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Early undernutrition as a cause of changes in phonological processing skills



to determine whether undernutrition in the first years of life affects the phonological awareness skills, the phonological working memory and the school performance of children.


the participants were children with a history of moderate/severe undernutrition during their first years of life (G1) who achieved nutritional recovery (n = 15). The performance of G1 in different cognitive tasks (phonological awareness at the syllable and phoneme level, phonological working memory - repetition of digits and pseudowords, and reading, writing and arithmetic activities) was compared to that of children with school difficulties (G2) (n = 15) and without school difficulties (G3) (n = 15), all eutrophic ones.


the performance of G1 was worse than that of the other two groups in all tasks evaluated (mean score of G1, G2 and G3 and p-values: phonological awareness: 31, 41, 57 - 0.01; repetition of direct order digits: 18, 23, 28 - 0.001; writing: 4, 10, 22 - 0.001; reading: 26, 45, 65-0.001; arithmetic: 4, 7, 11- 0.001).


the results demonstrate that undernutrition affected the cognitive development, causing changes in important cognitive skills for the development of written language.

Malnutrition; Child Language; Memory, Short-Term; Learning; Cognition

ABRAMO Associação Brasileira de Motricidade Orofacial Rua Uruguaiana, 516, Cep 13026-001 Campinas SP Brasil, Tel.: +55 19 3254-0342 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil