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Health Promotion is a political and social process to educate and train the population for the purpose of developing a critical and reflective consciousness and then to achieve autonomy over their health by proposing changes in their own habits and also changes in the community where they are situated 11 Casas SB, Klijn TP. Promoción de la salud y su entorno laboral saludable. Rev Latino-am Enfermagem, 2006; 14(1): 136-41. 33 Santo R, Penna CM. A Educação em Saúde como estratégia para o cuidado à gestante, puérpera e ao recém nascido. Texto Contexto Enferm. 2009;18(4): 652-60..

It is essential to train people so that they can be prepared for all stages of their life and be able to cope with chronic diseases and injuries. This has to be facilitated at school, at home, at work and in the community. We must act through professional, commercial and voluntary educational organizations, and also within the institutions. This implies a solid base and an environment that supports and gives access to information, life skills and opportunities for making healthy choices. Populations cannot achieve their fullest health potential unless it is possible to control those elements that determine health issues 22 OMS. Declaración de Ottawa. Conferencia Internacional sobre Promoción de Salud. Ottawa. (Canadá): Organización Mundial de la Salud; 1986..

In that sense, Orofacial Myology, also known as Phonoaudiology, Myofunctional Therapy or Speech Therapy, has developed over the years various campaigns aimed at raising public awareness about the various problems that are treated by the Speech Therapist, but care must be taken to prevent pathology. However, there is enough scientific evidence that ignited a coordination of initiatives between universities and various health agencies in several countries in which health initiatives are implemented.

This scenario shows the need to develop global campaigns to strengthen the field of Orofacial Myology and promote transdisciplinarity to educate the public about the care that must be implemented to prevent disease.

In 1999 in Brazil the Sociedade Brasileira de Laringologia e Voz (SBLV) with the support of the Sociedade Brasileira de Otorrinolaringologia, the Sociedade Brasileira de Fonoaudiologia, the Sociedade Brasileira de Endoscopia, the Sociedade Brasileira de Cirurgia de Cabeça e Pescoço, the Associação Brasileira de Canto and the Conselho Regional de Fonoaudiologia 4°, created the Voice Day, developing awareness campaigns about laryngeal cancer throughout Brazil. This initiative inspired countries like Argentina, Portugal and the United States to initiate Voice Day campaigns to be celebrated the 16th of April of every year. In 2002 the American Academy of Otolaryngology - Head and Neck, created the "World Voice Day" and from that moment on, celebrations began to be held in various countries of the world, which raised awareness by other professionals and the public about caring for the voice 44 Dornelas R. Campanhas de Voz no Brasil: análise na perspectiva da promoção de saúde e prevenção de doenças. (Tese de doutorado). Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo - PUC-SP, São Paulo, 2015..

Another specialty in Speech Pathology is Orofacial Myology, and it is this specialty that initiated campaigns for awareness of initiatives of orofacial dysfunctions. In Brazil, Orofacial Myology is the field in which the Phonoaudiologist / Speech Therapist is responsible for the study, research, prevention, evaluation, development, qualification, improvement and rehabilitation of congenital or acquired disorders of the Myofunctional and cervical system and its functions, such as suction, chewing, swallowing, breathing and phono articulation 55 Conselho Federal de Fonoaudiologia. (2006). Resolução n. 320, de 17 de fevereiro de 2006. Dispõe sobre as especialidades reconhecidas pelo Conselho Federal de Fonoaudiologia, e dá outras providências. Recuperado 05 de julio de 2015, de
66 Departamento de Motricidade Orofacial da Sbfa. (2013). Áreas de Dominio en Motricidad Orofacial. Recuperado 10 de junio de 2015, de

The phonoaudiological work in Orofacial Myology area began in 1970 in several countries, and since then several books and scientific articles have been published. In addition, it began to create groups of Speech Therapists and other professionals interested in the study of the Stomatognathic System. Thus, in the year 1972 the United States created the International Association of Orofacial Myology (IAOM), the first association including Speech-Language Pathologists dedicated to applications of Orofacial Myology, which also created the International Journal of Orofacial Myology(IJOM) in 1975. The IJOM published specific scientific research in OM 77 Hanson ML, Barret RH. Fundamentals of orofacial myology. Springfield IL: Charles C. Thomas; 1988. 1010 Parra D, Macedo A. Historia de la Motricidad Orofacial en Latinoamérica. In: Susanibar F, Parra D, Dioses A. (Coord.). Motricidad Orofacial: Fundamentos basados en evidencias. Madrid, EOS, 2013..

In 1983 in São Paulo, Brazil the Centro Especializado en Fonoaudiología Clínica (CEFAC) was founded. In 1998 the Sociedade Brasileira de Fonoaudiologia (SBFa) founded the Orofacial Motricity committee which is now called the Department of Orofacial Myology. In that same year in the city of Buenos Aires in Argentina was created the Academia de Disfunciones Estomatognática (ALDE). In 2011 more institutions were created in Natal Brazil such as Associação Brasileira de Motricidade Orofacial (ABRAMO) and in Lima Peru the la Comunidad de Motricidad Orofacial Latinoamericana (CMOL). In 2012 a meeting was held with sixty participants from fifteen countries at the University of California San Diego in the United States. In order to address the needs of the field of Myofunctional Therapy in the world, one of the results of this meeting was the formation of the Academy of Applied Myofunctional Sciences (AAMS). In the year 2014 the Sociedade Portuguesa de Terapia de Fala (SPTF) was founded with a specific scientific Department for Orofacial Myology. In Italy, another group named Squilibrio Muscolare Oro-Facciale (SMOF) was founded. The Academy of Applied Myofunctional Sciences (AAMS) in USA; was formed in January of 2015. The Nordic Association of Myofunctional Therapy (NAMT) was created in Estonia also in 2015. 77 Hanson ML, Barret RH. Fundamentals of orofacial myology. Springfield IL: Charles C. Thomas; 1988. 1010 Parra D, Macedo A. Historia de la Motricidad Orofacial en Latinoamérica. In: Susanibar F, Parra D, Dioses A. (Coord.). Motricidad Orofacial: Fundamentos basados en evidencias. Madrid, EOS, 2013..

Many of the aforementioned associations organized congresses, symposiums and meetings to encourage the academic and scientific growth of the area of OM. This in turn generated global scientific theoretical studies, which contributed to the work of researchers, teachers and medical professionals. Since 1975, the IAOM has been holding an annual congress related to OM. In 1994, the CEFAC Institute in Brazil, under the coordination of Dr. Irene Marchesan, created the first specialized course in Orofacial Myology in the world. Subsequently, the association ALDE has conducted ten "scientific meetings" in Argentina, between 1998 and 2010. The association ABRAMO, before its official creation in the city of Natal, in Brazil, conducted five "Orofacial Myology Meetings", between 2004 and 2010. In 2011 the CMOL performed "A Refresher Course in Orofacial Myology" and a year later the "First American Congress of Orofacial Myology "was held 1111 Marchesan I. Breve histórico do comitê de motricidade orofacial. Comitê de Motricidade Orofacial - SBFa Motricidade Orofacial: como atuam os especialistas Comitê de MO - SBFa. Pulso Editorial: São José dos Campos, 2004. 1414 Susanibar F. (En prensa). Prólogo de la versión en español. En Evaluación en Motricidad Orofacial: Discusión de Casos Clínicos. São José dos Campos, SP: Pulso Editorial, 2013..

In 2015 in the city of Porto, Portugal the "First Iberoamerican Symposium of Orofacial Myology (SIAMO)" was organized. In May 2015 the "VIII ABRAMO Meeting" was held, in which that association was legally created. On 26th of June, in Lima Peru, the "II American Meeting and the I Iberoamerican Meeting of Orofacial Myology" was held.

During the 2014/2016 management period, The Department of Orofacial Myology of the SBFA instituted two celebration dates. The first is August 14th as the "Day of Focus on Oral Breathers". This date was chosen in honor of Dr. Adriana Tessitore, Speech Therapist and a distinguished professional who has contributed and continues to contribute to the development of Orofacial Myology in Brazil, especially with regards to respiratory function. Thus, on this day, the SBFA developed the promotion and education of health targeting the entire community, throughout all the Brazilian territory.

The second date is June 20th as the "National Day of Tongue Testing" in celebration of the adoption of Law No. 13.002, which requires the completion of the test for restricted lingual frenum on all newborn babies in all maternity hospitals throughout Brazil. The test was developed during her master's program by speech therapist Roberta Martinelli of the Faculty of Dentistry of Bauru, University of São Paulo. The assessment protocol in newborns allows examiners to establish the Orofacial Myofunctional criteria for the diagnosis of alterations of the frenulum of the tongue. The test allows for diagnosis and early intervention, thus contributing to effective and natural breastfeeding, and then to correct articulation of speech. Specific logos for each celebration date were also created. 1515 Departamento de Motricidade Orofacial da Sbfa. Cartilha do Teste da Linguinha: para mamar, falar e viver melhor. São José dos Campos, SP: Pulso Editorial, 2014a. Recuperado 10 de junio de 2015, de
1616 Departamento de Motricidade Orofacial da Sbfa. Dia de Atenção à Respiração Oral. 2014b. Recuperado 10 de junio de 2015, de

History shows growth of the specialty of Orofacial Myology in recent years, as the barriers of distance and difficulties of interaction between those professionals around the world who study the Stomatognathic System, have been overcome and shortened.

But what is a goal of all these scientific activities? It seeks to meet the objective of encouraging the prevention of Orofacial Myofunctional Disorders and promoting a system of health from gestation to aging, because that is one of the primary functions of the specialist in Orofacial Myology 55 Conselho Federal de Fonoaudiologia. (2006). Resolução n. 320, de 17 de fevereiro de 2006. Dispõe sobre as especialidades reconhecidas pelo Conselho Federal de Fonoaudiologia, e dá outras providências. Recuperado 05 de julio de 2015, de

It was these events that contributed to the initiative generated in the year 2014 by the director of the Sociedade Brasileira de Fonoaudiologia (SBFa) Dr. Irene Marchesan; by the director of the Sociedade Portuguesa de Terapia da Fala(SPTF) Ricardo Santos and by Franklin Susanibar director of the Comunidad de Motricidad Orofacial Latinoamericana (CMOL), who met several times to discuss, plan and outline what is today the WORLD OROFACIAL MYOFUNCTIONAL SCIENCE DAY. However, nothing would be possible without the support of their teams, the members of their institutions and other leading professionals giving all the necessary support possible.

Thus, on June 26 in Lima, Peru the "2nd American Meeting and the 1st Iberoamerican Meeting of Orofacial Myology" the WORLD OROFACIAL MYOFUNCTIONAL SCIENCE DAY was established and presented to the academic-scientific community, and it will be celebrated each year on February 17th. The meeting in Lima included participants from Colombia, Chile, Argentina, Brazil, Peru, Ecuador, Panama, Mexico, United States, Portugal and Spain. It was during this event, and during the round table "Evidence-based practice - EBP: Policy Actions Implementation and Achievements", that the "WORLD OROFACIAL MYOFUNCTIONAL SCIENCE DAY", was presented to the academic and scientific community. Then the participants of the round table signed the official document creating the event (Annex 1 Annex 1 ). The roundtable was attended by Antonio Macedo from Peru; Irene Marchesan from Brazil; Licia Paskay from the United States; Ana Ilse Arraga from Venezuela; Ricardo Santos from Portugal; Pia Villanueva from Chile; Norma Chiavaro from Argentina; Diana Grandi from Spain and Eliana Rivera from Colombia.

The celebration date is set on February 17th of each year. That day was chosen in honor of the Speech Therapist Dr. Irene Marchesan, who has contributed and continues to contribute to the growth of the OM in Brazil and around the world. The official logo for this day was selected and developed by the EPAP and the CEFAC Institute - Health and Education, which also developed the standards manual for proper use.

The creation of a "WORLD OROFACIAL MYOFUNCTIONAL SCIENCE DAY" is a result of the growing momentum, of the love and dedication of all the professionals involved in the study of the Stomatognathic System. It also seeks to improve the awareness of the general public about the care that must be taken to avoid disruptions and disorders of orofacial functions.

Sharing those studies also allows other professionals to raise awareness of the work done in Orofacial Myology, thereby contributing to the creation of scientific, academic and clinical networks.

