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Characterization of Fusarium spp. causal agent of wilt in pecan1 1 The article was extracted from the master's thesis of the first author.


One of the limiting factors for pecan production is the incidence of disease caused by Fusarium spp. which are a threat to orchards in the south of the country. Therefore, the study aimed to confirm the pathogenicity and evaluate the morphophysiological and molecular characteristics of Fusarium spp. associated with pecan in Rio Grande do Sul and Paraná. For this, samples of symptomatic plant material were collected, and potentially pathogenic isolates were evaluated for pathogenicity, by immersing the roots of the plants in a spore suspension of Fusarium spp. In addition, the severity of the disease was assessed using a rating scale according to the symptoms expressed by the plants. The isolates were also analyzed for morphophysiological variability, through evaluations of mycelial growth, colony and aerial mycelium pigmentation, and characteristics of reproductive structures. Molecular characterization was performed which amplify the region of the 1-alpha elongation factor and sequencing. Nineteen isolates were obtained, which were considered pathogenic, however, there was variability in their aggressiveness and morphophysiological characteristics. In addition, the sequencing was used to identify different species. Therefore, species of Fusarium are responsible for the occurrence of wilt in pecan in southern Brazil.

Carya illinoinesis ; elongation factor 1-alpha; fungi morphophysiology; genetic variability

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