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Occurrence of weed species due to the implementation of a crop succession system and early fertilization1 1 This work is part of the first author’s Doctoral Thesis.


The combination of management practices affects weed populations and biodiversity. The objective was to evaluate the infesting weed community in the implementation of a corn silage (Zea mays L.) /pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum L)/corn silage succession system subjected to early potassium fertilization in the winter crop. The experiment began in October 2019 under fallow area. In the 2019/20 summer season, corn silage was grown in a complete area. In the 2020 fall/winter season, the plots consisted of pearl millet, six doses of potassium fertilization (0, 30, 60, 90, 120 and 150 kg ha-1) and one fallow. In the 2020/21 summer season, the treatments consisted of corn silage and six doses of K2O, complementing the treatment applied in the previous harvest (120, 90, 60, 30, 0 kg ha-1) and one with recommended fertilization. Phytosociological evaluations of weeds were performed using a 0.25 m2 square. The density and number of species increased in the first year. Early fertilization at doses of 90, 120 and 150 kg ha-1 of K2O increased the dry weight of weeds before planting and at V4 stage of the corn silage cultivated in sequence; however, were lower than those for plots fallowed in the winter.

phytosociology; corn silage; pearl millet


Corn (Zea Mays L.) is one of the most cultivated cereals in the world, and due to its nutritional characteristics and high biomass production, it is widely used in silage production (Von Pinho et al., 2006Von Pinho RG, Vasconcelos RC & Rezende AV (2006) Influence of cutting height of plants in agronomic characteristics and nutritive value of silage of corn and different types of sorghum. Revista Brasileira de Milho e Sorgo, 5:266-279.). However, in whole-plant silage, is common high extraction of nutrients, mainly K, found mostly in corn biomass (Ambrosini et al., 2022Ambrosini VG, Almeida EA, Alves LA, Filippi D, Flores JPM, Fostin M, Fontouram SMV, Bortoluzzi EC, Bayer C & Tiecher T (2022) Effect of diversified cropping systems on crop yield, legacy, and budged of potassium in a subtropical Oxisoil. Field and Crop Research, 275:108342.), and consequent poor soils and reduced productivity in subsequent crops. Therefore, the management of potassium fertilization and the adoption of cover crops succession are one of the main tools to ensure high productivity, especially in regions where producers keep the soil bare during the off-season. According to Assis et al. (2016)Assis RL, Boer AA, Pacheco LP, Braz AJP, Costa KAP & Torres JL (2016) Produção e decomposição de biomassa de plantas de cobertura na primavera. Revista Energia na Agricultura, 31:328-333., fallow in agricultural systems may not be a good option, as it increases weed infestation and control costs in the area.

Weeds are plants that develop in an undesirable location, are aggressive in their development and have a strong capacity to produce seeds or propagules with high viability and longevity that can germinate in adverse environments and conditions or even remain dormant while awaiting conditions favorable to their growth and development (Vasconcelos et al., 2012Vasconcelos MCC, Silva AFA & Lima RS (2012) Interferência de plantas daninhas sobre plantas cultivadas. Agropecuária Científica no semiárido, 8:01-06. ). Weeds are one of the main factors limiting the productivity of agricultural systems, either due to competition for water, light and nutrients (Castro et al. 2011Castro GSA, Crusciol CAC, Negrisoli E & Perim L (2011) Weed Incidence in Grain Production Systems. Planta Daninha, 29:1001-1010.) or because they are hosts of pests, diseases and nematodes (Chipomho et al., 2018Chipomho J, Tauro T, Linda M, Chipomho C & Mashingaidze AM (2018) Influence of organic and inorganic amendments on rape (Brassica napus L.) leaf yield and weed dynamics in a highly degraded sandy soil at Marondera, Zimbabwe. Journal of Applied Science in Southern Africa, 24:50-56.). Some species have allelopathic effects, are toxic to animals and humans and are harmful to harvesting commercial crops (Vasconcelos et al., 2012Vasconcelos MCC, Silva AFA & Lima RS (2012) Interferência de plantas daninhas sobre plantas cultivadas. Agropecuária Científica no semiárido, 8:01-06. ). Therefore, studies allowing an understanding of the behavior of weeds in the use of sustainable agriculture in tropical soils are of substantial relevance considering the losses caused by these species, mainly in crops with a lower competition capacity (Concenço et al., 2013aConcenço G, Ceccon G, Correia IVT, Leite LF & Alves VB (2013a) Occurrence of weed species under crop succession. Planta Daninha, 31:359-368.).

The intrinsic characteristics of each production ecosystem can influence biodiversity and the weed population, promoting or not promoting the development of a given species (Concenço et al.,2013bConcenço G, Tomazi M, Correia IVT, Santos AS & Galon L (2013b) Phytosociological Surveys: Tools for weed Science? Planta Daninha, 31:469-482. ; Ulguim et al., 2018Ulguim AR, Carlos FS, Santos RAS, Zanon AJ, Werle IS & Beck M (2018) Weed phytosociological in irrigated rice under different cultivation systems and crop rotation. Ciência Rural, 48:e20180230. ; Travlos et al., 2018Travlos SI, Cheimona N, Roussis I & Bilalis DJ (2018) Weed-species abundance and diversity indices in relation to tillage systems and fertilization. Frontiers in Environmental Science, 6:11.). The use of crop succession and/or rotation with the use of cover crops can lead to a reduction in the seed bank and weed diversity (Travlos et al., 2018Travlos SI, Cheimona N, Roussis I & Bilalis DJ (2018) Weed-species abundance and diversity indices in relation to tillage systems and fertilization. Frontiers in Environmental Science, 6:11.; Nichols et al., 2020Nichols V, English L, Carlson S, Gailans S & Liebman M (2020) Effects of long-term cover cropping on weed seedbanks. Frontiers in Agronomy, 2:591091.). The straw formed by cover crops forms a barrier with a direct influence on light and temperature, affecting the germination of seeds and other weed propagules (Caratti et al., 2018Caratti FC, Lamego FP, Reinehr M, Fabiani MF, Frizon D & Mazo M (2018) Floristic composition of weed in different winter and summer covers. Comunicata Scientiae, 9:322-331. ). However, the higher soil moisture promoted by cover crops residues can increase weed seed germination (Gerhards & Schappert, 2019Gerhards R & Schappert A (2019) Advancing cover cropping in temperate integrated weed management. Pest Management Science, 76:42-46.). Some cover crops also have allelopathic potential by suppressing weeds (Jabran et al., 2015Jabran K, Mahajan G, Sardana V & Chauhan BS (2015) Allelopathy for weed control in agricultural systems. Crop Protection, 72:57-65.). On the other hand, in areas that are kept in fallow in the off-season, high reproduction of these plants is evident, resulting in an increase in the seed bank in the soil and thus contributing to greater infestations in crops in sequence, increasing costs and hindering control (Lima et al., 2014Lima SF, Timossi PC, Almeida DP & Silva UR (2014) Fitossociologia de plantas daninhas em conveniência com plantas de cobertura. Revista Caatinga, 27:37-47.).

Another factor influencing weed populations is the difference in the concentration and availability of nutrients in the soil (Cheimona et al., 2016Cheimona N, Angeli C, Panagiotou E, Tzanidaki A, Drontza C, Travlos I & Bilalis D (2016) Effect of different types of fertilization on weed flora in processed tomato crop. Agriculture and Agricultural Science Procedia, 10:26-31.; Travlos et al., 2018Travlos SI, Cheimona N, Roussis I & Bilalis DJ (2018) Weed-species abundance and diversity indices in relation to tillage systems and fertilization. Frontiers in Environmental Science, 6:11.). Management practices such as the application of different fertilizers such as N and P can cause changes in the density and composition of weed species (Than et al., 2017Than NN, Zhang S, Sun B, Yi H & Yang X (2017) Long-Term diverse fertilizer management on weed species and communities in winter wheat field. American Journal of Plant Sciences, 8:1790-1800. ). According to Jiang et al. (2018)Jiang M, Liu T, Huang N, Shen X, Shen M & Dai Q (2018) Effect of log-term fertilization on the weed community of a winter wheat fiel. Scientific Reports, 8:4017., N affects the density of different weeds, P affects the species that are already present, and K has an unknown effect, but the authors report that the composition of the weed community is related to the joint action of several environmental factors. For Chipomho et al. (2018)Chipomho J, Tauro T, Linda M, Chipomho C & Mashingaidze AM (2018) Influence of organic and inorganic amendments on rape (Brassica napus L.) leaf yield and weed dynamics in a highly degraded sandy soil at Marondera, Zimbabwe. Journal of Applied Science in Southern Africa, 24:50-56., the weed biomass is influenced by the combination of organic compounds and mineral fertilizers (NPK).

Phytosociological surveys of weeds represent an evaluation method that aims to provide information on the composition and distribution of weed species in a plant community (Concenço et al., 2013bConcenço G, Ceccon G, Correia IVT, Leite LF & Alves VB (2013a) Occurrence of weed species under crop succession. Planta Daninha, 31:359-368.). The use of phytosociological surveys is of considerable importance in cultivation areas because through these surveys, the species that stand out in relation to frequency, density and abundance can be identified through indices (Teixeira Júnior et al., 2020Teixeira Junior DL, Alves JMA, Albunquerque JAA, Rocha PRR, Castro TS & Barreto GF (2020) Ocorrência de plantas daninhas na cultura do feijão-caupi sob quatro manejos na Amazônia ocidental. Nativa: Pesquisas Agrárias e Ambientais, 8:427-435.). In addition, treatments or areas can be compared according to the plant species found (Concenço et al., 2013aConcenço G, Ceccon G, Correia IVT, Leite LF & Alves VB (2013a) Occurrence of weed species under crop succession. Planta Daninha, 31:359-368.), allowing the use of viable control strategies within each system (Teixeira Júnior et al., 2020Teixeira Junior DL, Alves JMA, Albunquerque JAA, Rocha PRR, Castro TS & Barreto GF (2020) Ocorrência de plantas daninhas na cultura do feijão-caupi sob quatro manejos na Amazônia ocidental. Nativa: Pesquisas Agrárias e Ambientais, 8:427-435.). Thus, knowledge of the diversity of species to understand the dynamics of weeds in relation to cultivated plants is also relevant in different growing periods (Castro et al., 2021Castro MA, Lima SF, Tomquelski GV & Andrade MGO (2021) Crop management and its effects on weed occurrence. Bioscience Journal, 37:e37012.), especially in Brazil, where the use of rotation and succession of crops is common.

The objective of this study was to evaluate the infesting weed community during the implementation of a succession system of corn silage (Zea mays L.)/pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum L.)/corn silage subjected to different doses of potassium fertilization applied in advance in the winter crop.


The experiment was conducted during the 2019/2020 summer season, in the 2020 fall/winter season and in the 2020/2021 summer season at the Center for Technology Development and Transfer (Centro de Desenvolvimento e Transferência de Tecnologia – CDTT), which belongs to the Federal University of Lavras (Universidade Federal de Lavras - UFLA), in Ijaci (21°10’S and 44°55’W), MG, Brazil. The climate of the region is characterized as humid temperate (Cwa), with hot and humid summers and dry and cold winters, with an average annual temperature of 19.4 °C and an average annual rainfall of 1,530 mm. The soil of the region is classified as dystrophic Red-Yellow Latosol (dRYL) (Santos et al., 2018Santos HG, Jacomine PKT, Anjos LHC, Oliveira VÁ, Lumbreras JF, Coelho MR, Almeida JA, Araújo Filho JC, Oliveira JB & Cunha TJF (2018) Sistema brasileiro de classificação de solos. 5a ed. Brasília, Embrapa. 365p.). A soil analysis performed in October 2019 for the 0-20 cm layer before the soil tillage showed the following characteristics shown in the Table 1.

Table 1
Soil analysis results performed in October 2019 (Oct 2019) and March 2020 (Mar 2020) for the 0-20 cm layer

Before the establishment of the experiment until October 2019, the area used was two years under fallow and was previously used in summer crops for the conventional cultivation of corn silage (Cs). To facilitate sampling, the plots were delimited; however, treatments were not applied. The experimental design was a randomized block with four replications.

In December 2019, the soil was prepared with two harrows. Before the last harrowing, liming was performed using 1.61 t ha-1 limestone (CaCO3) according to the soil analysis. For the 2019/2020 summer season, the experimental plots were composed of four of five-meter-long corn silage rows spaced 0.50 meters apart, totaling 12.5 m2. Corn silage (P3646 YHR hybrid) was sown, with a stand of 4.5 seeds/m. Plant fertilization was performed as recommended to the crop for all treatments, with 400 kg ha-1 of fertilizer 08 28 16, and for topdressing fertilization, 200 kg ha-1 of urea (46% N) was used. Weed control occurred in vegetative stage V4 of Cs using the herbicides glyphosate (720 g ai ha-1) and atrazine (1.25 kg ai ha-1). The harvest of Cs for ensiling took place in March 2020 and the second soil sampling was performed.

For the 2020 fall/winter season, the soil was again prepared with two harrows and the furrows were opened with the aid of a furrower. The experimental plot consisted of ten rows by five meters long spaced 0.25 meters apart, totaling 12.5 m2. Millet (Pennisetum glaucum L.) (BRS 1501cultivar) was sown at 15 kg ha-1 of seeds. Sowing was performed manually in April 2020. At seeding 150 kg ha-1 of monoammonium phosphate (10% N, 50% P2O5) was applied. Forty-seven days after sowing, K fertilizer was broadcast applied as muriate of potash (KCl, 57% K2O) at 0, 30, 60, 90, 120 and 150 kg K2O ha-1 (Table 2), also, 130 kg N ha-1 as urea (46% N) were broadcast applied. One plot per replication was left fallow.

In July 2020 (100 days after sowing), the millet was cut close to the ground with a backpack brush-cutter and then the residues were distributed within each plot. Due to lack of rainfall in the region which makes a third crop season impossible, the area remained in fallow until the 2020/2021 summer season and millet biomass remained in the soil as cover until November 2020. In November 2020, to eliminate existing weed and possible re-sprouting, all plots were desiccated using the herbicide Glyphosate (2.00 kg ai ha-1).

For the 2020/2021 summer season, the experimental plot consisted of five-meter-long Cs rows spaced 0.50 meter apart, totaling of 12.5 m2. The experimental design was a completely randomized block with four replications and the treatments was established under the treatments of the previous crop season (2020 fall/winter season). In December 2020, Cs (R9080 PRO2 hybrid) was sown. At seeding 350 kg ha-1 of monoammonium phosphate (11% N, 52% P2O5) was applied. After sowing, 30 kg K2O ha-1 as KCl was manually broadcast on the soil surface for all but two treatments – the treatment that had previously received 150 kg K2O ha-1 applied to the Millet and the fallow treatment (without millet biomass) (Table 2). The fallow treatment received the standard recommendation for Cs – 60 and 90 kg K2O ha-1 applied at planting and the V4 stage, respectively (Souza & Lobatto, 2004Souza DMG & Lobato E (2004) Cerrado: Correção do solo e adubação. Brasília, Embrapa Informação Tecnológica. 416p.). The remaining treatments received the K2O doses complementary the previous doses applied to the millet (30, 60, 90, 120 kg K2O ha-1) (Table 2). Also, at V4, 180 kg N ha-1 were broadcast by urea (46% N). Glyphosate (2.00 kg ai ha-1) and atrazine (1.25 kg ai ha-1) were broadcast applied at V4 Cs stage to all plots. Cs harvest took place in April 2021 (112 days after sowing).

Table 2
Composition of the treatments and rates of K applied to millet and corn silage

The infesting weed community was evaluated at six different periods during the experiment, always before the weed control: October 2019 (before soil preparation to the 2019/2020 harvest), November 2019 (corn silage at V4 stage, 2019/20 summer season, before the chemical control of weeds), March 2020 (millet management, at 120 days before the desiccation of the area), November 2020 (corn silage at V4 stage, 2020/21 summer season, before the chemical control of weeds) and April 2021 (before harvesting corn silage, 2020/21 summer season as shown in Table 3. The weed control was performed to ensure the good corn development and productivity as recommended to the crop.

Table 3
Periods of evaluations of infesting weed communities

For the survey of weed species, a metallic frame (0.5 m x 0.5 m) was randomly released once within the useful area of each plot. In each frame sampled, the weeds were identified, and the amount of each species was determined. The values obtained were used to calculate the total plant density m-2 and number of species m-2. To obtain the dry weight (DW), the collected material was dried in an oven with forced circulation at 65 °C and then weighed, and the values were expressed in g m-2. Subsequently, the species were grouped and classified according to family, period of evaluation and treatment.

To calculate the importance value index (IVI), which indicates which species are most important within the study area, the following phytosociological parameters were previously calculated: the frequency, which allowed evaluation of the distribution of plant species in each plot, density, which is the number of plants of each species per unit area, and abundance, which provides information on the concentration of species in the area. The relative frequency (RF), relative density (RD) and relative abundance (RA) were calculated from the results, which allowed us to obtain information on the relationship of each species with the other species found in the area (Tuffi Santos et al., 2004Tuffi Santos LD, Santos IC, Oliveira CH, Santos MV, Ferreira FA & Queiroz DS (2004) Levantamento Fitossociológico em pastagens degradadas sob condições de várzea. Planta Daninha, 22:343-349. ). To calculate the indices described, the formulas shown in Table 4 were used according to Mueller-Dombois & Ellenberg (1974)Mueller-Dombois D & Ellenberg HA (1974) Aims and methods of vegetation ecology. New York, John Wiley. 547p..

Table 4
Formulas used to determine phytosociological parameters according to Mueller-Dombois & Ellenberg (1974)Mueller-Dombois D & Ellenberg HA (1974) Aims and methods of vegetation ecology. New York, John Wiley. 547p.

For statistical analysis purposes, the data referring to the total plant density m-2, number of species m-2 and DW m-2 were transformed using the loge (x) formula to meet the statistical assumptions for the analysis of variance. Then, the transformed data were subjected to analysis (F test), which allowed evaluation of the effects of the treatments (plots) and of the evaluation periods (subplots) as well as the interaction between these factors. When significant, the means were subjected to the Tukey test using the statistical program R Studio (R Core Team, 2021R Core Team (2021) R: A language and environment for statistical computing. Vienna, R Foundation for Statistical Computing. Version 4.1.2. Available at: <>. Accessed on: November 16th, 2021.
) and the package version 1.2.1. (Ferreira et al., 2021Ferreira EB, Cavalcanti PP & Nogueira DA (2021) Pacote Experimental Designs (Portugues). R package version 1.2.1. Available at: <>. Accessed on: November 16th, 2021.
). For graphing, the data were transformed again.


Nineteen species of plants distributed in nine distinct families were identified. The families with the highest number of individuals were Asteraceae, with ten species identified, followed by the Poaceae family, with two species. For the families Amaranthaceae, Commeliaceae, Euphorbiaceae, Cyperaceae, Covolvulaceae and Portulaceae, only one species was identified per family. Some small plants that could not be identified were named “others”. Among the species, Commelina benghalensis L. was found in all evaluation periods, followed by Bidens pilosa L., Richardia brasiliensis Gomes and Tridax procumbens L., which were found in five of the six evaluation periods (Table 5).

Table 5
Distribution of weed species by species, family and evaluation period collected in the experimental area

The plant species present in each treatment and the IVI found in each evaluation period are shown in Table 6. For the evaluations performed in 2019 (Fallow), the species with the highest IVI were C. benghalensis in the FCMC30 treatment (300%) and R. brasiliensis in the FCMC0 (300%) and FCMC90 treatments (231.9%), followed by T. procumbens in the FCFCRec (170%), FCMC (152.9%) and FCMC120 treatments (150%) and R. brasiliensis, which also presented an IVI of 150% for the FCMC120 treatment.

In the evaluations of 2019/20 (CsV4), the species Portulaca oleracea L. and T. procumbens were found in all treatments and were among those with the highest IVI (Table 6). In the 2019/20 period (Cs harvest), the species C. benghalensis and Melampodium perfoliatum (Cav.) Kunth were found in all treatments; however, the highest IVI was observed for the species M. perfoliatum (Cav.) Kunth.

In 2020 (M+K2O), three species were identified in common among the treatments: Acanthospermum hispidum DC, C. benghalensis and R. brasiliensis. A. hispidum DC was among the species with the highest IVI in all treatments (Table 6). In 2020/21 (CsV4), A. hispidum DC and R. brasiliensis remained in all treatments; however, the highest IVI was observed for P. oleracea, which was also present in all treatments. In the evaluations performed in 2020/21 (CsV4), lower IVI values were also observed, except for the species P. oleracea, when compared with the species already present in previous evaluations. In the last evaluation period (2020/21 (Cs harvest)), the species R. brasiliensis remained present in all treatments, together with Gamochaeta coarctata (Willd.) Kerguélen, which stood out as the species with the highest IVI (Table 6).

Table 6
Weed species in each treatment and the importance value index (IVI) in the different evaluation periods. (IVI = importance value index; Fallow = area without any crop; CsV4 = corn silage at V4 stage; Cs harvest = harvest at corn silage; M+K2O = millet at different doses of K2O)

The individual results for weed density m-2 and the number of species m-2 are shown in Figures 1 and 2. No significant interactions were observed between treatments x evaluation period for weed density (p > 0.05) and weed species (p > 0.05). However, a significant difference was found for the evaluation periods and were thus analyzed in isolation (Figures 1 and 2).

Figure 1
The total weed density (number of plants m-2) in each evaluation period.
Figure 2
Weed species (number of species m-2) in each evaluation period.

The weed density was higher for the 2020/21 evaluation period (CsV4) (251.4 plants m-2), while the lowest density was observed in the 2019 evaluation period (Fallow) (7.1 plants m-2) followed by the 2019/20 evaluation period (Cs harvest) (30.2 plants m-2). The highest number of weed species was also observed for the 2020/21 evaluation period (CsV4) (18.86 species m-2), and the lowest number was observed for the 2019 evaluation period (Fallow) (4.6 species m-2). Conversely, the other periods (2019/20 (CsV4); 2019/20 (Cs harvest); 2020 (Fallow) and 2020/21 (Cs harvest) showed no significant difference between them, with an average of 11.2 species of plants m-2.

For the DW variable, a significant interaction was observed between treatments and evaluation period (p < 0.05) (Figures 3 and 4). Between the evaluation periods (Figure 3), the treatments differed only in the 2019 (Fallow) and 2020 (M+K2O) periods. For 2019 (Fallow), the highest DW means were found for treatments FCMC60 (31.0 gm-2) and FCMC90 (29.9 gm-2), followed by FCMC120 (25.4 gm-2), and the lowest mean was found in the FCMC30 treatment (4.7 gm-2). In the 2020 period (M+K2O), the highest mean DW was found for the FCFCRec treatment (143.0 gm-2).

Figure 3
Effect of the treatment x evaluation period interaction on weed dry weight (gm-2).
Figure 4
Effect of the evaluation period x treatment on weed dry weight (gm-2).

Comparing the effects of each treatment between the evaluation periods (Figure 4), the highest DW means were observed in the FCMC30 (30.1 and 26.02 gm-2), FCMC0 (36.0 and 47.0 gm-2) and FCMC (38.3 and 24.9 gm-2) treatments in the 2020 (Fallow) and 2020/2021 (CsV4) harvests, respectively. The lowest DW means were observed in the FCMC30 treatments (4.7 gm-2 and 7.7 gm-2) for the 2019 (Fallow) and 2020/21 (Cs harvest) harvests, the FCMC0 treatment (6.1 gm-2) for the 2019 harvest (Fallow) and the FCMC treatment (8.3 gm-2) for the 2020/21 harvest (Cs harvest). For the FCFCRec treatment, the highest DW value was observed in the 2020 harvest (Fallow) (143.0 gm-2), and the lowest values were observed in the 2019/20 (Cs harvest) (8.8 gm-2) and 2020/21 (Cs harvest) harvests (9.4 gm-2). For the other treatments, FCMC120, FCMC90 and FCMC60, no differences were observed.


The Asteraceae and Poaceae families contributed the largest number of species in agricultural areas under dystrophic Red Latosol in southwest Goiás in a soybean production system in succession with corn, sorghum, millet and fallow (Santos et al., 2016Santos WF, Procópio SO, Silva AG, Fernandes MF & Barroso ALL (2016) Weed phytosociological and floristic survey in agricultural areas of southwestern Goiás Region. Planta Daninha, 1:65-80.) and in a corn crop with different doses of nitrogen in a dystrophic red–yellow Latosol in Minas Gerais (Ferreira et al., 2019Ferreira EA, Paiva MCG, Pereira GAM, Oliveira MC & Silva EB (2019) Fitossociologia de plantas daninhas na cultura do milho submetida à aplicação de doses de nitrogênio. Revista de Agricultura Neotropical, 6:109-116. ). The Asteraceae family is one of the largest families and can be found worldwide, being present in different crops in Brazil (Tavares et al., 2013Tavares CJ, Jakelaitis A, Rezende BPM & Cunha PCR (2013) Fitossociologia de plantas daninhas na cultura do feijão. Revista Brasileira de Ciências Agrárias, 1:27-32.; Hani et al., 2017Hani M, Fenni M & Lebazda R (2017) Identification of weed seeds of some species belong to Asteraceae in Setifian high plateau. Advances in Environmental Biology, 2:60-65.). According to Lorenzi (2008)Lorenzi H (2008) Plantas Daninhas do Brasil: Terrestres, Aquáticas, Parasitas e Tóxicas. 4ª ed. Nova Odessa, Instituto Plantarum. 640p., plants of the families Asteraceae and Poaceae have a large diaspore production capacity, facilitating the propagation and occupation of the ecological niche in different environments, especially under unfavorable conditions for their development.

The constant presence of the species C. benghalensis during the evaluation periods in the study area (Table 5) may be related to the biology of the plant and the management methods used in the area, such as the use of the herbicide glyphosate for weed control in the 2019/20, 2020 and 2020/21 harvests and tools used in soil preparation, such as the brush cutter and harrow. According to Faden (1992)Faden RB (1992) Proposal to conserve Commelina benghalensis (Commelinaceae) with a conserve type under Art. 36.3. Taxon, 41:341-342. and Sarmento et al. (2015)Sarmento HGS, Campos Filho JMC, Aspiazú I, Rodrigues TM & Ferreira SA (2015) Levantamento fitossociológico de plantas daninhas em áreas de bananicultura no Vale do rio Gorutuba, norte de Minas Gerais. Revista Agroambiente On-line, 9:308-316., C. benghalensis is a species of considerable relevance since it has high reproductive capacity (seeds or vegetative parts of the stem), is able to survive in various environments, is tolerant to glyphosate and is an herbicide widely used in agricultural production systems. The tolerance to glyphosate of the species T. procumbens and R. brasiliensis (Cerdeira et al., 2011Cerdeira ALC, Gazzieiro DL, Duke SO & Matallo MB (2011) Agricultural Impacts of Glyphosate-Resistant Soybean Cultivation in South America. Journal of Agricultural food Chemistry, 59:5799-5807.) and the resistance of the species B. pilosa (Cruz et al., 2016Cruz RA, Fernández-Moreno PT, Ozuna CV, Rojano-Delgado AM, Cruz-Hipolito HE, Domínguez-Valenzuela JA, Barro F & Prado R (2016) Target and non-target site mechanisms developed by glyphosate-resitant Hairy beggarticks (Bidens pilosa L.) populations from Mexico. Frontiers in Plant Science, 7:1492.) may also be a factor that justifies the occurrence of these plants in most of the evaluation periods, depending on the appropriate management.

The IVI is an index that determines which species are most important within a plant community (Lima et al., 2014Lima SF, Timossi PC, Almeida DP & Silva UR (2014) Fitossociologia de plantas daninhas em conveniência com plantas de cobertura. Revista Caatinga, 27:37-47.). Thus, plants with the highest IVI should have priority in management to reduce interference in crop yield (Batista et al., 2016Batista PSC, Oliveira VS, Souza VB, Carvalho AJ & Aspiazu I (2016) Phytosociological survey of weeds in erect prostrate cowpea cultivars. Planta Daninha, 35:e017160273. ). In general, we observed a change in the most important weed species (IVI) during the evaluation periods, which shows the relevance of phytosociological studies in different periods, in addition to the need to understand the biology of these plants. According to Silva et al. (2018)Silva DA, Albuquerque JAA, Alves JMA, Rocha PRR, Medeiros RD, Finoto EL & Menezes PH (2018) Caracterização de plantas daninhas em área rotacionada de milho e feijão-caupi em plantio direto. Scientia Agropecuária, 1:07-15., the occurrence of a given species and the diversity of plants in a given area can be influenced by the types and intensity of crop treatments used during the management practices used, thus causing changes in the populations and distribution of plant species in a community. Therefore, for the present study, the occurring species (Table 5) as well as the lower density (Figure 1) and number of plant species (Figure 2) found in 2019 (Fallow) in relation to the other cultivation periods may be explained by the conditions of the experimental area that was in fallow, without soil preparation two years after successive Cs cultivation under conventional planting. According to Colbach et al. (2005)Colbach N, Durr C, Roger-Estrade J & Caneill J (2005) How to model the effects of farming practices on weed emergence? European Weed Research Society, 45:02-17. , soil tillage modifies its properties and seed distribution, in addition to directly affecting the germination and emergence of weeds. Soil tillage increases aeration, exposes the seeds of some species to the surface near light or buries the seeds of others that need different conditions to germinate (Blanco & Blanco, 1991Blanco HG & Blanco FM (1991) Efeito do manejo na emergência de plantas daninhas anuais. Pesquisa Agropecuária Brasileira, 26:215-220.), in addition to causing the spread of rhizomes, bulbs and tubers due to the fragmentation of its subterranean parts, causing breakage of dormancy and regrowth and thus increasing the infestation of the area (Silva et al., 2005Silva CSW, Souza CM, Souza BA, Fagundes JL, Falleiro RL, Silva AA & Sediyama CS (2005) Efeitos dos sistemas de preparo do solo na comunidade de plantas daninhas do milho. Revista Ceres, 52:555-566.).

Higher plant density (Figure 1) and plant species (Figure 2) values found for the 2020/21 evaluation period (CsV4) may be related to the climatic conditions and the fertilizations previously performed in the winter crop of 2020 (M+K2O) added to the planting fertilizations and the highest water availability. According to Ochoa-Huesto & Manrique (2010)Ochoa-Hueso R & Manrique E (2010) Nitrogen fertilization and water supply affect germination and plant establishment of the soil seed bank present in semi-arid Mediterranean scrubland. Plant Ecology, 2:263-273., soil moisture affects nutrient availability and seed germination and contributes to seedling survival and establishment. For Yang et al. (2011)Yang H, Li Y, Wu M, Zhang Z, Li L & Wang S (2011) Plant community responses to nitrogen addition and increase precipitation: the importance pf water availability and species traits. Global Change Biology, 17:2936-2944., water is one of the main limiting factors not only for the development but also for the diversity of weeds. In turn, the levels of nutrients present in the soil influence the community composition, density, and diversity of weed (Tang et al., 2014Tang L, Cheng C, Wan K, Li R, Wang D, Tao Y, Pan J, Xie J, Xie J & Chen F (2014) Impact of fertilizing pattern on the biodiversity of a weed community and wheat growth. Plos One, 9:e84370.; Than et al., 2017Than NN, Zhang S, Sun B, Yi H & Yang X (2017) Long-Term diverse fertilizer management on weed species and communities in winter wheat field. American Journal of Plant Sciences, 8:1790-1800. ; Baker et al., 2018Baker C, Madakadze IC, Swanepoel CM & Mavunganize Z (2018) Weed species composition and diversity under conservation agriculture with varying fertilizer rate. South Africa Journal of Plant and Soil, 5:01-08.).

The differences in DW of weeds observed among the treatments for the evaluations performed in 2019 (Fallow) (Figure 3) may be associated with the different species found and their different stages of development within the plots, considering that during this evaluation period, there was no variability between treatments. However, we also observed that the soil preparation (mowing + harrowing) performed for the implementation of the 2019/20 Cs harvest and the weed control with the combination of the herbicides glyphosate + atrazine was efficient for standardizing the occurrence of weed in the plots, as observed in the evaluation periods 2019/20 (CsV4) and 2019/20 (Cs harvest). According to Silva et al. (2020)Silva MS, Galon L, Rossetto ERO, Silva AF, Favretto EL, Brunetto L, Silva AML & Tonin RJ (2020) Weed management in glyphosate-resistant maize. Arquivos do Instituto Biológico, 87:e0862019., the use of herbicides with different mechanisms of action helps in the control of tolerant species, keeping the crop free of weed in its initial period of development.

In the evaluations performed in 2020 (Fallow), the highest mean in the FCFCRec treatment (143.0 gm-2) that was fallow at the time of sampling in relation to the other treatments shows that the efficacy of the millet crop remains in the off-season of Cs in the control of weed, even after 120 days of management. Similar results were obtained by Sodré Filho et al. (2008)Sodré Filho J, Carmona R, Cardoso NA & Carvalho AM (2008) Culturas de sucessão ao milho na dinâmica populacional de plantas daninhas. Scientia Agrária, 9:7-14., Castro et al. (2011)Castro GSA, Crusciol CAC, Negrisoli E & Perim L (2011) Weed Incidence in Grain Production Systems. Planta Daninha, 29:1001-1010. and Araújo et al. (2021)Araújo FC, Nasente AS, Guimarães JLN, Sousa VS, Freitas MAM & Santos FLS (2021) Cover crops in the off-season in the weed management at no tillage area. Revista Caatinga, 34:50-57., who observed a reduction in DW of weed in areas cultivated with cover crops in the off-season. According to Ferreira et al. (2018)Ferreira ACB, Borin ALDC, Bogiani JC & Lamas FM (2018) Suppressive effects on weed and dry matter yields of cover crops. Pesquisa Agropecuária Brasileira, 35:566-574., pearl millet is one of the main cover crop species used as a component of integrated management of weed in the Brazilian Cerrado region due to its large biomass production in a short period. However, according to Pereira et al. (2011)Pereira RA, Alves PLAA, Corrêa MP & Dias TCS (2011) Influência de aveia-preta e milheto sobre a comunidade de plantas daninhas e produção de soja. Agrária. Revista Brasileira de Ciências agrárias, 6:01-10., in areas covered with straw from cover crops, the increase in accumulated DW of weed occurs with the increase in the composition of crop remains. For these same authors, the greater the interval between the management of cover crops and the sowing of the crop in sequence, the greater the weed infestation.

With a significant effect observed between the evaluation periods for the FCMC30, FCMC0, and FCMC treatments (Figure 4), it was possible to infer that potassium fertilization doses above 90 kg ha-1 applied in advance in millet cultivated in the off-season caused an increase in the DW of weed in the 2020 (M+K2O) and 2020/21 (CsV4) harvests. However, the DW values obtained in 2020 (M+K2O) were lower than those observed for the FCFCRec treatment for this same harvest (Figures 3 and 4), which is currently under fallow conditions (2020 (Fallow). Khan et al. (2013)Khan MA, Kakar S, Marwat KB & Khan IA (2013) Differential Responses of Zea mays L. in Relation to weed control different macronutrient combinations. Sains Malaysiana, 10:1395-1404. evaluated the effect of fertilization with N, P and K, alone or in combination, on corn yield with and without weed infestation and observed that the lowest DW values of weed were obtained for the treatments containing K and PK. Everaarts (1992)Everaarts AP (1992) Response of weed application of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium on low-fertility acids soils in Suriname. Weed Research, 32:385-390. also found no responses to the application of K in relation to the DW of weed in two different sites and in acidic and low-fertility soils; however, the number of plants increased with the application of K. The author attributed the result to high amounts of K available in the soil. According to Bajwa et al. (2014)Bajwa A, Ehsanullan, Anjum SA, Nafees W, Tanveer M & Saeed HS (2014) Impact of fertilizer use on weed management in conservation agriculture – A review. Pakistan Journal of Agricultural Research, 27:69-78., weeds have different responses when subjected to different doses of fertilizers under different cultivation systems, rates, and application methods. To authors, the changes in soil fertility and physics caused by conservation cultivation systems promote a distinct environment for germination, emergence, growth, and competition for weeds; thus, variations in fertilizer doses, methods and types of application that occur in these systems should be performed according to the responses of the weeds. However, in this work, considering to be the first year of implementation of the no-till system and that changes in soil attributes occur with the time of adoption of the system, it is suggested that more striking changes in the weed community in this area may occur with the implementation time of the no-till system.


The management used in a given crop, as well as soil preparation, fertilization and water availability, alters the weed community, as well as the occurrence of the most important species.

The density and number of weed species increased in the first year of implementation of the no-tillage system of Cs grown in succession with early fertilization in the cover crop. However, studies are needed to verify the effect of these variables in the long term.

Early potassium fertilization with doses of 90, 120 and 150 kg ha-1 applied in advance in the winter crop (millet) increased the DW of weeds before planting and during vegetative stage V4 of Cs grown in sequence. However, the increase in weed DW values is considerably lower before planting than in an area kept in fallow.


This research was funded by the Federal University of Lavras and Coordination for the Improvement Education of Higher Education Pessonnel – Brazil. The authors declare no conflict of interest.

  • 1
    This work is part of the first author’s Doctoral Thesis.


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Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    09 Sept 2024
  • Date of issue


  • Received
    16 Feb 2022
  • Accepted
    18 June 2024
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