In that sense, each year will have a specific goal and a particular slogan: the first year will highlight the importance of correct breathing. The slogan for the first year will be "Breathing, do you know how are you doing?" to ensure that all specialists in Orofacial Myology will engage in a great global initiative involving the various medical specialties, in order to prevent and minimize respiratory problems (oronasal breathing, OSA, etc.) that affect millions of people worldwide.

In 2016 Orofacial Myology will have many new challenges, and the success of the "WORLD OROFACIAL MYOFUNCTIONAL SCIENCE DAY" will depend on all those who appreciate the orofacial functions.

This is a small step in the consolidation of the passionate, ongoing, and day to day work of many. However, major challenges still lay ahead, and only by being "united in Orofacial Myology" will we succeed in disseminating and demonstrating the great importance of this specialty.


  • 1
    Casas SB, Klijn TP. Promoción de la salud y su entorno laboral saludable. Rev Latino-am Enfermagem, 2006; 14(1): 136-41.
  • 2
    OMS. Declaración de Ottawa. Conferencia Internacional sobre Promoción de Salud. Ottawa. (Canadá): Organización Mundial de la Salud; 1986.
  • 3
    Santo R, Penna CM. A Educação em Saúde como estratégia para o cuidado à gestante, puérpera e ao recém nascido. Texto Contexto Enferm. 2009;18(4): 652-60.
  • 4
    Dornelas R. Campanhas de Voz no Brasil: análise na perspectiva da promoção de saúde e prevenção de doenças. (Tese de doutorado). Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo - PUC-SP, São Paulo, 2015.
  • 5
    Conselho Federal de Fonoaudiologia. (2006). Resolução n. 320, de 17 de fevereiro de 2006. Dispõe sobre as especialidades reconhecidas pelo Conselho Federal de Fonoaudiologia, e dá outras providências. Recuperado 05 de julio de 2015, de
  • 6
    Departamento de Motricidade Orofacial da Sbfa. (2013). Áreas de Dominio en Motricidad Orofacial. Recuperado 10 de junio de 2015, de
  • 7
    Hanson ML, Barret RH. Fundamentals of orofacial myology. Springfield IL: Charles C. Thomas; 1988.
  • 8
    Hanson ML, Barret RH. Fundamentos da miologia orofacial. Rio de Janeiro: Enelivros, 1995. Ley Nº13.002, 20 de Junio de 2014, obliga la realización del Protocolo de Evaluación del Frenillo de la lengua en Bebés
  • 9
    Ferketic MM, Gardner K. Orofacial myology: beyond tongue thrust. Rockville MD: ASHA, 1994.
  • 10
    Parra D, Macedo A. Historia de la Motricidad Orofacial en Latinoamérica. In: Susanibar F, Parra D, Dioses A. (Coord.). Motricidad Orofacial: Fundamentos basados en evidencias. Madrid, EOS, 2013.
  • 11
    Marchesan I. Breve histórico do comitê de motricidade orofacial. Comitê de Motricidade Orofacial - SBFa Motricidade Orofacial: como atuam os especialistas Comitê de MO - SBFa. Pulso Editorial: São José dos Campos, 2004.
  • 12
    Marchesan I. Prefácio. In: Terapia Fonoaudiológica em Motricidade Orofacial. São José dos Campos, SP: Pulso Editorial, 2012.
  • 13
    Marchesan I, Zorzi J. Histórico do CEFAC, 2015. Recuperado 18 de junio de 2015, de
  • 14
    Susanibar F. (En prensa). Prólogo de la versión en español. En Evaluación en Motricidad Orofacial: Discusión de Casos Clínicos. São José dos Campos, SP: Pulso Editorial, 2013.
  • 15
    Departamento de Motricidade Orofacial da Sbfa. Cartilha do Teste da Linguinha: para mamar, falar e viver melhor. São José dos Campos, SP: Pulso Editorial, 2014a. Recuperado 10 de junio de 2015, de
  • 16
    Departamento de Motricidade Orofacial da Sbfa. Dia de Atenção à Respiração Oral. 2014b. Recuperado 10 de junio de 2015, de

Annex 1

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    Oct 2015
ABRAMO Associação Brasileira de Motricidade Orofacial Rua Uruguaiana, 516, Cep 13026-001 Campinas SP Brasil, Tel.: +55 19 3254-0342 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil