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Influence of the physical activity on motor performance of children with learning difficulties



to analyze the motor performance of children with complaints about learning difficulties after the intervention of a motor activity program.


twenty-two children (13 with complaints and 9 without) among 7 to 11 years old have taken part in this study and they were submitted to a motor evaluation; 14 children were selected for 12 sessions of the motor program related to fencing and circus activity. The data were analyzed with descriptivist and inferential statistics.


only children with complaints about learning difficulties who were submitted to intervention obtained progression percentage higher than 20%; children, with and without difficulties, who took part in the intervention showed progression between 10 and 20%. The progression average in specifics abilities and total progression index were higher for children with complaints.


It is indicated the intervention of Physical Education experts assisting children with difficulties, motivating them to do physical activity.

Child; Motor Activity; Physical Education and Training; Learning

ABRAMO Associação Brasileira de Motricidade Orofacial Rua Uruguaiana, 516, Cep 13026-001 Campinas SP Brasil, Tel.: +55 19 3254-0342 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil