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Emotional prosody recognition using pseudowords from the Hoosier Vocal Emotions Collection



to verify whether the Hoosier Vocal Emotions Collection corpus allows the identification of different emotional prosodies in Brazilian adults.


60 healthy adults equally distributed by sex, aged between 18 and 42 years, participated in the Mini-Mental State Examination and subtests related to prosody (Montreal communication battery and those from the Hoosier Vocal Emotions Collection corpus, with 73 pseudowords produced by two different actresses). The results were analyzed using descriptive statistics and the Chi-square test, which had a significance of 5%.


in general, the emotional prosodies from the Hoosier Vocal Emotions Collection were identified with an average accuracy of 43.63%, with the highest hits, in descending order, for neutrality, sadness, happiness, disgust, anger, and fear. As for sex, there were statistically significant differences regarding the correct answers in the neutrality and disgust prosodies for males, while for females, there were differences in happiness and anger prosodies. Both sexes had more incredible difficulty in identifying prosody related to fear.


the Hoosier Vocal Emotions Collection corpus allowed the identification of the emotional prosodies tested in the studied sample, with sexual dysmorphism to emotional prosodic identification being found.

Emotions; Voice Recognition; Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences



verificar se o corpus do Hoosier Vocal Emotions Collection permite a identificação de diferentes prosódias emocionais em adultos brasileiros, além de vislumbrar se a respectiva identificação é igual entre os sexos.


60 adultos hígidos distribuídos igualmente pelo sexo, com idades entre 18 e 42 anos, participaram do Mini-Exame do Estado Mental e de subtestes relacionados à prosódia (bateria Montreal de comunicação e os do corpus do Hoosier Vocal Emotions Collection, com 73 pseudopalavras produzidas por duas atrizes distintas). A análise dos resultados ocorreu por estatística descritiva e pelo teste Qui-quadrado com significância de 5%.


de forma geral, as prosódias emocionais do Hoosier Vocal Emotions Collection foram identificadas com precisão média de 43,63%, com maiores acertos, em ordem decrescente, para: neutro, tristeza, alegria, aversão, raiva e medo. Em relação ao sexo, houve diferenças estatisticamente significantes quanto aos acertos nas prosódias de neutralidade e aversão para o masculino, enquanto para o feminino nas prosódias de alegria e raiva. Ambos os sexos apresentaram maior dificuldade na identificação da prosódia relacionada ao medo.


o corpus do Hoosier Vocal Emotions Collection permitiu a identificação das prosódias emocionais testadas na amostra estudada, sendo constatada presença de dismorfismo sexual em relação à identificação prosódica emocional.

Emoções; Reconhecimento de Voz; Fonoaudiologia


The expression of emotion is multimodal (face, voice, and body) and needs to be minimally coherent between the resources used so that the emotional prosody can be understood, depending on how the sender interacts with a given situation11. Sznycer D, Cohen AS. Are emotions natural kinds after all? Rethinking the issue of response coherence. Evol. psychol. 2021;19(2):14747049211016009. PMID: 34060370.
. Regarding voice, the subject of this study, emotional prosodic differences allow the identification and discrimination of distinct emotional states. Several aspects can be analyzed, such as pitch (the subjective sensation of frequency), loudness (the personal sense of intensity), duration, and speed of speech. Furthermore, it is also possible to distinguish between simulated and non-simulated voices with adequate professional training. Identifying the sender's emotional state in most circumstances is plausible, thus increasing the degree of relevance for their interpretation in different fields of knowledge22. César CPHAR, Pellicani AD, Farias IS, Reis LF, Santos L. The identification of voice in emotions: A narrative review of the literature. In: Pereira S, César CPHAR, Landy N, editors. Face Summit 2021. Porto: FeeLab; 2022. p. 51-67..

However, the variations involve the larynx and the entire vocal tract. For example, in the prosody of sadness, the vocal tract tends to be less open for low vowels. In contrast, in the prosody of happiness, the vocal tract is significantly shorter than in anger and sadness, in most cases33. Kim J, Toutios A, Lee S, Narayanan SS. Vocal tract shaping of emotional speech. Comput. Speech Lang. 2020;64:101100. PMID: 32523241.

Some factors can impair the recognition of emotional prosody, such as auditory44. Yeshoda K, Raveendran R, Konadath S. Perception of vocal emotional prosody in children with hearing impairment. Int. j. pediatr. otorhinolaryngol. 2020;137:110252. PMID: 32896359.
and neurological55. Coulombe V, Happinessal M, Martel-Sauvageau V, Monetta L. Affective prosody disorders in adults with neurological conditions: A scoping review. International Int. J. Lang. Commun. Disord. 2023;58(6):1939-54. PMID: 37212522.
disorders, psychological disorders66. Zhang M, Xu S, Chen Y, Lin Y, Ding H, Zhang Y. Recognition of affective prosody in autism spectrum conditions: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Autism. 2022;26(4):798-813. PMID: 33722094.
, and disabilities in executive functions77. Ikeda S. Overcoming lexical bias in the judgment of emotion in speech: Role of executive function and usefulness understanding in young children. J. genet. psychol. 2022;183(3):211-21. PMID: 35132942.
. Given the above, researchers22. César CPHAR, Pellicani AD, Farias IS, Reis LF, Santos L. The identification of voice in emotions: A narrative review of the literature. In: Pereira S, César CPHAR, Landy N, editors. Face Summit 2021. Porto: FeeLab; 2022. p. 51-67. suggested paying attention to these aspects when analyzing emotional prosody.

According to the literature88. Darcy I, Fontaine NMG. The Hoosier vocal emotions corpus: a validated set of north american English pseudowords for evaluating emotion processing. Behav. Res. Meth. 2020;52(2):901-17. PMID: 31485866.
, validating corpus containing emotional prosodic stimuli, such as those from the Hoosier Vocal Emotions Collection, can facilitate the understanding of prosodic use and identification by researchers and clinicians. Thus, the use of adequately calibrated instruments would make it possible to investigate the processing of emotions in individuals with psychopathic traits, aphasia, schizophrenia, and other mental disorders, bilingual individuals, or non-native speakers of English, or even it could be used in the training of automatic emotion recognition algorithms, justifying the carrying out of this research on a Brazilian sample.

Therefore, this research aimed to verify whether the Hoosier Vocal Emotions Collection corpus allows the identification of emotional prosodies (happiness, sadness, anger, disgust, fear, and neutrality) in Brazilian adults and whether the respective identification is the same between the sexes.


This research was initiated after approval by the Research Ethics Committee (CEP) of the Federal University of Sergipe, Brazil, under CAAE nº 59618322.0.0000.5546 and opinion nº 5,539,794, following the ethical research recommendations described by Council Resolution 466/12 National Health.

This cross-sectional, descriptive, observational study was conducted with a meticulously selected convenience sample. The research took place at a Brazilian university, in a controlled environment, on days and times agreed upon with the research participants. The sample consisted of healthy Brazilian adults, carefully chosen for their lack of neurological disorders, as confirmed by their reports.

With a solid commitment to the rights and safety of the research participants, we ensured that the explanatory letter and the Free and Informed Consent Form were thoroughly read and signed. This process guaranteed the participants' right to privacy, secrecy, confidentiality, and anonymity of personal data. They were also assured the right to obtain information about the results of the tests applied and compensation for any signs of damage during and after the research.

Participants were recruited through an oral invitation, totaling 60 subjects distributed equally between the sexes. Ages ranged between 18 and 42 years old (average: 23.15±5.17), with 46 young adults between 18 and 24 and 14 adults between 25 and 42. Regarding education, they had between eight and 25 years of study (average: 16.15±4.06). According to the literature99. Kerr MS, Pagliarin KC, Mineiro A, Ferré P, Joanette Y, Fonseca RP. Montreal Communication Evaluation Battery - Portuguese version: Age and education effects. CoDAS. 2015;27(6):550-6. PMID: 26691619.
, age and education may affect the interpretation of results, justifying the choice of literate adults.

The inclusion criteria were complete primary education, age between 18 and 42 years old, negative screening for hearing loss, prosodic difficulties (comprehension and production), and cognitive changes. The exclusion criteria were: positive history regarding the use of drugs or medications that act on the central nervous system, neurological, psychic, and mental disorders, as well as the presence of visual difficulties (except those duly corrected).

Regarding the research procedures, participants carried out:

  • Anamnesis to collect information on identification data, socioeconomic data, and data relating to possible auditory, neurological, and comprehension complaints.

  • The Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE)1010. Folstein MF, Folstein SE, McHugh PR. Mini-Mental State: A practical method for grading the cognitive state of patients for clinician. J. Psychiatr. Res. 1975;12:189-98. PMID: 1202204.
    , translated and validated into Portuguese (BR)1111. Bertolucci PHF, Brucki SMD, Campacci SR, Juliano Y. O mini-exame do estado mental em uma população geral: impacto da escolaridade. Arq. Neuro-Psiquiatr. 1994;52(1):1-7. PMID: 1202204.
    , was thoughtfully used to ensure the inclusion of all participants, regardless of cognitive abilities. This approach was taken to avoid the exclusion of individuals with possible cognitive impairment, which could make the test difficult to understand. The Mini-Mental State Examination mean was 29.03±0.89, a result compatible with the participants' educational level, demonstrating the study's inclusivity.

  • Part of the adaptation of the "Protocole Montréal d'Évaluation de la Communication- Protocole MEC" (Montréal Communication Assessment Battery - MAC Battery), validated for Brazilian Portuguese1212. Fonseca RP, Parente MAMP, Côté H, Joanette Y. Adaptation process to Brazilian Portuguese of the Montreal communication evaluation battery: MAC battery. Psicol. Reflex. Crit. 2007;20:259-67.
    . This battery comprises nine tests: the questionnaire on awareness of difficulties, proof of conversational and narrative speeches, interpretation of metaphors, lexical evocation, linguistic and emotional prosody, indirect speech acts, and semantic judgment. As a screening for prosodic difficulties, only the conversational speech tests (through spontaneous conversation with possible topics: family, work, leisure, and current news, for four minutes) and linguistic and emotional prosodic skills (comprehension and production) were applied. The participant must present intact pragmatic, lexico-semantic, discursive, and prosodic aspects to be able to participate in the research. Those who obtained an adequate score for their age group and years of schooling, as proposed by the assessment instrument1212. Fonseca RP, Parente MAMP, Côté H, Joanette Y. Adaptation process to Brazilian Portuguese of the Montreal communication evaluation battery: MAC battery. Psicol. Reflex. Crit. 2007;20:259-67.
    , were included in the study. The average number of correct answers regarding the emotional prosody of the Montreal drums was 9.4±1.69.

  • Assessment of emotional prosody recognition: the Hoosier Vocal Emotions Collection corpus is composed of 73 disyllabic pseudowords pronounced in English by two actresses (AG and KM, as described in the original research), tested and validated by the authors of the respective collection8. The pseudowords were phonetically balanced using the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA). The American actresses emitted each pseudoword in six different ways (each pseudoword was emitted twice by each actress): with happiness, sadness, fear, anger, disgust, and neutrality, totaling 1,763 audio files divided into four lists (1 and 2 were produced by one actress, with 438 sounds each and 3 and 4 by another, with list 3 presenting 443 and list 4, 444 sounds). To use the pseudowords with the highest number of correct answers per tested emotion uttered by the actresses and reduce the application time, twelve pseudowords were selected from these lists for the prosodies of happiness, sadness, fear, anger, and disgust (totaling 50 pseudowords). There were thirteen with neutral prosody, so the total number of pseudowords tested for the Brazilian sample was 73. To this end, the pseudoword selection criterion was the highest percentage of correct answers based on the results of the original research8, as can be seen in Table 1. Therefore, the lists were offered in a randomized manner (randomization carried out using the Excel spreadsheet from the Microsoft Office® package) among the participants; with every 50 stimuli, there was a pause in order not to cause fatigue, thus avoiding possible errors. The final list used in the research is detailed in Table 1. The answers were written down on a sheet with six answer sheets. The accuracy rates for identifying emotions were analyzed based on the responses obtained. It is worth noting that the authors allowed using prosodic collections of pseudowords.

The previously selected pseudowords were presented on a pre-scheduled day and time with the participants in an air-conditioned room, using the Audacity® software, AKG K72 headphones, and Dell Intel core i5 computer. There was prior instruction so that the participant paid attention to the pseudoword offered and, later, marked on a specific sheet which emotional prosody corresponded to the one uttered. Two sentences were added to each pseudoword, created by a native Brazilian speech therapist, without changes in speech, namely: “I say” and “I say again”. Thus, each pseudoword was presented twice immediately following the sentence issued in Portuguese. For example: "I say < pseudoword of a certain emotional prosody" and "I say again <the same pseudoword emitted previously". To insert these excerpts in Portuguese (Brazil) into the pseudowords in the Hoosier Vocal Emotions Collection, the software Audacity® was used.

Table 1
Selection of 73 pseudowords from the Hoosier Vocal Emotional Collection corpus for each actress’s emissions with the average number of hits and standard deviation per emotion tested
Chart 1
List of 73 pseudowords selected, by Emotions, related to American actresses, used in the present research

At the end of the collection, the data were tabulated in Microsoft Office Excel 2013 spreadsheets. The results were analyzed using descriptive statistics, such as frequency, mean, and standard deviation measurements, and inferential statistics, such as the test Chi-square, considering a significance level of 5%, using the JAMOVI software.


Our research, conducted with a comprehensive sample encompassing all the prosodies in the Hoosier Vocal Emotions Collection, yielded a significant finding. In general, the correct answers corresponded to 43.63%. The detailed results obtained by emotional prosody can be seen in Table 2, providing a thorough and reliable data analysis.

Table 2
Number and percentage of correct answers from the 60 participants (30 for each corpus) for the prosodies tested, using pseudowords from the Hoosier Vocal Emotional Collection

When comparing the responses about gender, statistically significant differences were observed for the pseudowords that expressed the emotions of neutrality (p=0.015), with more excellent correct answers for male individuals (average number of correct answers=50.76%), disgust (p=0.042), as well as happiness (p=<0.001), with more excellent correct answers for female individuals (average number of correct answers=49.72%) and anger (p= 0.002), as can be seen in Table 3. No significant differences were found about sex for the emotions of sadness or fear.

Table 3
Number and percentage of male and female correct answers for the emotional prosodies tested using pseudowords from the Hoosier Vocal Emotional Collection


The objective of this research was to verify whether the Hoosier Vocal Emotions Collection corpus allows the identification of different emotional prosodies (happiness, sadness, anger, disgust, fear, and neutrality) in Brazilian adults, bearing in mind that, if possible, the results can be compared with other international research, with the instrument already validated. Generally, the tested prosodies were identified with an accuracy of 43.63%, similar to that obtained by the original authors88. Darcy I, Fontaine NMG. The Hoosier vocal emotions corpus: a validated set of north american English pseudowords for evaluating emotion processing. Behav. Res. Meth. 2020;52(2):901-17. PMID: 31485866.
, whose percentage was 45%. In this study, the entire corpus was not applied, and the pseudowords with the highest percentages of correct answers were selected from the collection of pseudowords88. Darcy I, Fontaine NMG. The Hoosier vocal emotions corpus: a validated set of north american English pseudowords for evaluating emotion processing. Behav. Res. Meth. 2020;52(2):901-17. PMID: 31485866.
. This choice was made due to the tiredness and difficulties reported by the participants since the Hoosier Vocal prosodies are emitted with medium/average prosodic intensity, different from the prosody of the MAC1212. Fonseca RP, Parente MAMP, Côté H, Joanette Y. Adaptation process to Brazilian Portuguese of the Montreal communication evaluation battery: MAC battery. Psicol. Reflex. Crit. 2007;20:259-67.
battery, which can be considered as strong, and for agility in the procedure (the original corpus of the Hoosier Vocal Emotions Collection has 1,763 files). However, 73 pseudowords were used for each corpus.

The prosodies that obtained above-average hits were neutrality, sadness, happiness, and disgust. Only neutral and sad results were presented in these prosodies, similar to those in the literature88. Darcy I, Fontaine NMG. The Hoosier vocal emotions corpus: a validated set of north american English pseudowords for evaluating emotion processing. Behav. Res. Meth. 2020;52(2):901-17. PMID: 31485866.
. Anger and fear were below average. In the study by Darcy and Fontaine88. Darcy I, Fontaine NMG. The Hoosier vocal emotions corpus: a validated set of north american English pseudowords for evaluating emotion processing. Behav. Res. Meth. 2020;52(2):901-17. PMID: 31485866.
, the emotional prosody of rage had the lowest identification rates. The prosody related to fear was among the prosodies with good percentages of correct answers. One study1313. Gruber T, Debracque C, Ceravolo L, Igloi K, Bosch BM, Frühholz S et al. Human discrimination and categorization of emotions in voices: A functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) study. Front. Neurosci. 2020;14:570. PMID: 32581695.
used functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) with three disyllabic pseudowords (“minad,” “lagod,” “namil”) emitted by four subjects (two of each sex) with different prosodies (happiness, sadness, fear, anger and neutrality). To this end, 28 healthy volunteers participated in the study, with a mean age of 26.44±4.7 years. The authors found that participants were faster in discriminating than in naming the prosodies tested and in processing the linguistic content than in emotional prosodies, especially in angry, fearful, and neutral prosodies. There was modulation of oxyhemoglobin changes in the inferior frontal gyrus depending on the condition, task, emotional prosody tested, and cerebral hemisphere. For fear prosody, they verified the involvement of the right hemisphere and, for anger, both hemispheres. Given the above, it can be inferred that the cognitive activity to identify fear and anger prosodies can be justified by the tasks implying greater neuronal load, resulting in more significant difficulties for their identification in the present study. In addition to the above, differences can be justified by the different prosodic use between countries, languages, sexes, and individuals1414. van Rijn P, Larrouy-Maestri P. Modelling individual and cross-cultural variation in the mapping of emotions to speech prosody. Nat. Hum. Behav. 2023;7(3):386-96. PMID: 36646838.

An important consideration to be made concerns the differences obtained in the prosodic identification of the MAC battery (94% correct) compared to the pseudowords from the Hoosier Vocal Emotions Collection (43.63%) selected in this study. In the MAC battery, sentences with a solid prosodic load are used. In contrast, in the present study, pseudowords with medium/average load were used, making the identification task much more difficult, as the literature points out88. Darcy I, Fontaine NMG. The Hoosier vocal emotions corpus: a validated set of north american English pseudowords for evaluating emotion processing. Behav. Res. Meth. 2020;52(2):901-17. PMID: 31485866.
. Furthermore, the literature1515. Morningstar M, Gilbert AC, Burdo J, Leis M, Dirks MA. Recognition of vocal socioemotional expressions at varying levels of emotional intensity. Emotion. 2021;21(7):1570-5. PMID: 34570558.
confirms the above, considering that listeners' accuracy in identifying specific emotional prosody increases according to its emotional intensity, such as, for example, anger. Therefore, when this emotion is transmitted in an average way or with a weak emotional charge, it is more likely to be misinterpreted1515. Morningstar M, Gilbert AC, Burdo J, Leis M, Dirks MA. Recognition of vocal socioemotional expressions at varying levels of emotional intensity. Emotion. 2021;21(7):1570-5. PMID: 34570558.

No statistically significant differences were found for identifying pseudowords about the presented corpus (described by the original authors as the AG corpus and the KM corpus), except the fear prosody, in which there was a more significant number of correct answers in the KM actress corpus. This difference did not occur in the original corpus and must have happened due to the prior selection used in the present study. Based on the results obtained, it is suggested that the pseudowords with the highest percentages of correct answers selected below be used to screen or evaluate the prosodies related to happiness, sadness, fear, disgust, anger, and neutrality (Table 2 - supplementary material), expanding, thus, the current evaluation options, since in Brazil there is only adaptation and validation of the MAC battery with three prosodies: happiness, anger, and sadness. Future research may clarify the use of pseudowords from the Hoosier Vocal Emotions Collection in different age groups and clinical conditions.

Chart 2
Suggested list of pseudowords for screening/evaluating emotional prosody in young and adult Brazilians, indicating the file to be used

Some prosodies are considered strong emotional activators (such as anger, fear, and happiness), while others show weak activation (such as sadness, boredom, and tenderness). In those with strong activation, the characteristics of acoustics are an increase in fundamental frequency, pitch, and speech speed. In those with weak emotional activation, the opposite occurs1616. Scherer KR. Vocal communication of emotion: A review of research paradigms. Speech Commun. 2003;40(1-2):227-56.
, and it is worth investigating whether there are differences between the sexes in this identification.

In this sense, in the present study, differences were found between the sexes about the prosodic identification of happiness and disgust (more excellent hits for women) and neutrality (men), and it is not possible to compare the results obtained with the original study88. Darcy I, Fontaine NMG. The Hoosier vocal emotions corpus: a validated set of north american English pseudowords for evaluating emotion processing. Behav. Res. Meth. 2020;52(2):901-17. PMID: 31485866.
, since this analysis was not carried out. However, researchers1717. Ertürk A, Gürses E, Kulak Kayikci ME. Sex related differences in the perception and production of emotional prosody in adults. Psychol. Res. 2024;88(2):449-57. PMID: 37542581.
did not find differences in identifying emotional prosody about the sexes. A literature review study1818. Lin Y, Ding H, Zhang Y. Unisensory and multisensory stroop effects modulate gender differences in verbal and nonverbal emotion perception. J. Speech Lang. Hear. Res. 2021;64(11):4439-57. PMID: 34469179.
showed differences in emotional prosodic identification between the sexes, and, according to the authors, differences in this sense may show that the processing of information between men and women occurs differently, both due to faster female temporal processing and due to the social role played by women in most cultures. A systematic review study with meta-analysis1919. Filkowski MM, Olsen RM, Duda B, Wanger TJ, Sabatinelli D. Sex differences in emotional perception: Meta analysis of divergent activation. Neuroimage. 2017;147:925-33. PMID: 27988321.
confirmed sexual dimorphism related to emotional reactivity in the activation of different brain areas, concluding that it is essential to consider sex in research involving emotion.

The importance of screening and evaluating prosody concerns the possibility of early diagnosis of mild cognitive disorders2020. Themistocleous C, Eckerström M, Kokkinakis D. Identification of mild cognitive impairment from speech in Swedish using deep sequential neural networks. Front. Neurol. 2018;9:975. PMID: 30498472.
,2121. Gosztolya G, Vincze V, Tóth L, Pákáski M, Kálmán J, Hoffmann I. Identifying mild cognitive impairment and mild Alzheimer's disease based on spontaneous speech using ASR and linguistic features. Comput. Speech Lang. 2019;53:181-97.
, allowing early intervention in these clinical conditions. In autism spectrum disorder (ASD), there may be difficulties in recognition and identification and in the use of emotional prosody66. Zhang M, Xu S, Chen Y, Lin Y, Ding H, Zhang Y. Recognition of affective prosody in autism spectrum conditions: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Autism. 2022;26(4):798-813. PMID: 33722094.
,2222. Zuanetti PA, Silva K, Pontes-Fernandes ÂC, Dornelas R, Fukuda MTH. Characteristics of the emissive prosody of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Rev. CEFAC. 2018;20(5):565-72.
, depending on the number of response options offered, the emotion tested, and the patient's verbal and cognitive skills6. In psychopathies, such difficulties can also occur, and it is even possible to observe them in children at high risk of developing future criminal behavior2323. Van Zonneveld L, De Sonneville L, Van Goozen S, Swaab H. Recognition of facial emotion and affective prosody in children at high risk of criminal behavior. J. Int. Neuropsychol. Soc. 2019;25(1):57-64. PMID: 30394247.
. Furthermore, changes in comprehension and prosodic production may highlight a neurological disorder that needs to be investigated55. Coulombe V, Happinessal M, Martel-Sauvageau V, Monetta L. Affective prosody disorders in adults with neurological conditions: A scoping review. International Int. J. Lang. Commun. Disord. 2023;58(6):1939-54. PMID: 37212522.
, justifying the research effort in the area, mainly due to the insufficient quantity of materials validated for use in Brazil.

As mentioned by Darcy and Fontaine88. Darcy I, Fontaine NMG. The Hoosier vocal emotions corpus: a validated set of north american English pseudowords for evaluating emotion processing. Behav. Res. Meth. 2020;52(2):901-17. PMID: 31485866.
, this research's limitation lies in the production of emotional prosodies uttered exclusively by two female people. This prevents the comparison of their identification in relation to the prosodic production emitted by male people, which is a gap for future investigations. However, there are reports in the literature that prosodic recognition is facilitated when the sender is female2424. Eskritt M, Zupan B. Emotion perception from vocal cues: Testing the influence of emotion intensity and sex on in-group advantage. Can. J. Exp. Psychol. 2023;77(3):202-11. PMID: 37535514.

As suggestions for further research, the application of the synthesized corpus with the best percentages of correct answers (both for actress AG and KM) in different age groups as an instrument to obtain correct scores and, as an example of research2525. Martzoukou M, Nasios G, Kosmidis MH, Papadopoulou D. Aging and the perception of affective and linguistic prosody. J. Psycholinguist Res. 2022;51(5):1001-21. PMID: 35441951.
on the differences between the emotional prosodic recognition of young and older adults, verifying whether the scores differ between age groups; apply the synthetic corpus to different conditions such as mild cognitive disorders, Parkinson's and Alzheimer's diseases, depressive conditions and psychopathies, for example, is suggested.


The findings showed that the Hoosier Vocal Emotions Collection corpus effectively identified emotional prosodies (happiness, sadness, anger, disgust, fear, and neutrality) in the study sample. Among the emotional prosodies tested, the most easily identified, in a descending order of correct answers, were neutrality, sadness, happiness, disgust, anger, and fear. Notably, statistically significant differences were found in the identification of neutrality and disgust for males and happiness and anger for females, indicating sexual dimorphism in emotional prosodic identification.


Special thanks to researchers and professors Isabelle Darcy (Indiana University, USA) and Nathalie Fontaine (Université de Montréal, Canada) for authorizing the use of the Hoosier Vocal Emotions Collection


  • 1
    Sznycer D, Cohen AS. Are emotions natural kinds after all? Rethinking the issue of response coherence. Evol. psychol. 2021;19(2):14747049211016009. PMID: 34060370.
  • 2
    César CPHAR, Pellicani AD, Farias IS, Reis LF, Santos L. The identification of voice in emotions: A narrative review of the literature. In: Pereira S, César CPHAR, Landy N, editors. Face Summit 2021. Porto: FeeLab; 2022. p. 51-67.
  • 3
    Kim J, Toutios A, Lee S, Narayanan SS. Vocal tract shaping of emotional speech. Comput. Speech Lang. 2020;64:101100. PMID: 32523241.
  • 4
    Yeshoda K, Raveendran R, Konadath S. Perception of vocal emotional prosody in children with hearing impairment. Int. j. pediatr. otorhinolaryngol. 2020;137:110252. PMID: 32896359.
  • 5
    Coulombe V, Happinessal M, Martel-Sauvageau V, Monetta L. Affective prosody disorders in adults with neurological conditions: A scoping review. International Int. J. Lang. Commun. Disord. 2023;58(6):1939-54. PMID: 37212522.
  • 6
    Zhang M, Xu S, Chen Y, Lin Y, Ding H, Zhang Y. Recognition of affective prosody in autism spectrum conditions: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Autism. 2022;26(4):798-813. PMID: 33722094.
  • 7
    Ikeda S. Overcoming lexical bias in the judgment of emotion in speech: Role of executive function and usefulness understanding in young children. J. genet. psychol. 2022;183(3):211-21. PMID: 35132942.
  • 8
    Darcy I, Fontaine NMG. The Hoosier vocal emotions corpus: a validated set of north american English pseudowords for evaluating emotion processing. Behav. Res. Meth. 2020;52(2):901-17. PMID: 31485866.
  • 9
    Kerr MS, Pagliarin KC, Mineiro A, Ferré P, Joanette Y, Fonseca RP. Montreal Communication Evaluation Battery - Portuguese version: Age and education effects. CoDAS. 2015;27(6):550-6. PMID: 26691619.
  • 10
    Folstein MF, Folstein SE, McHugh PR. Mini-Mental State: A practical method for grading the cognitive state of patients for clinician. J. Psychiatr. Res. 1975;12:189-98. PMID: 1202204.
  • 11
    Bertolucci PHF, Brucki SMD, Campacci SR, Juliano Y. O mini-exame do estado mental em uma população geral: impacto da escolaridade. Arq. Neuro-Psiquiatr. 1994;52(1):1-7. PMID: 1202204.
  • 12
    Fonseca RP, Parente MAMP, Côté H, Joanette Y. Adaptation process to Brazilian Portuguese of the Montreal communication evaluation battery: MAC battery. Psicol. Reflex. Crit. 2007;20:259-67.
  • 13
    Gruber T, Debracque C, Ceravolo L, Igloi K, Bosch BM, Frühholz S et al. Human discrimination and categorization of emotions in voices: A functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) study. Front. Neurosci. 2020;14:570. PMID: 32581695.
  • 14
    van Rijn P, Larrouy-Maestri P. Modelling individual and cross-cultural variation in the mapping of emotions to speech prosody. Nat. Hum. Behav. 2023;7(3):386-96. PMID: 36646838.
  • 15
    Morningstar M, Gilbert AC, Burdo J, Leis M, Dirks MA. Recognition of vocal socioemotional expressions at varying levels of emotional intensity. Emotion. 2021;21(7):1570-5. PMID: 34570558.
  • 16
    Scherer KR. Vocal communication of emotion: A review of research paradigms. Speech Commun. 2003;40(1-2):227-56.
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  • A study was conducted at the Universidade Federal de Sergipe, São Cristóvão, Sergipe, Brazil.
  • Financial support: Bolsa do Programa Institucional de Bolsas de Iniciação Cientifica (PIBIC) com verba do Conselho Nacional de Pesquisa (Pibic CNPq). Projeto Número PIA11179-2022
  • Data sharing statement: The individual data of de-identified participants (gender and age) can be shared upon request to the corresponding author by email. However, those using the shared data must commit to citing both the original authors of the Hoosier Vocal Emotions Collection and those of the present study.

Data availability

Data sharing statement: The individual data of de-identified participants (gender and age) can be shared upon request to the corresponding author by email. However, those using the shared data must commit to citing both the original authors of the Hoosier Vocal Emotions Collection and those of the present study.

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    26 Aug 2024
  • Date of issue


  • Received
    08 Apr 2024
  • Reviewed
    24 May 2024
  • Accepted
    05 June 2024
ABRAMO Associação Brasileira de Motricidade Orofacial Rua Uruguaiana, 516, Cep 13026-001 Campinas SP Brasil, Tel.: +55 19 3254-0342 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil