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Inbreeding depression and genetic variability of populations for green maize production1 1 This work is part of the Master’s Thesis of the first author


The production of green maize is considerable important for various regions of Brazil. It is vital that breeding programs of public institutions seek to meet the needs of this market sector, which has a relevant social role, mainly on small properties. The aim of this study was to estimate the inbreeding depression and the genetic components (m + a and d) of characters associated with green maize production and quality in three populations of different genetic basis: the variety UFG-Samambaia (P1), and two populations formed by crossing the commercial hybrids (P2 e P3). The S1 progenies of each population, the three S0 populations, and two checks were evaluated in a 14 × 14 triple lattice design. Agronomic and ear quality traits were evaluated. Genetic variability and greater inbreeding depression were observed for most of the traits among the P1 progenies. In P2 and P3, greater inbreeding depression was observed for male flowering, ear weight without straw, ear diameter, ear weight, female flowering, breakage and lodging, and grain color. The traits of ear quality, important for green maize production, had greater inbreeding depression than the agronomic traits, indicating that inbreeding depression and exploitation of heterosis should be considered in the selection process for these traits.

Zea mays ; line; hybrids; quality traits

Universidade Federal de Viçosa Av. Peter Henry Rolfs, s/n, 36570-000 Viçosa, Minas Gerais Brasil, Tel./Fax: (55 31) 3612-2078 - Viçosa - MG - Brazil