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Prevalence of phonological deviations in children - 4 to 6 year old - from a kindergarten school in Canoas - RS

PURPOSE: to check the prevalence of phonological deviations and processes according to gender and age. METHOD: statistic and descriptive analysis of phonological evaluation of Yavas, Hernandorema and Lamprecht (2002). This was carried through in 60 kindergarden schools from 4 to 6 year old in municipal schools in Canoas - RS. The sample consisted of children whose parents did not report any auditory and neurological alterations and syndromes in the questionnaire. They did not specify if these children had already taken phonological treatment or phonetic deviations. RESULTS: the prevalence of phonological deviations was 55% and most of them were males. When they were 5 year old, we found major prevalence of phonological deviations. The most found phonological processes were a consonantal join of reduction (46,7%) , final liquid erase (40%) and liquid substitution (30%). The relations of the phonological prevalence process with gender were demonstrated similar in certain ways, except from the atonic syllabus for the male gender. CONCLUSION: the high prevalence of phonological deviations shows the necessity of public programs and health prevention for human communication.

Prevalence; Speech; Language and Hearing Sciences; Language

ABRAMO Associação Brasileira de Motricidade Orofacial Rua Uruguaiana, 516, Cep 13026-001 Campinas SP Brasil, Tel.: +55 19 3254-0342 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil