoms were hoarseness (34.2%), ardor in the throat (24.7%), dry throat (21.6%) and dry cough (21.6%); and the most cited causes: high respiratory disease (46.4%), stress (14.2%) and intense voice use (11.1%). It was possible to evidence that in the opinion of the participants, the hoarseness is associated with the intense voice use (p<0.001) and with high respiratory affections (p>0.001); vocal fatigue, to stress (p<0.001); ardor in the throat, to high respiratory affections (p<0.001); and sore throat, to smoking (p=0.021) and use of drugs (p=0.002). CONCLUSION: the data indicate, therefore, that the studied population perceives that both external factors (stress), as well as habits (smoking and use of drugs) interfere in vocal production, as well as those related to health and voice (high respiratory affections and intense voice use).

Voice Disorders; Population; Epidemiology; Voice

ABRAMO Associação Brasileira de Motricidade Orofacial Rua Uruguaiana, 516, Cep 13026-001 Campinas SP Brasil, Tel.: +55 19 3254-0342 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil